
Dimensional Chat Group?

Ahem, before you read this shit.This is something I wrote for whatever reason and some may not like it, so don't put high expectations on it or else you may be disappointed. If you don't like anything you find, then you are free to drop it, no, please drop it, I beg you, because I don't want someone that thinks himself a philosopher to criticize. If you have suggestions, I'm open to them. Last thing before I write the shitty synopsis, the update won't be according to a schedule or weekly, it may take a month to post, but I will post five chapters in one day. Clear? Now, let's get down to this shit because I don't want to say anything to the likes of you. ----------------------------------- Alan Walker, a 21 old university student, he suddenly died for unknown reasons while watching a military movie on the tv.Opening his eyes, he found himself in a weird room with weird decorations, but a surprise happened to him. [Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group, adventures are awaiting for you!] "What the heck?!" And as you had seen, it's truly surprising. You may read this shit to know what happened after that. ------------- I forgot to mention, there is Yuri in this novel but there is a reason and i'm not that generous to explain it, go read and see why.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

A Sword

In the morning.

I woke up, washed my body and had my breakfast before I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch in the living room with a cup of coffee in my hand, it was a habit of me in the past as whenever I finish my meal I would grab my phone and play with it while drinking some coffee or tea.

I opened the chat to see if there was anything new but I didn't find anything worth of my attention, Tatsuya wasn't surprised like Rias and only talked about how he could benefit from light novel and change the things that would happen in his world, especially his sister's obsession with him. I closed the app and put my phone down.

I just sat there on the couch while looking at the celling as I felt so empty inside. I thought of going out like I did yesterday but I decided against it, I didn't find it as exciting as I expected in my mind.

I felt quite bored.

"Is there anything worth attention in this world?" I said to the air while a bored look adorned my face.

But then an idea flashed my mind. I totally forgot that Kafka knew swordsmanship beside her lightning abilities, I only focused on them due to the rewards I got yesterday and totally forgot about it.

"Why not trying my swordsmanship and lightning abilities? I'm curious about them." I muttered to myself before put down my coffee cup along with my phone and got up and went to my bedroom to grab some sporting clothes, they were tight and revealed some of my skin beside emphasizing on my curves.

Seeing myself like that in the mirror, I made a decision that I wouldn't wear these clothes outside because I don't want some lustful and disgusting men ogle me with their filthy eyes.

Anyway, I walked out of the bedroom and went to the training room that was beside the gym.

The room was spacious and wide, clearly designed to fit my needs. The walls and the floor were a mix of white and gray, they were made of some fine materials to withstand my abilities.

Now that I remember, Kafka in the game used a sword and guns, where are they?

I wondered about the whereabouts of these two things because I can't train my swordsmanship without a sword or my marksmanship without a gun, right?

And as I wondered about them and imagined their exact shape in my mind, the shape that was in the pics I downloaded, suddenly I felt something being pulled out of me, as if someone grabbed my heart and tried to pull it out. Although imagining something like this seemed painful but to me it wasn't at all, I didn't feel any pain, just a slight warmness.

And as I felt it, three objects fell in my hands, a sword and two guns, there was engravings on those two forming two words, Ivory and Ebony, they were in Greek tho and I was quite surprised that I understood them.

Well, you could attribute this to me having Kafka's memoirs so it's no surprise that I could understand these two words engraved in Greek.

But that doesn't mean that I could understand Greek, right?

We will find when I try to read something in Greek.

Anyway, now I have my katana and guns, I can now start. First, let's try my swordsmanship skills.

I instinctively stored the guns inside of me as now I understand that from how they appeared in my hands just by thinking about them and the feeling of something being pulled out of me that they were connected to my soul, otherwise, there was no other explanation as Kafka doesn't have a sub-space to store her weapons there.

And I was right because I could feel them in my soul. My insight that I got from the ability Odin King of Runes made me understand things better and faster. This also may help me understand other languages too. Just the thought of discovering and learning new things made my heart flatter and beat in anticipation and fervor.

I stood in the center of the room with my katana in my left hand, the sheath was black with the tip of it colored in red wine color, it was very smooth to touch, I like the texture so much. Then slowly with my right hand, began unsheathing it, revealing a curved wine red single-edged blade with circular white guard and a long grip to accommodate two hands.

It had such elegant and sophisticated design, the blade was so clean that it reflected my face on it.

Holding it in my hand, I felt so familiar with it as if I had been using it for a very long time, as we were connected.

I put the sheath on the floor and held the katana with both of my hands then slowly I started practicing. Don't know what I was practicing but I had a vivid feeling of what I have to do.

My body moved like the calm current of water, so smooth and elegant and so calm and precise. The blade of the katana moved along with my body movements and created different shapes in the space, from a dragon, tiger, turtle to phoenix creating such a very beautiful and mesmerizing sight. But I was all focusing on my sword.

My mind was so clear and empty as if all the disturbing thoughts disappeared like a forgotten memory, the mist that clouded the mountains went away in the cold breeze of the wind.

I was so focused, not putting my attention away from my sword. Then suddenly the movements changed from the calm current of water to a wave that covered everything in sight with a great amount of water, the wave was strong and powerful that nothing could stand in its way. The movements of my body became faster and stronger as my breaths quickened, my eyes were sharp and precise.

The blade moved like indestructible waves creating an afterimages of red wine color formed many different shapes.

Then suddenly the movements calmed down and became like the calm breeze of wind in the autumn surrounded by the orange leaves that had fallen from the trees forming a very elegant and graceful picture.

I could feel breeze of air swirling around my body but it wasn't too cold or too hot, just like the warm breeze of the autumn, then before long the breeze became stronger and sharper and colder freezing the leaves that had fallen on the ground and covered the trees with white snow, I could feel it, this penetrating cold that could freeze the bones but to me it was like relaxing under the warm blanket with a cup of warm tea.

Like that, my body was moving from faster and stronger to calmer and slower while feeling the air around me changing its temperature as if the whole four seasons were rotating in the room. Such an incredible feeling I went through.

I stopped my movements as I was breathing heavily while sweat was sliding on my body as I didn't realize that it was already evening making me so shocked and surprised.

The clock in the training room pointed at 7pm.


I just moved my body with the sword but it was that long?!

Now that I recall it, I wasn't focusing on my surroundings only on the sword and nothing else so I didn't realize the time at all.

I could feel my body burning and hot due to how many hours I practiced without stopping for even a second. It was so incredible, I only moved with the sword and as if by instinct, the movements followed after each other as if these moves were engraved so deep in my body.

I was so astonished.

I could remember all of these moves that I did, evey move and every change happened I could remember it thanks to my enhanced brain.

But it wasn't that simple, not by remembering something and doing it as it was in your memory you could do it efficiently, no, it wasn't like that. You need to feel them, understand them and cope with them.

My sweat wasn't that much because of the enhancements that my body went through yesterday, but in normal circumstances my body won't sweat unless that movements I did took a toll on the body itself, no, it wasn't only the body but also the soul.

Now I noticed, I could feel my body got more refined and stronger and my mind was more refreshed and clearer.

These moves could also make me relax and feel good as well. But they take a toll on my body and soul the longer I practice them.

Now I know that the original Kafka practiced these movements every single day without stop.