
Dimensional Anime-Villain Group Chat

Hey everybody! This is your typical transmigrated into a world of anime where the protagonist is gonna get a lot of anime girls trash fanfic, yadayadayada. Y'know how this works. This is your typical degenerate sh*t. Oh yeah, expect a little incest and some other totally wack stuff. Expect a lot of BS, especially around the love, smut. Like girls falling for the MC kinda randomly as well. P.S. The protagonist isn't a villain. Why? Cus there's no need for him to be. He's not some edgy guy who likes killing. He's an anime fan who transmigrated into an anime world, and then got invited to a group chat full of villains, so don't raise your expectations. Another P.S. Likely not gonna finish this so don't get your hopes up too high if you get attached. Also, if you can, make comments on stuff I get wrong on anime. Like hair color, maybe some lore or background cus I forgot half of all this. None of these characters are mine except for the protagonist. They all belong to their respective authors.

EvilFairy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Shiro and Sora (No Game No Life Part 4)

"Big brother. You should've not made it so obvious that you were cheating"

Ryu turned around as he heard a familiar voice. He recognized it from the anime.

"The eight commandment: If you're found cheating during a game, you'll be disqualified and lose. Basically if you're not caught, it's okay"

It was them: Shiro and Sora, the protagonists of No Game No Life.

Sora was a tall, lean young man with spiky black hair, red eyes, and a sly grin.

While Shiro was a cute, pale girl with long, messy white hair and large golden-red eyes.

She wore an oversized purple sailor uniform and thigh-high stockings.

Their distinctive appearances marked them as the formidable gaming duo.

It seemed that since Ryu took Sarah's money they had targeted someone else for money.

"Oh. His clothes." Shiro noticed Ryu to the right of them.

"Do you notice it too, Sora?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah. He's wearing the same type of clothes from our world" Sora whispered, nodding his head.

It seemed like they weren't the only ones they sent into this world.

Ryu could clearly hear them. They really weren't hiding their whispers.

Ryu was slightly ecstatic.

He was a fan of Blank in the anime world as he played a couple of video games, so he couldn't help but want an autograph.

However, he knew that now wasn't the time.

"Hey. Who are you?" Sora asked as he made his way to Ryu.

Ryu paused for a moment before deciding his next move.

He knew that it was impossible for him to lie in front of the siblings.

They simply had another level of intelligence.

"Hello there! I'm Ryu. What are both of your names?" Ryu said, offering a friendly smile.

"You probably heard from our conversation earlier. Did Tet also send you here?" Sora asked bluntly.

"I don't want to answer that," Ryu said. Although he couldn't lie, he could just keep his mouth shut.

"How about we gamble for the answer?" Sora said with a sly grin.

"Oh? What do I get if I win?" Ryu said.

"You can have me and my little sister over here," Sora said, patting his little sister.

"Yup," Shiro said.

Ryu rolled his eyes. He didn't want to reveal any of his abilities before the actual tournament.

"Nope. Don't feel like it" Ryu said, shaking his head.

"Fine then," Sora said, sighing.

Ryu guessed that Sora was slightly curious about world travelers like him since they could be future competition.

Summoning Magic was discussed in the anime too, so Ryu wouldn't be surprised if there were indeed other people from his world.

However, he wasn't super curious, so he didn't care too much about it.

"Hey, Ryu. Look at all this gold. Isn't it fitting? Haha! For mere mortals to dare challenge me, how dare they? " A voice behind him said.

Ryu turned around to the voice.

It was Gilgamesh.

Why was he covered in gold jewelry?

What bank did he rob?

Wait. Was Giglamesh that good at gambling?

He really didn't know about his ability til now. It really wasn't discussed in the anime.

"I need another gold coin, Ryu" Pandora, while tugging his shirt.

"I wonder how the little cloaked girl escaped," Esdeath said.

"Hahaha. It seems that this world is much more interesting than it seems" All For One chuckled.

Esdeath and All For One came back.

It looked like the band was back together.

"Who are these two?" All For One asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"These two are Sora and Shiro," Ryu said.

Suddenly, without a warning, Sora yelled out loud: "Please marry me!"

"What?" The whole group faced Sora who was staring at Esdeath.

"Big brother… You said that I was the only one you needed" Shiro said hitting her brother on the chest, pouting.

"Shiro…" Sora paused for a moment, looking at Shiro.

"I was just acting cool! I'm sorry! It's not like I can go after sister, anyways! I'm already at that age, y'know! I have needs!"

Sora kneeled down in front of his sister's feet as though he was begging for mercy.

"No. I won't marry you." Esdeath interrupted bluntly.

"Noooo!" Sora collapsed onto the ground, putting his hand over his heart.

"Oh. My brother fainted" Shiro said, looking at his brother who had foam running out of his mouth.

"Can you help me carry him to our room?" Shiro asked calmly and softly.

"Yeah. I'll help, but first answer me this: Are you planning to compete for the title of the King of Imanity?" Ryu asked. Maybe he could prevent them from participating.

"Yup. 100%. We're going to win it" Shiro said in her standard adorable soft voice.

"I see. Is there any way I can stop you from preventing?" Ryu said. He knew that they would be the greatest opponents his team would have to face.

"Oh? Are you also competing?" Shiro said, tilting her head.

"Yeah," Esdeath said confidently. "And we're going to win"

Ryu stared at Esdeath who had her competitive nature brought out.

"No. We don't plan to lose. Ever" Shiro said as though Esdeath's nature brought out her competitiveness.

Ryu sighed. He then separated the two of them who were glaring at each other before helping carry Sora to his room and stopping.

"Thank you. Well then. I'll see you tomorrow" Shiro said, bowing down and shutting the door.

Ryu later discussed with them that they had to win the tournament tomorrow to win and become the King of Imanity.

Then, he brought his group members to the castle with Stephanie as the guide.

"I have no idea why I bet against living in my house with you guys," Stephanie said. "But even if I did, then it's not a big deal. Did you say that you were planning to become the King of Imanity?"

"Yeah," Ryu said. "Why?"

"Then do you think you can save Elkia from the brink of Extinction?" Stephanie asked, placing her hand on her chest. In the anime, Stephanie deeply cared about Imanity.

No wonder she was acting like this. She wanted someone in who she can place her hopes.

"Why not Chlammy? Didn't she win every time against you?"

"That's because..!" Stephanie wanted to say something, but she couldn't refute it. She only felt something was off, but didn't know what.

"I don't know why but I..I don't trust her. Something was weird." Stephanie said, blushing and looking down at her feet. She was twirling her fingers.

"Hahaha. You have a half-decent reading on people. You're correct. She's a lackey of the elven kingdom" Ryu said chuckling.

"What!?" Stephanie said looking all shocked.

"I have no reason to lie. My goal is to save Elkia, and to do that I have to become the King of Imanity. That's why I must defeat her." Ryu said, clenching his fist with determination.

Of course, it was all just an act to get closer to Stephanie, but it seemed to be working pretty well. Ryu was a tad two-faced.

Although he appeared to be righteous, he typically had his own agenda.

"So don't worry, I'll take care of everything," Ryu said, patting Stephanie's head.


Ryu stretched his arms yawning.

"I'll be going off to my room to sleep. Good night" Ryu said before leaving Stephanie's Living Room.

"A-Alright!" Stephanie said frantically.

She didn't know why but her heart was beating faster than ever before.

Those words struck a cord in her heart.

What were these emotions?

They felt different.

She then recalled a memory of a similar feeling she discussed with her grandfather.

"Is this love?" She muttered, imagining Ryu's handsome face.

She shook her head, blushing before going to bed.

However, she couldn't fall asleep all night, especially with the noise in the next bedroom.

None of the Villains were really too surprised about sleeping in the castle.

It was probably because they could easily destroy it if they really wanted to.

They soon all settled into their own individual rooms before sleeping.

Except one…