
Chapter 4 {I'm a what?}

(3rd POV)

It was already night time but somehow Yudais eyesight improves along with his other five senses, His eyes and ears became especially good. he can even hear conversations from other people's houses and see the street even though it's night.

Yudai was weirded out by this and rubbed his eyes, he Continued walking home after him and his friends hang out at the plaza, he was holding a plastic bag and inside of it was a game, Yudai was alone?

Yudai : "Man time does go by when you're having fun" Yudai recalled what happened in the plaza him and his friends played a fighter game in the arcade and after that they went to Wacdonalds to try out their spicy chicken sandwich and lastly bought the newest game Dragonic Knight V : Everlasting Enternity after that they split up Yudai and Yuu was supposed to go home together when Yuu's Girlfriend called him saying that she was near and wanted to meet up and because of that Yudai was now all alone?

When suddenly he heard flapping of wings, Black feather's were falling in the sky, Yudai looked up and saw a girl with blonde hair styled into twintails and blue eyes, She wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black Lolita dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair.

??? : "This is so anoying!, Why do I have to Patrol around that's was Dohnaseek's Thing!"

Yudai : "W-what!?" Yudai was surprised

The same girl in anoyance throwed a pink spear of light toward Yudai, fortunately Yudai was able to dodge it time.

Yudai : 'Shit, this can be happening right now' Yudai was panicking, He did not expect that his so called dream was true after all.

??? : "What lowly lonely stray" The lolita landed "I am the fallen angel Mittelt" Mittelt introduced Herself.

Wasting no time, during Mitelt introduction, Yudai ran of...

Mittelt : *Gasp* "How rude of you to just run of when someone's talking to you" Mitelt chased after Yudai.

After witnessing this Koneko immediately Return to The ORC to report to Rias.

/~Change Scene~/

Rias can be seen playing chess with a black haired girl, Koneko arrives and she reported what happened.

Rias : "I see"

Koneko : "Sure enough Your hunch was..."

Rias : "Right on the mark" Rias stood up

Black haired girl : "what shall we do now?"

Rias : "We Shall make our move now"

/~Change Scene~/

Yudai : 'Dammit why won't it appear' Yudai was dodging Four pink light spears, He can't summon the sacred gear called [TWICE IMPACT], and so his panic only worsen.

Mittelt : "Well why don't you Fight back, It doesn't really matter anyway" Mittelt prepares another pink light of spear, Yudai Backed but hit a wall, Yudai looked for an escape, sadly he did find any.

Mittelt : "Even if you're able to fight, a light spears to devil like you is practically poison, ehe" Mittelt smiled sinisterly.

Yudai : 'Ehe? Ehe my ass' Yudai was now angry at the lolita dress wearing gear "Oh don't worry it'll fight Alright!" a bright red light shine in Yudai's hand 'How does it activate maybe by strong emotions?' after that Yudai started running towards Mittelt.

Mittelt : "W-what a Sacred gear!? this can't be!?" in panic Mittelt launches the pink spear of light toward yudai.

Yudai : 'I hope this works' Yudai blocks the pink light spear with his red Gauntlet, The gem on the Gauntlet Glowed "Alright it worked!, Ohoho You're done now" Yudai started running even faster.

Mittelt : "W-what that isn't fair!" Mitelt Prepares two more light spear's, Before she could throw them Yudai was near enough for a punch.

Yudai : "Take this HAH!!" Yudai gave Mittelt a good right hook.

Mittelt : "Ouch that hurts a litte-" Right as she said that.


Mittelt : "AHHHHHHHH!" she went flying right to a wall.


The wall that Mittelt flied or rather sent flying to, Fell over her.

Yudai : "haaa.. that surprisingly went well" Yudai the looked at his hand 'So what happened yesterday wasn't a dream after all This encounter proves it' He clenched his right fist.

Mittelt : "Why you!!, Why are you making this difficult for yourself!?" she rise from the from the pile of stone on top her "I promised Rayner that I'll finish devil's with sacred gear quickly when I run into them" She Readied two more pink light spears "When I'm done with you, they won't be able to bring you back!!" she threw One at Yudai.

Yudai : "Bring me back? Woah?!" Yudai almost got hit, but she misses 'I wasn't almost able to dodge that one' The spear of light was faster that the last one 'She was playing with me before was she' Yudai ran towards Mittelt, when she threw the second one he dodge it by running to the left.

Yudai was almost near Mittelt, She was preparing to fly to the sky.

Yudai : 'If she flies it over, I won't be able to hit her' Yudai ran faster, When Mittelt was about to fly up in the sky, Yudai was quick enough and grabbed her right hand using his left hand.

Mittelt : "Let go of me!!" She tried to shake Yudai's hand of hers but Yudai's grip of her was strong, Mittelt summoned a light spear using her left hand, before she was able to Release it Yudai forcefully pulled her left hand making her lose her balance.

Yudai : "Take this"

Mittelt : "W-wait a minute, don't do this" Yudai put all of his strength to his fist and punched her in the gut.


Mittelt : "Guh!" Mittelt didn't flied backwards because Yudai was still holding her right hand.

Yudai Punch Mittelt in the guts again


And Again


And Again


Each time Yudai punch, his punches were getting stronger.

Yudai lets go of Mittelt left hand.

Mittelt : *Cough* *Cough* Mittelt fell down on her knees and cough's out blood.

Yudai seeing Mittelt was already on the floor, He decided that the best course of action was for him to run away before that Rayner person or any other of her allies arrives.

Yudai : 'If that ever happened I'm gonna need help'

Yudai turned his back and walked away, unknown to him Mittelt was able to make one more spear of light and throw it to him.

he heard the sound of the wind, an explosion materialises behind him, When he look back, a girl with white hair blocked it.

Koneko : "You ok?" Koneko Said in a emotionless voice

Yudai : "Um... Yes?" 'How did Koneko blocked that?' Yudai was confused.

Mittelt : "Why you" Mittelt slowly stood up and prepare one more spear of light before she was hit by a yellow lightning.

Mittelt : "AHHHHH!!!!!!!" Mittelt was shocked literally by a Blacked haired woman.

Blacked haired girl : "Ara~Ara Done already" The Blacked Haired Girl walks infront of Koneko with electricity pulsing in her hand.

Yellow magic circle appear above Mittelt, not wanting to get shocked she flew back.

Rias : "That's enough for now Akeno"

Akeno : "Yes President" Akeno stopped her attack.

Mittelt : "R-red hair.... you're from the house of Gremory!?"

Yudai : 'House of Gremory? Nevermind that I need to finish this'

Mittelt summoned one more light spear and threw it at the nearest person she can hit which was Akeno.

Yudai : "Watch out!" Yudai blocked it, The Gauntlet Glowed again, After that he ran towards Mittelt And upper cut her.

Rias : "Impressive"

Mittelt : "AHHhh!" When flying through the air, She was able to stop by using her wings.

Mittelt : "This i-isnt Fair he wasn't supposed to be this strong" Mittelt was not in a good shape to fight right now, every inch of her body hurts, it this continues she'll die.

Rias : "By The way to answer your question, Yes I am from the Gremory household, Rias Gremory how are you today, My dear fallen angel"

Mittelt : "Hmph And that devil, what is he...What is he to you?"

Rias : "This boy right here is Sakaki Yudai, My Servant!"

Yudai was shocked by this information, And Pointed to himself.

Yudai : "Ha? Me a Servant?" 'Wait devil?' Yudai's confusion grew once more.

Mittelt : "He's? apart of Your household

Rias : "Yes, Try anything to harm him and I'll show you no mercy"

Mittelt : "I'm terribly sorry for what happened today, I Thought Your servant was a mere stray"

Yudai : 'She doesn't even mean it!'

Mittelt : "Try to keep an eye on your servants Gremory, you'll need it"

Rias : "I appreciate the advice"

Mittelt : "And you boy, try not to get you're self involved in the affairs of Fallen Angels, you'll regret it"

Yudai : "Wait hold up"

Mittelt : "Once again I'm Mittelt, I Hope well never met again" After Mittelt Said that she flew away.

The sky turned back to the same starry night.

Akeno : "That was dangerous, Who would have thought you'd face of another Fallen angel"

Yudai : "Fallen Angel?"

Rias : "Now I know that you have alot of question that you want answers to but that's all going to be answered tomorrow"

Yudai : "Tomorrow?"

Rias : "Yes I'll send someone to get you, if it's fine by you?"

Yudai : 'If all my questions are going to get answered tomorrow might as well agree' "Sure it fine"

Rias : "Koneko please escort Yudai-kun safely to his home"

Koneko : "Yes president"

Rias : "You've already met Koneko before right" She asked Yudai.

Yudai : "Yes" Koneko got to Yudai side

Koneko : "Let's go?"

Yudai : "Umu, Well I'll see you two tommorow" right before Yudai can walked he was hugged by the black haired girl.

Akeno : "Ara~Ara leaving so soon~"

Yudai : "Sorry who are you again?"

Akeno : "Ara~ Were you just playing with my feeling~" Akeno licks her lips.

Yudai : "What Feelings?"

Akeno : "Himejima Akeno A pleasure to finally meet you~" Rias holds her forehead.

Yudai : "No the pleasure is all mine really" Yudai looked at Koneko "Well I'll get going now, Let's get going Toujou-San"

Koneko : "Umu"

Yudai : "Um I know this is kinda rude but can you help me find something I drop when I was being chased by that fallen angel"

Koneko : "Ok, if"

Yudai : "If?"

Koneko : "You give me sweets tomorrow, Deal"

Yudai : "Deal" Yudai just smiled and shook her hand.

And then after a quick search they found the things that Yudai dropped.

/~Change Scene~/

Koneko was able to escort Yudai back home safely.

Yudai : 'It kinda lame being escorted back home by someone younger than me'

Yudai : "Thanks again and stay safe on your way back Toujou-San" He said to Koneko and she just nodded, and then she left.

Yudai : *Sigh* "I'm gonna get scolded aren't I" When he got back his mom scolded him for being late.

After Yudai ate dinner, He took a quick bath and got to His room and do his homework, After that was done he slept in his bed peacefully.

|Dream sequence|

(Yudai POV)

I saw a silhouette of black dragon with red eyes and Green light across it body.

The Dragon was destroying the world leaving everything thing in ruin, Some people tried to stop it, it didn't work, For the dragon killed the all in a single blow, Everything was in fire, People were running away from the dragon, those who ran away were killed too...

So much destruction was happening right now, The dragon did not stop till the whole world was dead, The dragon was the only living thing in the world right now, The dragon Opens a giant portal, a portal so huge that the dragon can fit in it.

The Dragon was now in a fight with a man with four artifacts Which all glowed Spillting the dragon in four so too was his soul.

After that everything banished, all I can see now is a Red Dragon with red and green eyes, It roared loudly.

Odd eyed dragon : *ROARRRRRRRR*

|Dream Sequence End|

(3rd POV)

Yudai : "AHHHHH!!" Yudai fell off his bed head first.

Yudai : "Ouch I'm seeing stars right now" he rubs his head. 'More dreams, What could that dream be all about?' Yudai stood up and did some morning stretch's.

Yudai : *Sigh* "My normal quiet life ends here huh?" Yudai recalls what happened last night.

*BEEP* *BE-*

Yudai immediately turned of the alarm and smiled.

Yudai : "My life is gonna get a little bit more exciting!"

Next chapter