
chapter 1 ; Hint of reality

Good morning. Great more. Decent morning. Ann terra said in the most sarcastic voice she could create, she did this almost every morning ....well evening since she woke up at about 5:00 pm every day . she walked into her room and she called her closes friend well I don't know if close is the word you would when truthfully she was ann terra's only friend. The phone began to ring and immediately chastity answered the phone eagerly chastity answered the phone "Hey sam" what are you doing? She and ann terra rarely used real names when talking to each other. "Nothing" replied annterra in her usual boring monotone voice." per usual"chastity chimed in as she was used to the same response from her friend. 'what have you been up to" chastity then said to just keep the conversation going . "same ole, "same ole". replied ann terra "you've been out," chastity said hoping ann terra would give her something to dissect. "talked to dione "she quickly added knowing that 9 times out of ten that is the hook that always leads to a conversation. annteraa's spirit seemed to always lift up when doine was brought up simply for the fact that she wanted to talk about him anyways but feels that maybe sometimes other people were annoyed by it. " A little" ann terra replied. "girl, what is a little supposed to mean?" chastity said in her usual sassy yet direct tone. well I haven't been talking to him but I did see him last weekend . "and" chastity nosily asked curious about why her friend was holding out. and I embarrassed myself .annterra mood changed went from happy to embarrassed in a matter of three words. Bitch how chastity blurted out in her once again bold tone. wellllll. dreading to begin the story we hung out and had sex. and what's wrong with that? I didn't want to. then why did you ? what do you mean in an almost worried tone chastity started to get tiled up? noticing her friend was thinking the worst ann terra quickly stopped her friend in her thoughts nothing like that I wanted to but I didn't ya know. no bitch I don't what do you mean. Finally deciding to tell the story terra rolled her eyes at the phone. " I called him and I went over to his house. okay, chastity said trying to get her friend to just get on with the story .. after a deep breath annterra begin to tell the story.

heyy dione what are you doing I'm trynna get up with you she texted his phone almost in a shaken state.

"okay, meet me at the spot in 15 minutes" he replied a lot quicker than ann terra expected. "okay," she replied even quicker in hopes that dione wouldn't change his mind. Ann terra hopped in her car and drove off onto the high as thoughts ran through her mind she was determined to spend time with dione quality -time and not do their usual thing. she reached "the spot" in about 10 minutes and the fact that the GPS said that the spot was 20 minutes from her original destination I guess you can say she was more than eager. She took a deep breath and got out of her car trying to give off calm and cool when in reality she was neither of those things. Dione stood next to the car he seemed calm and cool but that was nothing new that was his normal aura. Ann terra walked to dione's car and got in, they quietly drove in his car for about 3 minutes when they pulled up to some apartments. They got out of the car and walked into the apartment silence filling the air, "what made you text me" dione said the words almost echoing in Terra's anxiety-filled head. "I was just thinking of you and so I texted'. she said insecurely "awe okay." Dione replied honestly seeming like he didn't even realize she basically said she missed him. He began kissing her and while kissing back but pulling away at the same time ann terra said nervously "how about we watch tv". Dione realizing annterra pulled away leaned back and quickly put the t,v on a movie without reading the title or even watching a preview as most people would. Five minutes into the movie he began kissing and hugging ann terra she kissed him back but again she tried to change the narrative "so what have you been up to" still kissing ann terra dione said "nothing work" the words slipped through every kiss and still pulling away, but at the same time giving in ann terra asked about diones day "it was good" and the kisses kept coming soon the heavy petting began slowly dione was on top of ann terra. she tried to keep the conversation going but with every kiss and hug dione gained more control and with his words as strong and sexy as they sounded to ann terra he said "don't ever stop talking to me that long" and those words sounded like heaven to annterra because maybe he missed her as much as she missed him because he did notice that she hadn't texted him in almost 4 months. Those Thoughts quickly left ann terra's mind just like every thought seemed to leave her mind when she was with dione because her mind just seemed to melt away and her body took over moving and reacting in a way she couldn't control. she had succumbed to dione and his touch but just as quick as she felt close to dione the cold freeze of loneliness took over once they stopped touching dione was sound asleep hugging annterra as she looked piercingly into the dark her body warm, her heart felt cold, and her mind full of fantasy the fantasy she hoped was a reality with dione instead of you know they're usual.

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