

Arianne Temis was your average 16 year old high-school student. She had average grades, and was on a sports team currently it was soccer. She did have a rather unique trait, cherry red hair, in her youth people did pick on her for it but most don't bother now. she is still in her school uniform a brown skirt with a white button up with a blue tie. however she wasn't wearing her blazer and instead a green cardigan. she also is wearing black tights.

she runs her hand through her haired styled as a bobcut and sighs. "What a dreadfully boring day." As if her prayers were answered this girls life will be forever changed. As her hazel eyes look to the clear sky and sees something falling at first she didn't really pay it much mind till she realizes it's falling in her direction and fast. she screams and falls backwards as the thing collides into the ground causing cracks to form in the concrete.

"You know mom always said I would pay for having such a big mouth." is all Arriane can say before what collided into the ground floats up. "What are you." she asks while subconsciously grabbing it. the light fades to reveal a white and silver cosmos smart watch made by gaggle.

"A watch." is all she could say before the world around her started to glitch more and more until the scenery changed into a forest with both typical plant life but also tropical.

"Well at least I'm not bored. This thing it must of brought me here, maybe it can take me back." she puts it on and a message pops up.

on the watch reads, "Arianne Temis welcome to the Digital World."

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