
Chapter 0

Insanely chaotic yet... Beautiful were the only words that could describe the surroundings of this space.

Looking technological and at the same time magical, aquamarine neon circuits could be seen everywhere in the walls. With random bursts of energy that had enough power to even rip apart an ultimate level digimon.

The space also seemed to be compressed in a circular shape, resembling a spatial wormhole. Surely this place would look a bit peaceful despite its chaos if it wasn't for the battle that was occurring in the moment.

Staying there silently stood the figure of Omegamon, looking like a giant white armored humanoid being with blue eyes, three spikes at the top of its head resembling a natural crown, blue stripes around its body and its feet looked similar to a dinosaur with golden coloured claws. But what really caught attention were its arms, the left one looked like a metallic-orange coloured dragon skull with a blade that has multiple mysterious symbols engraved in it coming through its mouth, and the right one looked like the head of a dark blue cyborg wolf with a cannon between its jaws. The left shoulder had a symbol that resembled a sun while the right shoulder one looked like lightning. There was also a white cape that had a royal red interior making Omegamon look majestic and noble.

Omegamon calmly looked around the surroundings without doing any excess movements, it continued like this until...

Omegamon suddenly swung its Grey Sword towards its back while turning around its body. The armoured white being got its attack blocked by another blade that looks exactly like its own.


The defender looked almost exactly like Omegamon if it wasn't for the exception of its black coloured body, even its Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon arms were black coloured, also it didn't have the lightning and sun symbols on its shoulders.

Omegamon didn't look surprised by the fact that its attack got blocked, although its Black counterpart didn't waste time by quickly dashing backwards while maintaining its gaze at the white armoured being.

Omegamon simply lifted its Garuru Cannon and instantly fired a beam right at the face of the Black Omegamon.

The dark one would've received the shot if it weren't for its battle senses that made Black Omegamon tilt its head to the side.

The Beam passed through Black Omegamon's cheek almost hitting its head, making the dark one scared shitless. When that projectile of energy striked the circuit walls it created an explosion that ripped apart the dimension itself thus creating a portal linked to the digital world, resulting in that beam destroying and killing an entire village of digimons while the gate quickly closed up.

Black Omegamon watches everything in awe and fear, it didn't want to know what would've happened if that beam reached its head.

Moving its head in order to lock its gaze back to Omegamon, the dark one thought

'It's no wonder... this is indeed the Universal CyberLink, the space around here is so unstable that it took just one attack from Omegamon to create a warp gate...'

The black Omegamon was filled with cold sweat, yet... It was also feeling furious and at the same time frustrated by the gap of its strength and Omegamon's.

Both Digimons initiated a stare-contest between each other. Omegamon simply stood there with its head lifted a bit like it was filled with confidence or maybe even... Arrogance?

Differently from its counterpart, the dark Omegamon looked like a beaten dog. It was scared but at the same time its gaze didn't wave at the slightest, even when being stared by a famous powerhouse like that arrogant Omegamon.

They kept this stare-game between themselves only for them to be interrupted by explosive sounds filled with destructive power. One side was holy while the other was wicked. Both Omegamons averted their gazes towards each other in order to observe the other party.

A Knight that irradiated holiness wearing a light blue metallic armour filled with intricate details, with a golden cross carved at its helmet. But what really caught attention were its golden angelic wings. Such presence was obviously Seraphimon

The said digimon kept firing light spheres that looked like stars in a hexagon formation composed by seven of these spheres at its opponent.

Looking similar to Seraphimon, It wore light green coloured armor instead of blue with bat-like wings resembling a devil, all while its cross was slightly different from Seraphimon's. Looking like an 'X' instead of a '+'.

Dark Seraphimon could only dodge its holy counterpart's attacks helplessly since it was actually weaker than Seraphimon, and it couldn't even fight with its full power because Dark Seraphimon was carefully holding some sort of metallic object in its left hand like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

It was shaped similar to a american football, both of the object's edges were silver coloured while the central part had a see-through glass structure. The reason why Dark Seraphimon was protecting this thing like its life depended on it is because of that strange energy matter inside the capsule.

It was pitch black colored like the void itself, such a strange form of energy twisted chaotically while constantly changing its shape. It looked like it was being suppressed from going berserk...

Dark Seraphimon flapped its Devil wings while trying to build some distance between itself and the other Seraphimon. The cold and harsh truth was the fact that Dark Seraphimon didn't stood a chance against its counterpart, the only reason why it wasn't destroyed already was because Seraphimon didn't want that thing on its opponent arm to detonate, Seraphimon didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

While Seraphimon did its best to stop Dark Seraphimon without detonating the device, the Angelic Devil could only feel frustration from being so weak... It couldn't take it anymore thus Dark Seraphimon stopped flying and slowly turned towards Seraphimon who was quickly catching up. The dark one knew that trying to escape was simply meaningless so it decided on a new desperate strategy.

Seraphimon watched its demonic fake with an apprehensive gaze since it didn't want to force Dark Seraphimon to detonate the device in panic.

Dark Seraphimon trembled with anger and frustration. The dark digimon hated the fact that Itself was only an inconvenience towards other digimon, it didn't ask for being born this way, It didn't want to simply be a fake... But what Dark Seraphimon hated the most was the fact its sole existence was a mistake, it was simply a corrupted digimon... One that shouldn't even be allowed to exist.

Going back towards the other battle...

Black Omegamon didn't Even have time to prepare when Omegamon suddenly appeared right at its front. Getting startled, the dark one hurriedly lifted its right arm. But before it could even point the weapon...

Omegamon didn't even bother to use its Grey Sword, the armoured being simply back-handed Black Omegamon in its face using its right arm. The momentum behind the impact was so strong that Black Omegamon couldn't stop its body from being pushed towards the side, its facial armor even cracked while its gaze went unfocused. Although... Omegamon didn't stop there.

While the dark one was disoriented, Omegamon kneed right at Black Omegamon's chest.


Black Omegamon felt a sudden jolt of pain that immediately removed the dark one from its disoriented state. The chest area was filled with cracks while blood started to flow out of them, there was enough power in that strike that it even sank the dark one's chest. But before Black Omegamon could even react it received a powerful kick right at its face.

Black Omegamon lost its focus once again while its whole body got hurled towards the floor. Black omegamon crashed on the ground while the momentum didn't stop the dark one's body from being dragged in a straight line.

Unfortunately for Black Omegamon it didn't stop there, the sheer force from the impact was enough to rip the unstable space of the floor! The Black Armoured being felt its back burning like it was touching lava. Its cape simply got burned into drags.

When the momentum finally stopped, Omegamon suddenly appeared close from the Black one's body. The armored being slowly walked towards its counterpart.

For Black Omegamon each of these steps was no different from the Devil itself. Omegamon finally reached its destination, its gaze filled with disdain towards its dark counterpart.

Omegamon retracted the blade from its left arm and from that same place came an orange armored hand. The white knight grabbed Black Omegamon's head and lifted its body with it.

Omegamon made the fake look straight in its eyes.


Omegamon snorted with disdain and under the watchful gazes from the Seraphimons, it pushed the dark one towards the wall. Its head crashed at the wall leaving some cracks in it. Its head got lifted by the chaotic energy coming from its crash course while the Black digimon staggered back.

But almost immediately after that, Omegamon caught its counterpart head and rammed it in the wall over and over again, each one of these hits increased the damage of that wall even more.

Black Omegamon felt immense pain not only from its opponent's attacks but also from the chaotic energy coming through the cracks at the wall, they burned the dark one's face! When Black Omegamon thought that it couldn't go on anymore the strikes suddenly stopped.

Black Omegamon staggered while the white knight patiently waited for the dark one to regain its bearings. When Black Omegamon finally managed to put its head in order, the dark one stared at the white armored being with pure hate and madness. The Black digimon trembled from the pain within its body albeit it still pointed its Garuru-cannon at Omegamon.

Its pupils contracted, Black Omegamon shouted at Omegamon with pure wrath! Taken by despair and madness Black Omegamon fired its Garuru Cannon!

"GO TO HELL!!!!!"

A black energy projectile exploded from its right arm, It blasted its way towards Omegamon with sound-breaking speed, the projectile carrying the resentment from Black Omegamon!

Omegamon retracted its hand and made its Grey Sword appear again from its left arm. With a single powerful swing, Omegamon slashed the energy beam in half.

The remaining energy reached the other side's wall. Two huge explosions wrecked the space behind Omegamon that were loud enough to make a normal person deaf, yet Omegamon didn't even bother to look back.

"Hmmm... Not bad."

Omegamon said indifferently...

Black Omegamon gasped, its right arm slumped on the ground while the dark one got into its knees. Despair and dread enveloped its body while Omegamon calmly looked at its fallen counterpart, there was disdain but also disappointment in its gaze.

With its head down the Black Omegamon thought about its short life... It could see its dark red blood forming a pool under its body.

It didn't matter how much anger neither how much hatred it felt. Black Omegamon knew that the only thing it could do was give up, the digimon knew that it stood no chance against its opponent...

There was only emptiness in Black omegamon's eyes as it sighed...

"... Go on... I don't care anymore..."

Omegamon nodded its head towards the fallen silhouette of Black Omegamon and said solemnly...

"As you wish"

But when Omegamon was finally going to end the misery of its counterpart...


It heard Dark Seraphimon's voice. Both Omegamons turned their gazes towards both the Angelic and Demonic digimons.

Dark seraphimon lifted the mysterious device in order for Seraphimon to see it while it screamed with frustration.


Dark Seraphimon felt ironic about the fact the device that would supposedly be its salvation would be used as a bomb.

Seraphimon hurriedly tried to calm down its fake counterpart.

"Please calm down Dark Seraphimon. We promise that we will not harm you in the slightest."

Although its voice sounded calm and serene, Seraphimon was filled with dread. If Dark Seraphimon detonated the device things would go south.

'Where are you Omegamon??!!'

Seraphimon was anything but calm and where was Omegamon when it needed the most??!

Seraphimon approached slowly while saying sothing words to its fake. The truth is that Seraphimon knew there was no way that Dark Seraphimon would actually trust it since the angelic knight literally tried to dispose of it a couple minutes ago, Seraphimon was only waiting for the opportunity to show up while trying to decrease the distance between itself and its fake.

Dark Seraphimon backed away while threatening Seraphimon in order to scare it.

"Back off! You don't understand??! Come any closer and I'm going to blow everything up!"

Seraphimon suddenly stopped when it heard these words since the angel digimon didn't wish to risk everything.

"Dark Seraphimon please give the device back. We swear under our name th-"


When Dark Seraphimon was in the middle of its speech, it felt a sudden pain from its back that continued penetrating its way until it came out of the devil digimon's chest. Being bathed by the crimson blood there was a golden lance coming from Dark Seraphimon's chest.

"PTUI!!! H-HOW???"

Dark Seraphimon trembled until a powerful female voice filled with righteousness reached its ears.

"Your reign of terror ends here Dark Seraphimon!!"

The owner of the said voice was Ophanimon. She looked like a tall woman armored with a light green armour, she had long red hair that touched her back. Only her jaw and midriff were exposed, she also had a shield on her left arm and there was a golden cross at the frontal part of her helmet. She also had golden angel wings coming from her back.

Receiving a blow from a powerful mega level digimon right at its back made Dark Seraphimon feel death's scythe in its neck. Filled with madness and fear Dark Seraphimon screamed with a blood shrieking Voice.


Seraphimon urgently screamed "NO WAIT!!!"

Dark Seraphimon began crushing the device in its hand while laughing sterically, cracks were slowly increasing on the glass while the black form of energy inside was getting more chaotic by the second.



Ophanimon didn't waste time, she ripped off her lance from Dark Seraphimon's chest creating a gruesome hole into the digimon's body while she quickly slashed Dark Seraphimon's hand with her spear!

Seraphimon quickly fired its star attack and turned Dark Seraphimon into dust particles. The Dark Seraphimon finally felt freedom...

Omegamon looked again at Black Omegamon and silently lifted its Grey-sword... The dark one lifted its head and looked with a hollow gaze at the rising sword that would put an end on its life...

Omegamon slashed with its blade dividing Black Omegamon in half. The two parts began to glow brightly and turned into a Black Wargreymon with broken armour and a Black MetalGarurumon with damaged circuits and broken parts, both their gazes were as empty as Black Omegamon's.

Omegamon looked at both digimons and slashed horizontally. Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon exploded into light particles and reformed into black colored eggs.

Omegamon gazes at both eggs and decides to leave them alone. Maybe they would survive and challenge it once again...

Omegamon quickly approached the Seraphimon and Ophanimon duo. The angelic knight had a stern gaze while looking at the device until...

Dark Seraphimon's hand that was still holding the device finally hit the ground... The cracks intensified even more while the chaotic energy mass quickly grew in size. It even began slipping out of the cracks...

Seraphimon gasped and shouted towards its allies.


The dark energy mass occupied the entire space inside the device, it even bulged a bit before the black energy finally exploded!!

The explosion was so powerful that almost all of the universal link space detonated immediately. The aquamarine space became pure white energy while infinite ammount of warp gates were created and destroyed instantly.

The shockwaves were so powerful that the digimon trio got pushed away without being able to fight back at all. Ophanimon and Seraphimon covered themselves with a holy light barrier while Omegamon used its cape to protect itself.

Then suddenly the shockwaves were quickly being pulled towards the center of the explosion. The digimon trio felt a strong suction force over them. Omegamon looked at the never ending cycle of creation and destruction. The Legendary digimon who was known for being unimpressed by anything couldn't help but mutter...


Seraphimon could only nod its head absentmindedly

Ophanimon panicked and quickly used a strange key-shaped device to open a gate leading to another space.

"Quick! The space here is so unstable that my warp gate is barely holding on!!"

Ophanimon shouted, quickly breaking the two out from their stupor. Ophanimon entered first followed by Seraphimon but when it was finally Omegamon's turn the white armored digimon caught sight of a surprising matter.

Right at the center of the explosion, the space got divided just like a scissors cutting paper creating another warp gate. But differently from the others this one didn't get destroyed all while it released an otherworldly aura. What truly made Omegamon surprised was the silhouette of a weak human boy coming through that portal.

He was unconscious while being sucked towards the center of the explosion. Surprisingly he was being accompanied by an egg...

Omegamon kept looking at this scene until the boy and egg got inside another portal. Ophanimon quickly came back from the portal and called Omegamon.

"Omegamon quick! I don't think I can hold it any longer!!"

Omegamon turned its head back and slowly entered the portal. Only leaving one simple word...


Sorry My readers for the trash release rate.

I assume that you people are really pissed off by It... The only thing I can say is Sorry!!!

Haaah... Finally published this chapter, I kept you guys wainting for too long So I'm really happy that I finally managed to create this thing.

Honestly I'm Even pissed off by myself

Well switching matters... I'm really Grateful for the people that are Reading this story!

Don't forget to comment and please let me know your suggestions and reviews

MikXL_23creators' thoughts
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