
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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249 Chs

Chapter 196 Late???

Obito hurriedly activated his blur ability, and the next moment his heart sank, feeling his ability was not working. 'Space-type seals, I have to use Iza...'

The next moment, without waiting for him to react, Aoi raised both hands, pierced his mask, grabbed both his widened Sharingan, and gouged them out.

"Ahhhh, Guep…" Obito wanted to shout painfully, but the next moment a block of wood was inserted in his mouth breaking his few teeth's by the way, he couldn't even scream. Blood flowed out of his mouth and through hollow eye gaps.

And his body completely froze, with dark markings covering his whole body.

Aoi glanced at the one Kamui Mangekyō and one Sharingan in his hands, then said, looking at the frozen Obito, "Do you think everything you do is justified? It's ironic that someone with a distorted mind like you is dreaming of creating a fair world."

Obito was shocked hearing everything Aoi said; fear and dread shrouded his heart.

'What happened? Who is he? How can he know me? All this must be a dream,' Obito thought chaotically, his brain couldn't expect such a result.

Aoi then glanced at him, grabbed his head raised it, looking at his broken mask and hollow eye's and said, "Tell me everything you know." 

Spirit transformation!!!

Instantly, his soul invaded inside Obito's head, and an instant neuron sparked in Obito mind, a lot of information flowing through Aoi's mind—some flashbacks, some memories belonged to Obito.

"Get out of my head, you monster." Obito shouted in horror, feeling his soul was under extreme pressure, as if a huge mountains were suppressing it. At any moment, it will break apart and be scattered permanently. He may not even reach the dead place.

'Impossible, I can't die; I haven't yet created a fair world, an ideal world with Lin, Ahhhhh, damn it, damn it.' Obito shouted and roared, in despair and helplessness, wanted to struggle but was helpless. 'No one answered him, except darkness and endless solace.'

Feeling heaviness shrouding his heart and soul, his thinking slowed down a lot.

After a while,

Aoi soul returned to his body, then glanced at the bleak expression on Obito's face. 'As expected, he was a tough-willed person; after all that damage, his spirit is still intact; he became an idiot, though.'

Aoi thought, then grabbed Obito's arm, took away his Akatsuki ring, and then aimed his hand at him. "Now there is no need to keep you alive."

Blood Limit! Transformation!!!

Obito's body veins bulged, cracked, and squirmed dangerously, and then shrank into small figure, turned into Aoi size and appearance.

Aoi nodded, looking at the shrank Obito looking same as him, because Aoi used forceful blood transformation on him, all his body bones cracked and shrank, but he is still alive and breathing. 

"I have to work on this limit; it is extremely useful." Aoi muttered with a smile, 

Then he threw Obito on the bed, pierced his heart with a sword, killing him completely.

Aoi then took a deep breath, grabbed his right eye, gauged it out, and replaced the Obito eye instead.

Micro Heal!!!

Then he put his hand above the eye, and a green chakra flickered on his palm. Using the Yang attribute, he started healing the eye and connecting the nerves inside.

After a while,

Aoi opened his eyes instantly a Kamui-shaped pattern appeared instead of his own right eye pattern. Looking at his own right eye in his hand, he raised his other hand.


Using Obito ability, he summoned a solution-filled bottle from Kamui space, put his own eye in it, and then used blood limit transformation on himself, increasing his height to the same as Obito, bringing out the Akatsuki clothes from the storage, and also wearing the ring in his finger.

'Although Black (Zetsu) will recognize me, if I act like Obito and show that I don't know him, then he will try to use me. I wanted to deceive him with information, but someone like him will not be deceived easily.' Aoi thought, then glanced at his bed. Looking at the bloody Obito, he blew a fireball and burned the bed, leaving scorched bones, ash, and blood and flame burning his room. He nodded, satisfied that Konoha would not doubt his death after his house turned into ashes.

Aoi then sensed the situation of the whole Uchiha clan: 'It seems all of them are dead; I think this Obito massacred everyone in the surrounding courtyards, then appeared in my courtyard,' Aoi then used kamui ability and appeared in another Uchiha courtyard on the other side of his courtyard,

Looking at the Uchiha male and female corpses around him, he ignored them, walked, and appeared in front of the corpse of Izumi, lying beside the wall in the kitchen with closed eyes and a bloody sword-piercing injury on her left chest.

"I told you before that ruthless brother control like him loves their younger brothers only." Aoi spoke with pity, then his eyesight fell on the shelf, looking at the same lunch box she gave him to eat few times. 

He sighed glanced at the smile frozen on her face, "Who told you to feed me a bite of rice? You made me feel indebted to you now." 


He patted her dead body's head. Instantly sucked her inside Kamui space, Then glanced around, threw a few huge fireballs in the kitchen, burning everything inside into ashes, turned around, and walked outside the courtyard, looking at dark figures moving around. 

'Root and Anbu, it seems Itachi and Sasuke's intersection is also over.' Aoi thoughtfully nodded.

A wave of wind passed by him, with rustling noice, Aoi figure disappeared along with it.

Startled the anbu and roots ninja's far away, they gestured at each other then they didn't care and started collecting eyes and counting corpses.

Near the back side of the Uchiha graveyard, a spiral appeared, and Aoi walked outside the spiral. 

"You are late." Itachi glanced at him and said emotionlessly,

"I just want to do my extra work, when you were doing extra work with your little brother." Aoi replied calmly,

"What should I do next?" Itachi asked expressionlessly,