
Chapter 1

Colorful lights glimmer and pulse, providing the dancers a brief moment of vision. None of them need it as the majority of the clubbers' eyes are closed. It makes it easier to feel the beat. Heat and sweat radiate from their bodies. Alcohol occasionally splashes onto the floor, but no one notices. They are too busy enjoying the night. Nothing could ruin this invigorating atmosphere.

The bar isn't too far from the dance floor. The club doors open, letting in a temporary breeze. In walks a woman. Without her heels, she would be quite short. Her figure is full, with a large bust, a smaller waist, and wide hips. Her long straight brown hair flows past her shoulders, down her back, resting just above her butt. She is wearing a sleeveless black crop top and a black mid-length pencil skirt. A few inches of her pale torso are visible.

She sits at the bar. She is unfamiliar with this type of place and is a bit on edge. The bartender offers her a free drink which she gladly accepts. Hopefully, it'll take the edge off. The bartender returns and slides the drink over to her. It's a Moscow mule, something she is familiar with. She takes a sip and looks around. Her friend was supposed to meet her here but has yet to show. She reaches for her purse, ruffling around the contents until she locates her phone. With her attention focused elsewhere, she doesn't notice the man who approaches and takes the seat next to her.

"Hey, can I get you something?" She looks up from her purse. A gorgeous man with short black hair, a smile to die for, and broad shoulders is talking to her. She can't tell how tall he is, but she guesses that underneath that button-down is the physique of a god.

"Oh um, I just got this drink," the woman scooches her drink over so the man can see it. He chuckles but doesn't get up to leave like she thought he would.

"That's fair. Do you mind if I take this seat? I need a break from all the energy going on over there." He gestures towards the crowd full of intoxicated people.

"I don't mind. It's not like I own the chair." The man smiles again, turning his attention towards the bartender to order something. Once he has made his order, he turns back to her.

"Are you familiar with this area?" the man tries making small talk. He wants to hear more from this beautiful woman.

"Yeah, I live in this city. Just a few blocks from here actually. Are you from around here?"

The man shakes his head no. "I am here on business. I frequently make trips to this area for work but have never really had a chance to enjoy the city. I showed up a day earlier than anticipated so I thought I would get to know what it's like after hours. It's a nice place. Do you like it here?"

"It's okay. Things get pretty busy which doesn't leave a lot of time for social endeavors." She takes a sip of her drink. Her face flushes as the alcohol warms her stomach, and for a few other reasons as well.

"Is it alright if I ask your name?" The man eyes her up and down, taking in everything she has to offer. He bites his lower lip and grabs the glass of whiskey being sent his way. He takes a swig and undoes two of the top buttons of his shirt. It's getting warm.

"Uh sure. I'm Jane. What's yours?" Jane takes another sip of courage, hoping to keep the conversation going.

"It's a weird one but it's Nikolaos. Most people just call me Nik." He runs his hands through his hair, pushing back some of the stray hairs that found their way to his forehead.

"I don't think that's weird at all. It's definitely way better than Jane. It's too plain." Jane scrunches her nose at the sound of her boring name. She crosses her legs as she finishes her drink. She feels a strange confidence beginning to boil inside of her. She slides her chair a bit closer to him, just so their knees are touching.

"I don't see anything wrong with the name Jane. It's a classic. A classy name for a classy gal." Nik puts on a fake New Yorker accent. Jane giggles. It's a horrible accent. "So do you come to these types of places a lot?"

"Not really. Work has been stressful lately, so my friend invited me to go for drinks, but I haven't seen her yet. I hope you don't mind if I check my phone really quick to see if she has reached out." Nik shakes his head no and sits back a bit to give her whatever privacy he can. Jane pulls out her phone, the screen lights up showing one missed call and one text message. Her friend flaked. Nik watches as Jane's happy expression fades.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, my friend just canceled on me. Looks like I'm spending the night alone again."

"Aw, what am I? Chopped liver?" Nik jokes. He takes another long look at Jane. Her outfit shows off her curves perfectly. He imagines what she would feel like in his hands and then underneath him. He downs the rest of his whiskey and orders another. He sees that Jane's drink is gone so he orders one for her as well.

"No no. I just meant that I am not really sure what to do now. I was hoping to get drunk and have some fun but now I don't know if I should dance and just enjoy myself or if I should go home and watch old reruns on TV."

"Hmm, watching TV does sound enticing, but I'd really like it if you stayed awhile. I wouldn't mind spending the night with an attractive woman like yourself." Nik places his hand on her knee but then withdraws it just as fast as he placed it. He doesn't want to come off too strong. This is the first time in a long time that he has had the possibility of fucking a sexy woman. He really needs this and he really needs to get out more.

"Oh okay." Jane feels the heat from the alcohol rushing to her chest. She curses herself for being such a lightweight.

Jane and Nik have a few more rounds of drinks before eventually making it out into the herd of drunk dancers. The bass is strong, and the lights are dizzying. Nik dances just behind Jane, taking in everything he is seeing. Jane sways her hips and rolls her head to the side, exposing the nape of her neck. She moves with the music eventually finding herself pressed into Nik. His hands rest on her hips as they move with each other. She grinds herself against him, wanting more friction. They go on like this until they are both too tired and too turned on to dance any longer.

"Do you want to head back to my place or," Nik offers. Jane nods and grabs his hand, leading him towards the exit. Nik stops to settle his tab before leaving with her.

They get a cab and head out into the night together. The vehicle slows to a stop in front of an apartment complex. It's in one of the fancier neighborhoods but Jane doesn't question it. She follows him to the elevator, still holding onto his large and rough hands. He hits the button and as soon as the doors close and they are alone, his lips crash onto hers.

His lips are smooth but hungry. He teases her lips with his tongue. She wraps her arms around his neck, allowing him access to what he wants. He rubs his hands up and down her sides, pausing briefly at the exposed skin of her waist. 'Fuck she is gorgeous.'

They break the kiss as the elevator opens, not wanting an outsider to see what they are up to. Nik exits first this time. Jane is no longer the leader, and she is okay with that. They stop in front of an apartment door. Nik searches for his keys. Once he has them, he unlocks the door and steps back, beckoning for Jane to enter.

Jane enters the narrow and dark hallway. Nik follows closely behind, getting another look at her round ass as she walks ahead of him. He feels his pants get uncomfortably tight and rushes inside behind her. He shuts the door and locks it before switching the light on. The narrow hallway leads to a spacious open living room/dining/kitchen area. The walls of the room are made entirely of tall windows.

Jane removes her heels and walks toward the windows to see the view. It's dazzling. Small lights cover every inch of the dark city below. It's beautiful. Nik takes off his shoes and hangs up his jacket before making his way to Jane. She is so lost in the scene below that she doesn't hear his question. She is brought back to the world by a pair of large, strong arms wrapping around her torso and hot breath on her neck. Goosebumps cover every space the breath touches. She shivers.

"Do you want to do this here or take it to the bedroom. Or if this feels too fast for you, do you want to spend more time together first instead? It's completely up to you." Jane mulls over the options in her head for a few minutes. The idea of Nik, ramming into her from behind while she enjoys the view from below is enticing, but not exactly what she has in mind.

"Bedroom. Definitely Bedroom." Nik places a gentle trail of kisses up her neck towards her ear.

"Whatever you say, miss." Nik drags Jane through the living room down another hallway towards the bedroom. He can't wait to see more of her.

Next chapter