
Year 1652, Day 216

The wind was hardly blowing today. We must thank the gods for that. Mother's condition is worsening though. She is shaking badly during the night and does not stop til morning. I believe the shaking started when Father went missing on day 209. The Little Ones are always curled up next to Mother trying to keep warm. At this tick in time, I am the only one who ventures outside of our establishment. When the great ball of light is in the middle of the sky, I go to the river and catch some flopy. Later on, I give the Little Ones bits of the flopy to eat. The flopy is always cold but still tastes delicious. Mother eats some of the greens I harvest from our garden and smiles weakly at me. After they are all asleep I go outside, lay on the ground, and watch the twinkling sky lights.