
Devouring the universe

"Devouring the Universe" is a renowned science fiction novel penned by the author Tao Tie. This captivating tale unfolds in a vast and mysterious future world, where Earth's species have undergone mutations following a catastrophic disaster. The protagonist, Luo Feng, emerges as one of the three most powerful beings on Earth after inheriting the legacy of the master of the Yumo Star. However, during a clash with a monstrous beast known as the Universe Devourer, Luo Feng loses his physical form and ultimately possesses the beast itself. In this newfound body, he cultivates a human avatar and ventures beyond Earth, embarking on a journey through the vast expanse of the universe. The novel's unique imagination and thrilling plotlines attract legions of readers. It features a diverse array of elements, ranging from the intricate ecosystems of Earth to the mysterious creatures of the universe, as well as cutting-edge technology and the pursuit of cultivation. Moreover, "Devouring the Universe" has garnered significant recognition for its literary merit and widespread influence, earning a spot on the list of influential IP adaptations in Chinese online literature. This further underscores its prominent position within the realm of Chinese network literature. In conclusion, "Devouring the Universe" is a must-read science fiction novel that offers excitement and adventure for fans of the genre, as well as those interested in exploration, cultivation, and the vast unknown.

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61 Chs

Supply base

The night was starry.

Under the starry sky, a figure in the dilapidated county moved like a black flash, swiftly moving forward. Sometimes along the streets, sometimes jumping through residential areas... In just a moment, he arrived at the six-story apartment building where the Firehammer team members were staying.

"Roy has arrived."

"Yes, it seems he didn't get hurt."

The Firehammer team members looked at Roy through their binoculars as he entered the building's staircase. In a moment, Roy had arrived on the roof.

"Captain, Chen Brother." Roy smiled and called out.

"No injuries, yes, good. How about it? Did you manage to kill the Silver Moon Wolf?" Captain Gao Feng, who was usually calm, could not help but ask in quick succession. Chen Gu, Wei family brothers, including Zhang Ke who was lying on the ground, all looked at Roy excitedly, with Chen Gu even more delighted to say, "Roy's backpack has bulged up a lot."

Roy laughed heartily, "Chen Brother, your eyes are sharp, yes, just now I managed to kill the Silver Moon Wolf by chance! I dissected it and collected the things in my backpack."

"You really killed it?" The Firehammer team members all stared wide-eyed.

The Silver Moon Wolf!

The royalty of the wolf clan! Wolf monsters are already rare, let alone the royalty 'Silver Moon Wolf'!

"This time, I was just lucky," Roy said. RooFeng couldn't help but exclaim, "The silver moon wolf's body movement speed must be close to the speed of sound! Its attack power is also ridiculously strong, and its skin is incredibly tough. If it hadn't been injured from the start with a large wound in its stomach, I think it would be difficult to kill it!"

"Moving at the speed of sound?" Chen Gu glared.

"It's too crazy. No wonder it's the royalty of the wolf tribe and can be compared to the junior lord of the pig species." Wei Ti also couldn't help but exclaim.

"Bad," Gao Feng's face changed greatly.

RooFeng was scared by the captain.

"Captain, what's wrong? What's the matter?" RooFeng asked repeatedly.

"This silver moon wolf is already injured. It must have fought with human warriors before." Gao Feng urgently said, "The warrior team that fought with it may have left a signal on its fur. If this team chases us and finds us, we'll be in trouble!"

Chen Gu also felt surprised, "That's right. The warrior team that can seriously injure the silver moon wolf is not something we can provoke. It's likely to have a war god-level warrior!"

RooFeng heard this and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Captain, don't worry. Although I don't have much experience, I did research on related information before entering the wilderness area. I know some basic knowledge that needs to be known." After killing the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, I checked and found that there was indeed a signal left on its body, but the patch of fur was cut off by me." said Luo Feng.

Gao Feng and Chen Gu finally let out a sigh of relief.

They were most worried that the newcomer, Luo Feng, had less experience, after all, if they were to seize a seriously injured monster, they would be in trouble if they were caught up by others.

"Zhang Ke is now seriously injured, and our team cannot stay in the Wilderness Area for too long. Everyone, rest well here, and we'll leave for the supply base as soon as it gets a little light tomorrow morning." said Gao Feng.

"Yes, Captain."

Everyone laughed and answered.

The next morning, the Firehammer team began to leave 0201 County quietly, following the old highway, and headed towards the supply base.


In the military district, the supply base.

"Big Brother Black."

Zhang Zehu was chatting with a bearded man in a corner of the supply base, smoking, "Has the Firehammer team's people come back recently? Damn it, that son of a bitch, Luo Feng, made me spend 100 million, I can't let this bad breath go without causing trouble for him once."

"Not yet. There's no information on the return of the Firehammer team in the registration records." The bearded man smiled casually, "Huzi, that Lu Feng has annoyed you, you should discipline him in the Wilderness Zone, not in the Supply Base."

"Of course I understand that. I don't want to end up dead," Zhang Zehu smiled.

Both the Base City and the military area have government military backgrounds behind them, so martial artists may hate each other deeply, but they dare not fight in the military area, as the consequences would be very tragic. The Supply Base is only a small area within the military area, and safety and other aspects are under the responsibility of the military area.

"Black Brother, let me know when Lu Feng comes back," Zhang Zehu smiled.

"Sure, no problem," the bearded man nodded and smiled.

Zhang Zehu threw the cigarette butt onto the ground and stepped on it, smiling, "Then brother, I'll be going. See you later." And with that, Zhang Zehu proceeded deeper into the Supply Base, which was more like an apartment complex than a base. He soon met up with two other members under a large tree near the entrance of the Supply Base.

"How was it, Huzi?" The middle-aged man with a missing eye asked in a low voice.

"He hasn't come back yet. There's been no news at all," Zhang Zehu smiled slightly.

The well-dressed bald man beside him chuckled, "Now that none of them have come back yet, in my opinion, they must have all been killed by the beasts. "It's better if the Firehammer team is wiped out. Then there's no trouble." The Tiger's Fang team didn't fear the Firehammer team, but if any of its members survived, it would still be a little troublesome.

"The Firehammer team, ha! Blame it on Liu Feng," Zhang Zehu snarled. "Dared to make me pay. Oh, by the way, have we found out who stole our Hunter Killer?"

"Not yet," the middle-aged man with one eye frowned and shook his head. "There's no trace at all. The captain is currently venting his anger by smashing wine bottles in his room."

"In my opinion, we won't have much hope of finding out who stole our Hunter Killer on our return journey, and now, after we've returned," the muscular bald man said, suddenly his face changed, and he fixed his gaze on the entrance of the supply base. The other two men saw it and turned to look as well, and upon seeing it, their faces changed as well!

Only to see Gao Feng, Chen Gu, Wei Qiang, Wei Tie, Luo Feng, and even Zhang Ke, were all at the entrance of the base.

"A9, old Gao, it seems that you've run into some trouble this time," the guard saw that Zhang Ke's arm had been severed and was wrapped up.

"Damn it! Don't mention it. The monster didn't hurt us, but those damn Tiger's Fang team ambushed us!" Gao Feng cursed.

"Captain, the Tiger's Fang team is over there!!!" Chen Gu suddenly roared. Suddenly, all the members of the Firehammer Squad turned to look in the direction of the voice, and saw three people sitting under a big tree not far away. Seeing the three, the members of the Firehammer Squad all looked angry, especially Zhang Ke, who was pale and only had a backpack, who roared, "Stop!"

Zhang Zehu, etc. actually trembled when they saw the six members of the Firehammer Squad, so they quickly turned around and ran away.

This was their fault!

But they didn't expect to be seen by Chen Gu.

"Want to run away?" High Feng roared angrily.

The six members of the Firehammer Squad rushed over, and the loud shout immediately drew the attention of many warriors in the supply base. At this time, Zhang Zehu and the others dared not run away anymore. If they really ran away in a panic, wouldn't it be admitting that they were at fault? The fact that they had done something didn't mean they could admit it!

"High Feng, what are you shouting about?" The middle-aged man with a one-eye turned around and roared angrily, "Do you think this is what place? This is the military area, this is the warrior supply base, a place for you to act wildly?"

"Act wildly? Look at the place first," the bald man sneered.

No matter what, they couldn't let their spirits weaken.

"You're getting arrogant," High Feng raised his hands, picked up a heavy hammer behind him, and swung his double hammers wildly as he charged forward, shouting, "Looking for a beating!" The one-eyed middle-aged man, Zhang Zehu, and the other three were all visibly shaken.

They didn't have the confidence, after all, as they were in the wrong.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" A harsh beeping sound rang out as a twelve-man team in combat gear quickly rushed in from a distance, with the squad leader shouting, "Drop your weapons! Fighting is prohibited in the supply base. Otherwise, our guard team has the right to kill you."