
Devouring the universe

"Devouring the Universe" is a renowned science fiction novel penned by the author Tao Tie. This captivating tale unfolds in a vast and mysterious future world, where Earth's species have undergone mutations following a catastrophic disaster. The protagonist, Luo Feng, emerges as one of the three most powerful beings on Earth after inheriting the legacy of the master of the Yumo Star. However, during a clash with a monstrous beast known as the Universe Devourer, Luo Feng loses his physical form and ultimately possesses the beast itself. In this newfound body, he cultivates a human avatar and ventures beyond Earth, embarking on a journey through the vast expanse of the universe. The novel's unique imagination and thrilling plotlines attract legions of readers. It features a diverse array of elements, ranging from the intricate ecosystems of Earth to the mysterious creatures of the universe, as well as cutting-edge technology and the pursuit of cultivation. Moreover, "Devouring the Universe" has garnered significant recognition for its literary merit and widespread influence, earning a spot on the list of influential IP adaptations in Chinese online literature. This further underscores its prominent position within the realm of Chinese network literature. In conclusion, "Devouring the Universe" is a must-read science fiction novel that offers excitement and adventure for fans of the genre, as well as those interested in exploration, cultivation, and the vast unknown.

Daoistsl6CGZ · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Death crisis

"The tendon from the tigercat monster's tail is very valuable." Ro Feng's Blood Shadow Battle Blade made a hissing sound as it sliced open the tigercat monster's tail, extracting the transparent tendon. He looked at Wei Ti and smiled, "Iron Brother, you really are Iron Brother. When the double-tailed tigercat rammed into us, you even spat blood. It scared me, but now it looks like you're fine!"

"You're stupid! Not spitting blood would be worse!" Wei Ti also laughed and cursed.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and collect." Chen Gu also smiled.

The six members of the Firehammer Squad were in high spirits, and their captain, Gao Feng, was squatting next to the double-tailed tigercat's corpse, dissecting it. Of course, dissecting the double-tailed tigercat was the most difficult.

"Ro Feng has brought good luck to our squad. On the first day, we killed two beast lord-level monsters in a row," Gao Feng said as he dissected, smiling.

"Hahaha, Captain, you should reward me. It was my idea to let Ro Feng join the squad," Chen Gu also joked.

The group was in high spirits. Rooftop was like a tail on fire, his eyes instantly bulging, with his ability to dodge numerous rubber bullets in the "neural reaction test," he instinctively determined that the air ripple caused by the blurred phantom in front of him was a bullet!

The speed was more than ten times faster than the rubber bullets used in the neural reaction test! Rooftop had no time to shout a warning.

Extreme tension caused an instant surge of adrenaline in Rooftop's body, causing his heart rate to skyrocket to an astounding speed, and his body hair to stand on end. His nerves were tense to an unprecedented limit! Even his spiritual power in the depths of his consciousness spontaneously spread out and covered his entire body!

Deathly crisis!

The instinct to survive made Rooftop's entire body and spirit reach their peak in an instant!

The armor-piercing bullet tore through the air, heading straight for Rooftop's head.

Rooftop's blood-shadow battle knife, which he had originally used to cut the tiger cat's tail, almost instinctively swung out to block the bullet, with all his strength unleashed to the limit, and his body's power center at the waist and hips even managing to produce a second burst of power after the first!

It was effortless. In the face of life-and-death crisis, when both mind and body reach their peak, Ro Feng's body naturally unleashed the second burst of power.

It actually worked!

The Blood Shadow Battle Axe's speed instantly soared!

Ro Feng's mental power instinctively acted on the battle axe, causing its speed to surge once again!

Without the slightest hesitation, his mental power also acted directly on the speeding armor-piercing bullet, causing its speed to drop almost instantly from four times the speed of sound to one time the speed of sound. "Kang" sounded, Ro Feng's Blood Shadow Battle Axe struck the armor-piercing bullet directly.

The bullet's tip was depressed, and the bullet was blasted away.

Another armor-piercing bullet, however, was aimed at Captain Gao Feng's head according to the plan of the Tiger's Tooth squad. Zhang Zehu asked for the death of Ro Feng, and the Fire Hammer squad's strongest fighter was Gao Feng, so the two bullets were prepared for Ro Feng and Gao Feng respectively.

While squatting beside the body of the Double-Tailed Tiger Cat, Gao Feng was facing away from the bullet direction and didn't see the armor-piercing bullet.

Gao Feng's knife was suddenly used with force to cut through the Double-Tailed Tiger Cat's fur, this sudden force also caused him to stumble, and the bullet originally aimed at his head suddenly veered off. Just as he was about to marvel at the toughness of the Double-Tailed Tiger Cat's fur,

Hu! The piercing bullet flew past Gao Feng's ear at an incredible speed, the strong rotating airflow causing Gao Feng's ear skin to bleed instantly.

The piercing bullet slammed into Zhang Ke's shoulder position next to Gao Feng, a shot that was powerful enough to shatter the leather armor of a junior beastman, instantly shattering Zhang Ke's shoulder muscles and bones with a loud thud. Zhang Ke's right arm was flung up into the air, and blood spurted out like water!

"Ah!" Zhang Ke cried out in pain.

"Sniper bullet!"

Gao Feng looked at the blood spraying out from Zhang Ke's severed arm, even spraying onto Gao Feng's clothes, which made Gao Feng's eyes turn red, and he roared in anger, "Enemy attack!"

"Which bastard!" Wei Tie and Wei Qing also roared in anger.

In the midst of their angry roar, almost all members of the Firehammer Squad quickly moved, no one dared to stand in the same spot where they were being sniped at. The previous captain Gao Feng had just been lucky enough to dodge by slightly moving his body when he scratched his fur, causing the bullet to brush past his ear.

"Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!"

Four consecutive gunshots rang out!

"Over there!" Gao Feng, Luo Feng, and all the others stared at the direction of the gunshots with red eyes.

They saw several figures dart across the rooftop in the distance and disappear.

"It's the Tiger Tooth Squad!" Gao Feng gritted his teeth and spat out, "Tiger Tooth!"

Ro Feng, however, couldn't see clearly... It was so far away, and the Tiger Tooth squad vanished in an instant, it would take amazing eyesight to see clearly! And the hearing and sight of a warrior improves as their physical strength rises. The leader of the Fire Hammer squad, Gao Feng, has a body strength close to that of a 'junior war general'.

Only he saw it clearly.

"Tiger Tooth squad? Zhang Zehu's Tiger Tooth squad?" Roar Feng couldn't help but feel a surge of anger, of course he had looked into Zhang Zehu's information before and knew that Zhang Zehu was a member of the Tiger Tooth squad, "They want to kill me?"


Roar Feng truly felt that warriors were not always peaceful with each other.

"Zhang Ke!"

"Old Zhang!"

All of them rushed over, and Roar Feng ran to Zhang Ke's side, Zhang Ke was lying on the ground with a pale face, his right shoulder position was completely shattered by the armor-piercing bullet, his right arm had already been thrown away. Even his battle suit had small cracks. The power of this shot was just too great, Zhang Ke himself had a pale face, and Chen Gǔ was hurriedly helping him stop the bleeding.

"It's me, Zhang Ke, you took this bullet for me!" Gao Feng covered his ears.

"Zhang brother." Roar Feng clenched his fists tightly, with bloodshot eyes.

It was Zhang brother and Chen brother who had brought him into the Fire Hammer squad back then.

"No good!" Gao Feng's face changed drastically, "Run away!" Just now the Tiger Tooth Squad fired six bullets in total, two of which were aimed at Luo Feng and Gao Feng, while the remaining four were fired at the surrounding monster horde. By this time, the roars of monsters had already begun to ring out around them, and the Fire Hammer Squad immediately understood why the Tiger Tooth Squad had fired those extra four shots.

"How sneaky!"

"They want to kill us all!"


Wei Qing picked up Zhang Ke, who was losing too much blood, and the group immediately fled.

"Klondong - Klondong -" Suddenly, a huge number of Iron-haired Wild Boars appeared in front of them, with each boar being huge in size. Hundreds of them ran over in a loud rumble, as if an earthquake had occurred. The Fire Hammer Squad was shocked and terrified, just as they were about to change direction, a tremendous shaking sound came from behind them.

A much larger and more terrifying beast horde ran towards them, not only were there groups of Unicorn Wild Boar, but there were also Lion-Mastiff Beast groups, and the total number of beasts in front and behind exceeded 1,000.

"We're in big trouble," said all the members of the Fire Hammer Squad, with their faces changing dramatically.

"Climb over the wall!" High Wind ordered.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Fire Hammer Squad quickly climbed over the dilapidated wall, while the monsters that had been attacked by the four sniper rifle bullets and were now furious beyond measure knew that... this sneaky and terrifying weapon was only used by humans! When they saw those humans climbing over the wall, there was a unanimous -

"Klunk -" The unicorn boars lowered their heads and crashed into the wall, the wind-and-sun-beaten wall nearly collapsed instantly, with more than 1,000 monsters swarming in.

The Firehammer team looked back, and their faces changed drastically.

"Brothers, this time we're in deep shit. Run for our lives! One life saved is one life saved. Stay together, and we're all dead for sure!" As they ran, Captain Gao Feng's eyes were red as he shouted, "Damn it, the Tiger's Tooth team! If I Gao Feng don't die this time, I'll make them pay in blood!"

"Everyone, split up and run!" Wei Tie and Wei Qing gritted their teeth.

Faced with the attack of over 1,000 monsters, even a warrior-level expert could only flee in disarray.

"Tiger's Tooth team, Zhang Zehu!" Roar felt that the other party's attack this time was probably because of the last time, when he forced Zhang Zehu to spend 100 million yuan, "The Tiger's Tooth team won't attack for no reason? Is it because of me... Because of me, did Zhang哥 have to spend 100 million yuan?"

Roar felt a sense of guilt and killing intent in his heart.

"Zhang Zehu! Tiger's Tooth team!" Roar's eyes turned bloodshot.

"Captain, Chen哥." Roar roared. This loud shout caused Captain Gao Feng, Wei brothers, Chen Gu, and others to look in surprise at Luo Feng. Only to see Luo Feng gritting his teeth and growling, "Follow me! We can all live to leave!" The sound of wind could be heard as one after another of the throwing knives attached to Luo Feng's thighs flew up and hovered around him.