
Devouring disaster

Lin night accidentally through the devouring stars, came to this unknown world full of disasters and bloody spread of change Exotic viruses, lurking hideous monsters, coming cosmic adventurers... In this world of crises, only strength is fundamental. Rely on Powerful attributes and top savvy, Lin night beyond Hong and Thor, the creation of the Fuelfire martial hall, become the first speaker of the war Jingong. Billions of years after that Month, the original universe, three thousand cosmic seas, origin continents, many source worlds... Everywhere, there are legends of him.

wanneng · Sci-fi
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39 Chs

Chapter 27: The Night Mercenaries!

Outside the window.

The night grew darker and the moon dimmed.

Inside the box, there was silence.

Just the sound of two people breathing softly.

For a long time, the dull atmosphere in the room gradually dissipated... Xu Qi also sat up straight, the heart is still some feeling of anxiety.

As the secretary of the human base, Xu Qi's willpower is tempered well, but in the face of RT this terrible virus, there will still be some panic.

Only the wet clothes behind her reminded her that what Lin night said was true.

"Mr. Lin Night, I just lost my temper, now please continue." Xu Qi looked at the man opposite and smiled apologetically.

'It doesn't matter!

"When my sister was infected with the RT virus more than a year ago, she mutated herself, but the good thing is that this virus is different from the threatening RR virus, and there are effective drugs.

To suppress, slow down its onset.

But RT virus is characterized by the slow swallowing of human vitality to grow itself, even if there is a specific drug, but the more the effect of the worse... This also

Is why I'm so eager to get rid of this virus once and for all, and I'm worried..."

"Mr. Linye, may I interrupt?"

Hearing this, Xu Qi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Have you been giving your sister special antiviral drugs?"

'Yes! Smell speech, Lin night without hesitation nod.

"I see. That's not a low price."

Lin Ye: "..."

At this time, Xu Qi's tight eyebrows slowly unfurled.

She now understood why Lin Night was so picky about the sale price of monster materials.

Similarly, she thought that there are many studies on RT virus in China.

Proved that once the RT virus broke out, it was far more powerful than the RR virus... The average person can last three minutes at most!

Unless there is a high-priced drug that keeps you alive, or a specific drug is prescribed, the infected person's life force will be exhausted in a very short time.

"Mr. Lin Night, I know the conditions you proposed, but when it comes to the complete removal of the RT virus, my current authority is not enough, I need to ask for instructions.

To the superior."

Xu Qi to Lin night sorry smile, and then out of the box to make a phone call.

Looking at Xu secretary to leave the figure, Lin night suddenly felt that the heart accelerated a few minutes:

"We must succeed!"


In ten minutes.

The box door was opened, and Xu Qi walked in with a smile.

'How was it? Lin Ye stood up.

"As promised, success!"

Xu Qi gave Lin night than a successful gesture: "The superior agreed to your conditions, and has begun to arrange experts and special drugs from Kyoto City.

We expect to reach the mountain city in two days."

'Your sister's illness is all right!

"Whoo whoo whoo"

When Xu Qi said this situation, Lin night sat back in the chair and took a deep breath.

Close your eyes slightly, trying to calm the agitation in your chest.

It took a while for Lin night to recover.

He looked at Xu Qi, clear as water eyes full of feeling: "Secretary Xu, really thank you!"

Sister Lin Xiyue virus, has always been his heart.

Now that the rock had finally fallen, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't mention it, Mr. Linye, we just exchange as equals. If you join the army to serve it, we will naturally agree to your terms."

"But what you need to pay for the treatment of the RT virus, you also need to sign a contract with us to know that maybe some benefits can be used.

Offset the cost of treatment."

Xu Qi smiled, happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, that's it, then." Lin night nodded in response.


With a slight frown, he asked, "Secretary Xu, have you told the senior management about my test?"

"Of course I did, otherwise your conditions would not be so easy to agree, it is the RT virus..."

Xu Qi immediately laughed, "Because I told your superiors the results of the test in the auditorium in the afternoon,

It also includes some results from your mental tests... They will readily agree."

"So that's it." Lin night nodded, suddenly understand.

"You mustn't think I'm spying on you!

I just happened to be on duty at the dojo and saw it." Xu Qi shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"So we can just sign the agreement?"

"There is no hurry. Before we enter into an agreement, we need to conduct another detailed test of your strength to give you the most suitable agreement."

"The most appropriate agreement?"

Xu Qi: "Of course, there are many levels of agreement between the military and the armed forces."

From the lowest E, D... All the way up to the highest S-level agreements are for fighters with different potential."

"At the same time, we will also arrange each fighter into the right team, so that he can grow quickly!"

Wen Yan, Lin night slightly frowns: "Arrange a team?"

"Yes, do you have any questions?" Xu Qi wondered.

"Can you choose not to join the squad and go into the wilderness alone?"

After hearing the words of Lin night, Xu Qi's eyebrows were lightly raised and her face showed a thoughtful expression.

After thinking for a while, she looked at Lin night and nodded: "Of course, it is just too dangerous, and our military has its own considerations, generally not.

Will allow middling fighters and below to go it alone...

You know, there are so many monsters around the wilderness these days, you never know when they're going to come under siege."

"Remember that every fighter is the hope and future of the military and even humanity!!"

"Now that we've agreed, let's eat!" Xu Qi suggested, with little stars twinkling in her eyes.

"After you have had enough to eat and drink, you will have a good rest tonight and take the formal test tomorrow morning!"

'Good! Lin night also nodded happily, and immediately called the waiter to serve food.


The night filled the air.

The sky was dark and dark, and seemed to be obscured by fog, with not a single star in sight.

It was late at night, and the restaurant was still crowded with people.

Lin night and Xu Qi talking and laughing out of the restaurant.

After solving the problem of his sister, he felt the cloud over his head lift, and the whole person was very relaxed.


The muffled roar of the engine came.


Lin night could not help but look up and see a row of black armored vehicles, slowly stopped.

Heavy steel door, in the light is not much reflective, just slowly flowing a layer of cold light.

The door opened, from inside walked down a tall figure dressed in black combat uniform, full of fifty or sixty people, standing in a big circle in the dark.

They just stand here quietly, fall in the eyes of the forest night, see is not a person.

But a group of beasts with exposed fangs, ready to kill... Or with a hook of death, ready to harvest the night of life


Every one of us is haunted by a strong, murderous air!

This, Lin night felt very clear.

Because he is frequently mixed in the wilderness, fighting with monsters life and death, is very familiar with killing.

And the intensity of the killing on these people, even tens of times more than their own, feels like a blood repair killed from the sea of corpses


At this time, Lin night also noticed the right arm badges of these fighters, and his heart was suddenly surprised.

There are dozens of people here, at least are medium combat generals, and there are even many advanced combat generals.

Especially the head of the burly man in black, but also bring Lin night a great threat -

God of War!

Lin night fright at the same time, also found that these black fighters chest combat uniform hanging a piece embroidered with a group of dark gold pattern nameplate.

The middle of the nameplate is two words dark night, dark night two words are red, the same color as blood.

"Dark night? Dark night!"

Lin Night quickly searched for the name in his mind,


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His pupils contracted slightly, his eyes filled with wonder.

"It's the Night Mercenaries!"