
First Mission

There are 8 divisions known in the Anbu Black Ops. Each with their own purpose and specialty across various fields. The eight divisions were known as:

Falcon, Owl, Bear, Cat, Frog, Wolf and Dragon Division.

The Falcon Division specialises in the hunt and disposal of enemy ninja, they are those that are considered as Hunter-nin, Shinobi Hunters in a sense. They are the ones that go off finding, and hunting the Missing Ninjas. They are dedicated to hunt and find people found within Bingo Book. The Falcon Division are specialized hunters, they live to hunt. The Falcon Division is usually accompanied by those of the Frog Division for support, as well as the Owl Division for information retrieval and their skills of stealth.

Owl Division

The Owl Division specializes in Stealth and Information Retrieval. These members are known for their capabilities as the reconnaissance division. These members are experts in gathering information without being caught. They can hide within shadows of shadows. They can exist in one moment, and not exist in the next. These members, the Owl Division are capable of moving into a home, finding what they need, and getting out without anyone knowing they are there. The Owl Division accompany others, no one accompanies them.

Bear Division

The Bear Division specializes in Protection and Investigation. The Bear Division are known for their defensive abilities, was well as their Internal investigation skills. There are no secrets that the Bear Division can not find. They are built like rock, agile like the flowing river. They can stand in place stopping attacks, while preparing a retaliation. To the Bear Division the city is their cub, and a Bear will battle and protect their cubs. The Bear Division are known to be protectors, the tanks within an ANBU formation within a team.

Cat Division

The Cat Division specializes in Stealth and Assassination. The grunt workers in a sense, these are the assassins. The Cat Divisions are those who go out hunting the top of the game. They come forth, showing their power through stealth, and quick killing. When there needs someone to be taken out that may be somewhat of a problem, the Cat Division are the ones that are called forth. Whether it may be a Kage, a Daiymo, a Lord, or a caravan that has heavy forces guarding, the Cat Division are called forth to do the work. The Cat Division must move in, and out without ever being caught, without ever being noticed, ensuring that all signs of the village is not traced as the source of the work.

Frog Division

The Frog Division specializes in Medical and Crisis, they are essentially combat medics. The Combat Medics are an unique bunch. The Field Medics, the Frog Division, are support, they are capable of moving swiftly with their ANBU brethren, as well as healing those that are need. The Combat Medics are capable of healing, as well as harming in case if they are attacked as well. The Combat Medics have no qualms, nor are they held with the duty to help all those that are harmed. They understand the way of the Ninja, the way of the ANBU and that the brethren comes first. The Frog Division are known as the support group, ready to act when need, to heal, and boost, and move on to the next subject.

Wolf Division

The Wolf Division specializes in Torture and Interrogation. If there is information that is needed by any means necessary, the Wolf Division is the right Division. They are never the types of lead, but those that will be support, and take action when the time is right. Not normal leaders on missions but leaders when gaining information from one in question. They specialize in the human anatomy about as much as that of the Frog Division but not to heal, instead to harm. They are capable of giving torture, as well as gaining torture. They know the meaning of secrets and are honestly the select choice in keeping them. If there is a time where one is captured in the village as a safe zone, or in the middle of the battlefield, the Wolf Division never holds back in gaining what is necessary.

Dragon Division

The Dragon Division specializes in Organization and Gathering. Considered as the team leaders, the Dragon Divisions are those that oversee the rest of the ANBU team, they plan, gather allies, and make the decisions that is necessary. They are also sometimes known as ambassadors, messengers from village to village. Reasons why is because it is best to have one who is capable of defending themselves and coming back to the village safely, then one who is incompetent and will lose their head quite easily. The Dragon Division specialize in moral capabilities, utter words and speech are capable of making those in battle become stronger, or quiver in fear. Some may mistaken them as the worded bards.

"Don't forget that this choice could shape the future of your life. Are you sure, Enyo kun?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm capable and determined to fill my duties. I'm ready for a mission." I said with a clear and confident tone at the aged man in front of me.


"Well then Tanuki. From now one, you are of the Cat Division. You'll be responsible for the killing that the village will ensue to keep the peace and balance."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage!" I bowed my head once more.

The hokage took a scroll from the drawer and mentioned for me to pick it up.

I picked it up and read the information.

~Bandits just in the border North of The Land of Fire have set camp.

There are known to be 5 Genin level Ninja among them, running the bandit organisation.

More investigation are required for potential higher individual/s.

Known to move through the earth.

Kill them all and leave no trace of them.

Retreat if there are sightings of a Jonin level nin~

"This is you mission and you'll do it alone. I hope you come back safe and sound. The will of fire burns in you and the village appreciates it." The hokage confirmed my thoughts and I nodded and said confidently as a smile protruded behind my mask, "I'll be back in no time."

I could hear a hearty laugh as I made my way outside the Hokage Tower and went straight to anbu base to report my mission.

I reported the mission in Anbu Mission Hall.

"That uniform and mask look good on you."

I looked behind to see two people who I've grown quite close to in the 4 months.

I saw Chū and Kamakiri, standing there observing me head to toe.

They approached me and as always, Chū was the one to speak first.

"Thanks to you, I owe Kamakiri 10 brand new books now." Chū said, slightly dissapointed.

"Eh?" I voiced out my confusion.

She crossed her arm and spoke as if surprised, "I heard that you submitted as a Cat Division member, I had bet that you would go to Falcon Division while Kamakiri bet on Cat.

'Can't believe they bet on such things.'

"Well, my talent in infiltrating is very good, I thought it would be a waste to not use it." I said.

There was another reason to it obviously, but they don't need to know that.

"Thank you for teaching me In these six months, sorry I didn't join you guys in the Falcon Division.

I have gifts for you.

I took out a tanto and a book from my storage seal.

The tanto was clean and sharp, bandages covering the handle, while the title of the book is 'Forbidden Love'.

"This tanto has several seals into it making it stronger than the usual. There is also an explosion seal under the wrapping at the handle, it can be activated if you supply it chakra and will it. As for you Kamakiri-san, here's a book of your favourite genre."

Surprisingly, yet unsurprisingly, Kamakiri is a softie who likes to read books, especially romance. Now that I think about it, when he introduced himself back then when he and Chu tested me, he presented himself as Fumihito.

It meant writing and compassion. That name is weird when associated with a big and bulky man.

As they took their presents in their hands, I used the opportunity to excuse myself.

"I'm afraid I'll have to leave as I have a mission to finish. Let's catch up time to time."

After saying so, I immediately sent for the mission location. I always pack anything I need inside my storage seals, so I'll never have a problem of getting caught lacking.

Before leaving, I put on the Anbu coat with the hood on because of the snow.

"It's that time of the year huh?" I muttered.


[It's Wednesday. Let's get this into ranking town. So throw them boulders at it.]
