
Devour the starry sky(吞噬星空)

In the future world, most of the earth's species have undergone mutation during the Great Nirvana period, and the genes of humans and the animal kingdom have been optimized and become extremely powerful, especially in the animal kingdom, various levels of monsters have appeared, so that humans have to fight against each other, at this time, a high school student who is only 18 years old, after experiencing various encounters, has grown from weak to strong, and has grown into a warrior who can compete with monsters.

DaoistJFqPYc · Eastern
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44 Chs

It's you who look for death

"Hmm, why didn't they answer the phone? It's past twelve now, it should be lunchtime. My dad and his crew usually rest at noon, they should answer the phone," Luo Feng wondered. He tapped on the "phone location search function" on his phone screen, and the map of Yangzhou City quickly appeared on the phone screen. One red dot was Luo Feng's own location, and the green dot was the location of his father's phone.

"It's not too far from me."

Luo Feng immediately understood where his father was now, and couldn't help but smile, "I'll run to my dad and tell him in person that I've become a quasi-martial artist."

Immediately, Luo Feng followed the map displayed on his phone and rushed over.

Yi'an District, Tiandu Garden Community.

"Hurry up, move your things faster, you guys go rest and have lunch. We also want to go eat," in the private courtyard of one of the townhouses in the community, a man in a white t-shirt and white trousers, Zhang Haobai, urged with a frown. Standing next to him were three stern-faced bodyguards.

"Sir, don't rush, this furniture is valuable, we can't be careless. Guys, put some effort into it!" Outside the private courtyard on the community road, a truck was parked, and on the truck was well-packaged wooden furniture.

Wooden furniture is very expensive in this day and age, a luxury for a few people!

Because humans all live in the base city area, places to plant trees are extremely rare, mostly for beautification purposes. And outside the human base city area, there are indeed a lot of trees growing, but there are also monsters outside the human base city area. To cut and transport trees and fight with monsters, you can imagine how high this cost is!

Nowadays, most people's furniture is made of plastic, and the higher-end ones are made of glass.

Wooden products are not affordable for ordinary families.

"Be careful."

The workers from the decoration company carefully moved the heavy furniture from the truck to the ground first. Then three workers carefully carried the furniture into the private courtyard.

"You guys be careful," Zhang Haobai reminded with a frown, "This is solid wood furniture, all made of top-grade wood. If it's damaged, your boss will definitely give you trouble."

"Huff, huff."

The three workers carefully carried the furniture, which was made of good materials and was very heavy, weighing over a thousand jin, and the three workers had some difficulty lifting it.

"Guys, let's take a break first. Let's carry it into the house in one breath later." The worker in front said, "First put the furniture here, put it down slowly, gently." The three workers carefully placed the furniture on the ground in the courtyard, then straightened up and took a deep breath.

"Old Luo, I'm hungry," a tall worker from the decoration company moved his body.

"After we finish moving this set, there are two more sets of furniture. After we finish moving all of them, we'll all go eat together," Luo Hongguo looked at the other two workers with a smile, he also casually wiped the sweat off his forehead with his clothes. It was July now, and it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day.

Three people moving over a thousand jin of valuable furniture is indeed hard labor.

"Hurry up!" Zhang Haobai urged impatiently.

"Alright." Luo Hongguo bent down to grab the furniture, "Guys, put some effort into it, let's get this set of furniture in."

"Come on, one, two, three, lift!"

Luo Hongguo and the other two worked together to lift the furniture, and then carefully stepped up the steps one by one, soon they entered the house, and came out after a while. When Luo Hongguo and the other three workers walked past Zhang Haobai and the others, the smell of sweat spread directly, and Zhang Haobai couldn't help but frown.

"Poor people are poor people, doing this kind of hard labor, they are destined to do hard labor for a lifetime," Zhang Haobai thought to himself.

His father is a rich man, born into a wealthy family, Zhang Haobai naturally has a prejudice against those at the bottom of society who do hard labor. In his view, those who are willing to do hard labor lack the spirit of struggle and deserve to live such a hard life.

"Be careful, don't hit the door."

Luo Hongguo and the other two carefully moved the furniture step by step. Their clothes were completely soaked with sweat, and sweat seeped from their foreheads, then slid down and rolled into their necks.

"Rest outside for a while." Luo Hongguo and the other two put down the furniture again and took a brief rest to adjust their breathing.

"Go, one, two, three, lift!"

Although Luo Hongguo and the other two were tired, they had been doing this kind of work for twenty or thirty years and were used to it. They knew where their endurance limit was, so they rarely made mistakes when moving things.

A moment later, Luo Hongguo and the others went to move the last set of furniture.

"It's really hot." Zhang Haobai looked up at the sky, "Brother Wang, let's go to the restaurant next door for a meal later."

"Thank you, young master." The three bodyguards all responded with a smile.

Zhang Haobai glanced at the three decorators who were moving the last set of furniture, and a low hum came from his nose. He naturally disliked these mud-legged people. Suddenly, Zhang Haobai's gaze fell on the marble used to pave the courtyard. One of the marbles had a crack in it, which was accidentally damaged by him and his bodyguards a few days ago.

"Hmm?" Zhang Haobai's eyes lit up, "I don't have much pocket money recently, I can just get some!"

At this time, Luo Hongguo and the other two were moving the third set of furniture.


A ringtone rang out, and Luo Hongguo, who was moving furniture, was overjoyed: "It should be Xiaofeng's call." But Luo Hongguo was moving furniture and couldn't answer the phone, so he had to bear with it and wait until he put down the furniture before calling back.

"Rest outside first, put it down gently, slowly." Luo Hongguo and the other two gently put down the furniture.

Luo Hongguo took out his phone from his pocket, took a look at the incoming call display, it was indeed his son who called, he couldn't help but smile and prepared to call back.

"What's going on?"

"Ah, I told you to be careful, what are you guys doing?" A scolding voice suddenly rang out.

Luo Hongguo and the other three decorators were all stunned and turned their heads to look. They saw Zhang Haobai with a gloomy face, angrily pointing at the marble road surface under the furniture: "What are you guys doing? Be serious, look, you guys have ruined my home's road surface. This is Nanshan marble, which can only be obtained from outside the base city area. A piece of marble costs tens of thousands of dollars, can you afford it? Ah!!!"

Luo Hongguo and the other three looked down——

Indeed, on the road surface under the furniture, one of the marbles did have a small crack.

"Humph, I'll ask your boss what's going on." Zhang Haobai was furious, "Brother Wang, you have their decoration company's phone number, right? Call them, give them a call. Let their boss come over! It's useless to say more to these people."

"I have their decoration company's phone number." The bodyguard surnamed Wang immediately took out his phone and started dialing.

Luo Hongguo and the other three looked at each other.

"No." The tall decorator immediately said, "This crack on the marble was there before. I've seen it."

"Still arguing, what's the use of arguing." Zhang Haobai sneered.

Luo Hongguo frowned, as an experienced old worker, he knew that this kind of wrangling was the most troublesome. And the company generally pays great attention to reputation, once it is really blackmailed, and the company does not have evidence to prove that this marble crack is not caused by their workers, the result is generally that the company can only pay compensation.

If the company pays compensation, then the three workers responsible for moving will definitely have their wages deducted.

"Guys, let's move the furniture in first." Luo Hongguo said, and was about to lift the furniture.

"Move it in?"

Zhang Haobai took two steps forward, pushed Luo Hongguo away, looked around at the three workers and shouted, "Don't play tricks! This furniture is pressing on the marble, this is evidence! You want to move the furniture into the house, and then deny it? Humph, I've seen a lot of your little tricks. Wait until your boss comes to talk."

"Old Luo, Old Luo." Two other workers rushed to help Luo Hongguo, who had been pushed and fallen to the ground. "I'm fine." Luo Hongguo rubbed his shoulder.

"How can you push people like that?" "It's not clear whether we damaged this marble or not, why are you pushing us?" The other two workers immediately glared and shouted angrily. These laborers are fearless, and if they really get angry, they wouldn't mind a fight. Even if they were taken to the police station, these people have nothing but their lives, and the police station usually has no choice but to let these people go.

"Don't mess with me!" Zhang Haobai swiftly kicked the two workers in the stomach. He directly kicked the two workers and they flew backwards, falling to the ground. "Humph, don't act tough without looking at the place." Zhang Haobai sneered. His Zhang family has quite a wide network in Yi'an District, and it's nothing to beat up a few ordinary laborers.

"Old Tian, Big Monkey. Are you okay?" Luo Hongguo was also anxious. "You young man, how can you be like this." Luo Hongguo shouted angrily. Zhang Haobai smelled the sweat on Luo Hongguo's body, frowned, and waved his hand: "Brother Wang, you guys teach them a lesson, let them quiet down."

"Young Master, the decoration company is on the line." The bodyguard named Wang handed over the phone. "Okay." Zhang Haobai waved his hand, and the three bodyguards immediately went to teach the three workers a lesson, while Zhang Haobai took the phone, "Yes, I'm from Tiandu Garden, let your boss named Hou answer the phone, Boss Hou, what's the matter with the people who delivered goods from your company today? They're so rough, they've cracked the marble floor of my family's courtyard. You guys come over quickly, look at it! If this matter is not resolved, you guys don't even think about getting the final payment for the furniture!"

Before the voice fell—— "Stop!" A loud shout came from outside the courtyard. At this moment, Luo Hongguo and the other three workers were forced to stand in the corner of the courtyard by the three tall bodyguards, their bodies full of footprints. "Huh?" The three bodyguards and Zhang Haobai all turned their heads to look.

A blurry figure rushed into the courtyard in an instant, and Zhang Haobai recognized it at a glance, and shouted angrily: "Luo Feng, you dare to come to my house, beat him!" "Damn it!" Luo Feng saw his father standing in the corner of the courtyard, sweating all over, his body full of footprints, and his eyes turned red. His father has been doing this hard work for so many years, and he has to be looked down upon. Today, he even suffered this kind of thing.

One of the three bodyguards, a slightly fat man, stepped forward with a cold smile. "Get out of my way!!!" Luo Feng shouted, and kicked the fat bodyguard with a heavy foot. The fat bodyguard tried to block with his right arm. "Bang!" The heavy kick made the fat bodyguard's eyes widen, and he flew backwards for four or five meters before falling down. The other two bodyguards were startled.

"Luo Feng, you dare to come to my house and beat my people!" Zhang Haobai glared, and shouted, "You're looking for death." "You're the one looking for death!!!" Luo Feng's eyes were fierce, and he shouted angrily.