
Devour all talent

This is story of a middle age man who died by lighting but his life does not stop there as he was transmigration to an alternative world where earth as mutated and monsters roam the world. Human's are no longer the top of the food chain and they have to fight to live. Until human's awakened there talents to become stronger and started to fight back to a new era of humanity. Watch as our protagonist gains a system that devour's talent and reach the top.

Vladimir_Alexander · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter - 3

Jonny has he calmed his mind.

and checked his body after being transmigration, he was not feeling hungry, he thought due to his reborn he had some energy.

he tried to get up from the wooden bed but he felt a little weak from the sickness that had damage his body for 1 year but as he felt his body responding normally after time like he is not sick anymore and thought due to is transmigration all his sickness is cured and just weak from less food.

with that he looked around the hut and saw a wooden table, a wooden chair and some old house appliances that where to old to use now and a wooden bed he got up from sighing he walked out of the house.

All he could see outside where huts similar to his, some where even worst and some where patched here and there and some where demolished.

as he walked a few steps he heard a voice from the next hut where an old man in his 60's with white hair and weak body sitting out side of his hut.

Oldman : Jonny want happened, why did you scream all of sudden.

oldman saw that Jonny was walking outside of the hut and he asked about the scream

Jonny : Nothing grandpa I just had a bad dream.

Jonny said with a smile to the oldman.

Oldman sighed and said,

Oldman : Anyway if you are ok, Go to the north gate of the city there are looking from workers to move the goods.

when Jonny heard that he thought it's already past 7 may be he can get some money to eat and see the city one way which will be interesting so he looked towards the direction of the north gate and back at the oldman and said,

Jonny : thanks grandpa, I will go right now.

After thanking the old man Jonny went to to the north gate, there 2 where taking boxes inside the building as I went there, one of the workers who had see me(Jonny) and knew that I was having a bad time just like him he said,

??? : Boss I have one more worker.

the man in charge saw me and the worker who talked and said,

Boss : Alright, tell him to move the boxes inside,

??? : Jonny go bring the boxs inside.

Said the man to Jonny who nodded and said in a low voice,

Jonny : Thanks uncle Park.

After thanking him Jonny moved some medium size boxes he could carry inside.

after one hour all the boxes where finished moving

the boss called all and gave them 20 copper coins.

After receiving the copper coins he turned to leave and saw a monster corpus in one of the table not for away. So I asked uncle Park.

Jonny : Uncle Park what is that.

Seeing my point of view uncle Mark said,

Uncle Mark : That is a monster corpus that just came with the load which was hunted today.

Jonny : ooh


( 1 platinum coin. = 100 gold coins

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins

1 silver coins = 100 copper coins)