
Chapter Fourteen

I clutched my statement of account with a heavy heart, feeling a sense of despair wash over me. I needed around six thousand pesos for our week-long field trip to Tagaytay, and that didn't even include my pocket money for the next week. How on earth would I come up with such a sum in such a short time?

As I made my way out, I bumped into Tyrone. Tears were threatening to fall, and I felt like a child in need of comfort. He noticed the document I held in my hands, concern furrowing his brow.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, taking the statement of account from me, and reading it. I nodded and let out a sigh.

"I need to come up with this amount, Ty. It's crucial for our subject and failing to join the field trip might affect my grades," I confessed, my voice tinged with worry.

"Where can I find that much money, Ty?" I asked, sounding like a helpless child. He didn't reply immediately but appeared lost in thought.

"Hmm... We'll find a way," he finally said, flashing me his million-dollar smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him, his charm offering a glimmer of hope. "But promise me something, Diane. Don't be afraid to trust me. Okay? Just trust."

"B-but why? Are we doing something wrong?" I asked, my concern growing.

"Sort of," he replied cryptically, which only heightened my anxiety.

"Tyrone! Maybe we should drop this. I'll figure something out. I could borrow money," I tried to reason with him.

"Don't worry. I've done this before when I was in a bind, and I'm doing it again because I still haven't paid off my debts," he explained, scratching his head. Nervously, I followed him, uncertain of what he had planned. However, as we continued, the path he led me on became familiar, and I realized we were heading towards a shop.

"You're really something, Ty! I thought we were doing something illegal," I chided him, releasing a sigh of relief. He chuckled heartily.

"No worries, you were just concerned about me," he said.

Inside the shop, I noticed an abundance of cakes lined up. What on earth was going on? Tyrone went to talk to our manager, while I stood there, my mouth agape with confusion.

Moments later, he emerged with our manager, and I blushed when she referred to him as my boyfriend. Tyrone's audacity amused me.

"Your boyfriend talked to me. He said you needed financial help for your field trip. I can't give you the full amount, but I can offer you three thousand pesos," she explained, pointing to the cakes on display.

"But what do we need to do for it?" I asked, still bewildered.

"Just sell these cakes..." she gestured to the numerous cakes on the shelves. I was at a loss for words, utterly dumbfounded by the proposal.

"B-but... We won't be able to sell all of these! Sometimes we can't even sell fifteen cakes," I stammered, attempting to reason.

"Thank you very much. We owe this to you!" Tyrone thanked her profusely, and our manager returned to her office.

"Tyrone, come on! Do you really think we can sell all of these? Sometimes we can't even sell fifteen cakes," I exclaimed, feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course, but..."

"Then just trust me," he said, smiling at me. I helped him arrange our stall, and an hour had passed. We had only managed to sell three cakes. I did everything I could to assist him, even pulling people towards our stall, but it seemed futile. So, I began to ponder. What else could I do? This wasn't just for me but for both of us. It was for our future. Well, imagining our future together was a bit too much, but the thought did cross my mind.

Lost in my thoughts, I noticed Tyrone suddenly dancing. What was he up to? Had he gone crazy because we couldn't sell anything? I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. As if he could attract customers that way! But then, a group of high school girls passed by.

"OMG! He's so cute!" one of the girls exclaimed.

"Yes, he is. Hey, can we take a picture with you, kuya?" another asked.

"Sure, as long as you buy our cakes," Tyrone replied with a smile. I saw the two girls exchange glances before grinning.

"Okay, we will," they agreed, and that was when it all began. More girls started approaching. The two high schoolers even called their friends, who rushed over to our stall. They all wanted pictures of Tyrone. I knew he must be tired, but he endured it all just to make a sale. In a matter of minutes, we had sold more than half of our cakes, and our manager was ecstatic. But I knew we had to sell them all.

As the afternoon sun cast its warm glow, a group of high school boys approached our stall. Their youthful energy filled the air, and I couldn't help but notice that they had an air of mischief about them. However, there was nothing menacing in their demeanor; on the contrary, some of them had a charming, boyish appeal.

Among them, one guy stood out, like a magnetic force drawing everyone's attention. He had an infectious smile that lit up his face, and his friends were playfully pushing him towards our stall. It was obvious that they were teasing him, goading him to do something bold and daring.

I saw Tyrone, my companion and partner in this cake-selling venture, raise an eyebrow in curiosity as he observed the group. They were like a bunch of mischievous, giggling teenagers, enjoying each other's company, and seeking a moment of excitement.

The center of attention, the boy with the charismatic aura, seemed to hesitate for a moment, his friends urging him on with laughter and playful shoves. The scene was lighthearted and filled with youthful exuberance.

I couldn't help but wonder what their intentions were. Were they just having some fun or did they genuinely want to interact with us? I kept a friendly smile on my face, ready to welcome them warmly if they approached.

The moments of anticipation seemed to stretch, and I could see the boy's eyes darting back and forth between his friends and me. There was an unspoken challenge in the air, and I was intrigued to see what would unfold next.

As they drew closer, I noticed that the boy's cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of excitement and nerves evident on his face. His friends were undoubtedly enjoying the thrill of the moment, and I wondered what they had in mind for him.

"H-Hi!" he stammered, scratching his head, and looking embarrassed.

"Do you want to buy some cake?" I asked with a smile. I noticed him blinking in front of me, as if he couldn't believe this was happening.

"Yes, please!" he replied.

"How many?" I asked, still smiling at him. I saw Tyrone furrowing his brows as he watched us.

As the group of high school boys approached, my smile remained warm and welcoming. Tyrone's furrowed brows did not escape my notice, but I tried not to let it dampen my spirits. The boy at the center of attention seemed nervous, glancing back at his friends as if seeking their approval before mustering the courage to speak.

"Three and..." he hesitated, and I leaned in, curious to hear his request.

"And what?" I encouraged gently, my eyes locked with his. His nerves were palpable, but he took a deep breath, mustering determination.

"Can we take a picture and have a kiss?" he blurted out, almost stumbling over his words. The reaction from his friends was instantaneous—boisterous laughter filled the air. Amused by their playful antics, I couldn't help but let out a small smirk, understanding the good-natured teasing that was going on.

I played along, teasing him a little, "Is that all?"

He looked torn between embarrassment and hopefulness, glancing back at his friends before gathering his courage to respond, "R-really!? You're okay with it?"

I couldn't help but admire his sincerity and vulnerability. He had asked for something daring, and yet, it was clear that he hadn't expected me to agree so readily.

"Of course. It's just a picture," I reassured him with a playful wink, hoping to ease his nerves. In that moment, his eyes sparkled with delight, and his friends stood in stunned silence, perhaps not anticipating that I would be so accommodating.

We took a picture together, capturing that fleeting moment of youthful exuberance and connection. As he and his friends excitedly picked out cakes to buy, I noticed Tyrone's mood had changed. His initial excitement and enthusiasm seemed to have been replaced by a hint of somberness. I couldn't help but feel concerned, wondering what might be bothering him.

The stall had become a scene of contrasting emotions—joyful laughter from the group of high school boys and a hint of melancholy from Tyrone. Little did I know that this day, filled with unexpected encounters, would lead to moments of introspection and the unraveling of emotions that would shape our journey together. After they left, more customers came, this time both men and women. It felt like Tyrone, and I were in a contest for the most pictures taken. It was almost embarrassing because we were being treated like celebrities.

As the group of high school boys moved away, their joyful laughter echoing in the background, Tyrone's mood seemed to darken. His scolding tone caught me off guard as he muttered, "Tsk! I knew it, Diane! That's why I didn't want to expose you to this. You don't know what effect you have on people."

His words puzzled me, leaving me wondering about the impact I had unwittingly made. What was it about me that had him so concerned? I longed to understand, but I hesitated to ask in that moment, not wanting to add to his obvious frustration. Tyrone's brows were furrowed, and his face bore the weight of unspoken thoughts. I sensed there was more to this than met the eye. Perhaps, amidst all the playful interactions and picture-taking, something deeper had been stirred within him. As I observed him, I saw the inner conflict in his eyes—the struggle between wanting to protect me and yet not wanting to dampen my spirits. His concerns were genuine, and the way he looked at me spoke of a genuine care that touched my heart.