

After the strange death of his mother, Kelvin, a 19 year teenager is left with his sister and a friend of his. Sooner, he fakely gets arrested for the death of his mom and his taken into hostage at the outskirts of the city by an unknown authoriser. He finds out about the devil in disguise in his life and is set to break free and be with his family. Watch the struggles, sorrows and suspence as the story unfolds. The friend you know today can be your devil in disguise. Or so I think? FIND FROM DEVIL IN DISGUISE.

Kelvin_Clyde · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 7


"Hey Joe it's a jackpot, we'll soon be rich. Mr Osei is under my control now. He'll soon be signing his entire properties in my name and his son has also fallen deeply in love with me. It feels so good playing with the emotions of these two bloods " Dad and son" Jackie announced to Joe fully excited

"You see, I told you this plan would be useful and so much beneficial. We're going to be billionaires soon I bet you. You were proving adamant about this plan earlier on." Jeoffery added.

"That was way back dear, I was naive then, that's no more. I would have regretted it if I hadn't agreed. Besides I now know the essence of taking a sugar daddy and adding his son attached" Gloria said bursting into a peal of uncontrollable laughter.

" He just told me the documents are in process to changing the owner of the properties to my name" Gloria added eagerly.

" Wow, this is going faster than I thought. Thank you so much dear for listening to me. " Jeoffery said in excitement as he hugged her.

"In three days, we'll meet up to do the signing of the documents. But for the meantime, I would also manipulate his son to get something out of him also." Gloria said.

"Good point dear, go for it, I trust you," Jeoffery said encouraging her.


Mr Osei CLYDE had almost reached out for the door handle to leave the house with his briefcase in his hand until his wife had coincidentally spotted him leaving and stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going in such a hurry and a sneaky manner? Mrs Carrie asked her husband, Mr Osei.

"Hey woman, don't you have eyes? What is wrong with you? Why are you asking me this? If you care to know, I'm heading to the office." Mr. Osei answered angrily trying to put up a lie after being caught.

"Office? On a weekend? Why would you go to the office and that to a weekend?" His wife enquired with much curiousness.

" Don't get on my nerves on this blissful morning Carrie. I'm in no mood for ruthless quarrels. Mr. Osei added.

" That's all you know and can say, Go and meet those your playgirls OK, and waste all the worked-hard money on them. If I hadn't spotted you, you would have left without leaving a single piece of money for housekeeping. What kind of a man are you? You have kids for God's sake Osei, have some pity." Mrs Carrie retorted.

"Stop this nonsense Carrie, what girls? I've told you not to get on my nerves already. I gave you enough money for yesterday and today so don't expect anything from me today. You never wish me well. You don't make me happy anymore, you've worn out Carrie, I need fresh young girls, what is even wrong if I have girls? Mr Osei blurted out without realizing what he had said.

"How dare you call names Osei, such an ungrateful man you are. All that I've done for you. You call me names, no doubt I was right you had playgirls!!!! She screams.

Mrs Carrie raises his hand to slap Me. Osei but Mr Osei catches her hands and pushes her to the floor and hit her.

Out of nowhere, Kelvin appears and pushes his father from his mother and issues a punch in his face.

"How dare you hit my mom. Why are all your intentions so cruel? Let this be the last time I see you treat my mom this way. I will personally massacre you the next time. Go and have your play with your girls and leave us alone!!" Kelvin angrily says to his father and picks up his mom while she sobs. Mr Osei angrily leaves the house without uttering a word.

Outside the house, Mr Osei looked confused as to whether he should proceed with the task in mind after a ruthless quarrel at home. He felt an enormous guilt within himself. Lost in thoughts for some minutes, the devil in him got the whole of him and he resolved to continue his risky mission amidst the worst that could ever happen.

The house looked appalling when he reached it. The place looked untidy, one of an abandoned house. Silence had enveloped the entire area, not even the sounds of the birds could be heard from a house that stood on the outskirts of the town with several trees that could house about 50 birds a tree.

The mood suddenly changed for Mr Osei when thoughts of insecurity occurred consecutively through his mind as he pressed into his thoughts amid stepping out of the car.

"C'mon Osei, be a man and master courage, after all, what could be the worst possible thing that could ever happen to me " These were the subsequent thoughts which Filled Mr Osei's mind. He moved closer to the door to open it but found it slightly ajar. He entered with a slight push at the door and saw Gloria and a man black suit seated and chatting on the couch as if friends. He greeted them on getting closer and they responded.

"Have a seat dearie" Gloria instructed. He sat down and the conversation began

"You're welcome Mr Osei Clyde, please let's proceed with the task" The man seated next to Gloria finally spoke out.

" I'm Boadu Wilfred by name, the lawyer for Mrs Gloria. I also stand in as a witness in your change of ownership of your properties to Mrs Gloria's name" lawyer Wilfred added.

"Pleasure meeting you" Mr. Osei announced.

"I hope you have the documents with you, sir. " The lawyer asked.

"Yes, I do, how can I forget such an important document for which this meeting holds? It will be going to your farm without a machete" Mr Osei replied.

" Well good, then let's proceed"The lawyer instructed.

Mr Osei pulled out his briefcase readily, to hand over his entire properties which is in his son's name to a total stranger who he hardly knew.

The avidity for wealth in Gloria had risen like a liquid in a capillary tube after she had seen Mr Osei pull out the briefcase which obviously housed the property document. She could undoubtedly smell the scent and smells of riches as she forsake how life would turn out to be after she hit this Jackpot in her thoughts. She had pictured herself and Jeoffery leaving in luxurious homes and rides.

" Sign here" The voice from the lawyer invaded Gloria's mind and woke her up from her daydream "

Lawyer Wilfred handed the documents to Gloria. She quickly took hold of it and asked for the area to sign.

"Are you not going to read through? Lawyer Wilfred suggestively asked.

" I need not " I trust my darling Osei. I shouldn't arouse any feeling of doubts about my darling NY reason through, or should I? Gloria said and asked.

" I don't mind if you do. But everything there in that document is intact and genuine." Osei added.

Gloria without much ado signed without a glance through the documents. She then passed the documents to Osei to also sign as well and he did without much hesitation.

"Congratulations Mrs Gloria, you are now the legal owner of Clyde's properties." The lawyer announced.

Blazes of blissfulness and amusement rushed through Gloria's veins as she felt the entire world at her feet. She rise happily and hugged Osei as he reciprocated it and beamed with smiles when he saw her happy.

"Thank you so much, Osei, I can't love you less dear. Now you and I will forever be together." Gloria told him.

"Thank you, Gloria, since I barged into you, You have given me the happiness and love my wife seldomly gave me.

I feel manly again and I cannot repay you with anything lighter. I am even suggesting we leave the country and start a family. We will make good parents together. I guess " Mr Osei suggested.

"Wow, you do have numerous visions I guess. But I feel pity and worry for you." Gloria disclosed changing the mood and the tone of her voice.

"Why to make such heart-wrenching comments, Did what I said seem so much impossible to you that makes you feel so much pity and worry."

" haha you barely have a minute to breathe your last breath and I was kind of wondering how this daydream would come through to pass. Gloria skilled heartily making it seem sarcastic.

Then least expectedly, she pulled out a gun at Osei.

" Say your last prayer freak!! " Gloria ordered.

Mr Osei who looked utterly helpless stood aimlessly with a film of tears in his eyes. The grown-up man Osei had suddenly turned into cry baby pleading for his life.

" What are you doing Mrs. Gloria? " lawyer Wilfred inquired.

" Shut up asshole before I knock you out" she shouted at the lawyer.

She turns the gun back to Osei

Since you have decided to say nothing to your God. Bye then.

"paw paw" She presses the trigger and shoots Osei dead to the ground. She turns to the lawyer and begins.

" You are of no use now lawyer, Rent a house for me in hell or if you by chance make it to heaven buy me a mansion, who knows, I may live a committed Christian life hereafter. After all, I'm rich now. Bye Bye"

"Paw paw " The sound from the gun echoes throughout the entire house as the shot victim drops to the ground.