

After the strange death of his mother, Kelvin, a 19 year teenager is left with his sister and a friend of his. Sooner, he fakely gets arrested for the death of his mom and his taken into hostage at the outskirts of the city by an unknown authoriser. He finds out about the devil in disguise in his life and is set to break free and be with his family. Watch the struggles, sorrows and suspence as the story unfolds. The friend you know today can be your devil in disguise. Or so I think? FIND FROM DEVIL IN DISGUISE.

Kelvin_Clyde · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 6



I pressed the trigger and loaded a shot of an unmissed bullet inside his abdomen as he neared his car, he was down to the ground within seconds feeling pains with blood oozing profusely out of him. Just to be sure he had passed out, I moved closer to check on him even though the distance to which I shot him was quite far.

About halfway to him, I accidentally twisted my ankle on stepping on a marble. I bent to examine my ankle feeling a slight pain. I got up after the short check-up only to see the victim I shot crawl towards his car amidst his pain and bleeding.

I pointed my gun at him to shoot him again but he opened the door to his car and hoped in like a flash making the bullet hit the driver's door. I unleashed another shot gauging his head through the windscreen, but wisely, he dodged underneath making the bullet pierce the windscreen and through the driver's seat.He sparked his car and zoomed off.

I immediately hopped on my 4G clydesdale motorbike and chased after him. It was an intense chase though as I stepped on the highway after him. With lots of furiousness and anger in my eyes, I was not willing to let a bone of his escape from me alive. Accelerating further, I gauged my gun at him and shot three consecutive times but missed, unfortunately.

I accelerated more but this time closer to his car. I could see he was in extreme pain as he was gnashing his teeth with blood all over his steering wheel. He was becoming weak due to intense blood loss.

Even though he was slowing down, he resolved to speed up when he saw me closer. He made a right turn and took the road leading to the bridge at the entrance of the town. My anxiousness rose to a level beyond imagination as I became alert of him crossing the bridge to town, my plans would be in vain if he crossed that bridge to town. I needed to act fast.

Just then, a plan struck me. I just needed to wait for the right moment. The one bullet left needed to be used rightly to execute my plan. He sped fast and reached the bridge, I took out my pistol and held it steadily to my bike and gauged the right back tire of his car and shot carefully the last bullet with all my might.

There I could see the bullet flying in the air then piercing through the targeted tire. Abruptly, his car tilted and somersaulted making a loud intensifying halting noise. In the course of somersaulting, his car crashed into the left side of the bridge breaking its walls and sending the car into the river. I screeched to a halt and hopped off the motorbike to examine the conscious disaster I had caused.

I watched in awe and delight at my achievement. My heart was now at peace as I had eliminated the one obstacle out of my way. I marched back towards my motor and sped off abruptly from the non-delighting scene.


"We searched everywhere near the river and even dived deep in it Ms Jackie, but there wasn't a hint about where Mr Alex is. However, according to the car registration number you gave, it is Mr Alex's vehicle which encountered the horrible accident " The police said to Jackie who had tears all over her face.

"Judging from the intense blood in the driver's seat and other parts of the car, I am sorry to say he might not have survived it" the police added increasing Jackie's sorrow.

The police left after speaking out about the outcome of the investigations they did about the accident which obviously meant the victim, Mr Alex had died.

Silence and sorrow enveloped the house after the disclosure of the news to Jackie and Daphne. Tears never seem to cease from their eyes even if they wanted them to. Their entire life was now upside down as if they were the burdens of the world. Was fate playing a game on them? Tying their knots together and enduring the calamities that life had for them was their only option.

A series of quarrels ensued between Jeoffery and Jackie as Jackie blamed Jeoffery for Alex's death. Jackie claimed that Alex had followed Jeoffery to return his phone which resulted in this accident. Jeoffery too said he had not noticed Alex following else he would have stopped to take his phone. After a long quarrel, they went their separate ways.

"So Alex was the intruder in the house? Which means the guy Einstein killed was Alex? Curiosity indeed kills the cat. Jeoffery thought as he stormed out of the house.


"The patient sustained a lot of massive injuries on the head and as a result is in a comma at the moment and as of now, I can hardly tell you the time or day he might become conscious " The doctor spoke out after the enquiry by the man who brought in the patient.

He looked wet from hair to toe as if he just got out of a pool, probably he had. He may be in his mid-thirties if not mistaken and from his attire, he was probably heading to or returning from the farm. Breathing helplessly he resolved to take a seat a few steps back contemplating about what to do.


Having taken his unfulfilling lunch, Mr Amo fitted himself into one of his old torn attires and put on a Campboot recently bought for him by his wife and dashed out to inspect his traps as usually done by his fellow farmers, he was optimistic that he would get a good game.

With his good sprint, he had already reached the river and stopped to quench his thirst. In no time he was in his farm inspecting his trap.

The trap shook and a smile reflected on his face as never before. His Joy had almost reached its climax when he realised that whatever shook the trap was nothing else than a rattlesnake in his trap.

Disappointedly, he Killed the poor animal and turned back to go home. Awkwardly silent, he ceased to make or hear any noise made in the forest, not even the chirping of the birds. Meat being one of his favourite delicacies, he was lost in thoughts as to what he would be having for supper.

Unawarely at the riverside, "paaw" the sound of a gunshot awoke him from his thoughts, with his ears and eyes attentively tracing the sound, he saw the non-delighting scene;

a car falling aimlessly from the bridge into the river.

Being a good swimmer, he didn't hesitate to dive in to help. After the tiring dive, he brought the bloody victim out of the river.

Mr Amo struggled for more air after the difficult diving. Feeling tensed at the moment, he knew not what to do. He remembered a first aid programme he watched on TV.

He tried chest compressions, putting a hand in the other, and he compressed the chest of the victim. After three successive presses, the victim coughed a large amount of water out.

After gaining consciousness he passed out again. The victim's entire attire was soaked in blood, he carried him on his back and took him to the hospital.