

It was the next day, at the funeral of Fujimoto, Rin, stood in front of his father's grave, while Akira stood far away under a tree, Rin then left the tomb and went to see Akira.

As soon as he sees Rin, he kneels his head against the ground in dogeza.


Rin stood there silent watching the devilman weep for his failure, attracting the eyes of the people attending the scene.

Rin: "I need explanations. Who told you to protect me? How do you know Satan? And why do you call him Ryo?"

Akira then stood up, and explained all his story, as he had done with Father Fujimoto.

Rin: "Wait Wait… You are telling me, that you are Satan's best friend from another world, than one of your disputes to bring to a three-year war and the destruction of it, but that God has brought you back to life, to protect me and Yukio?! (AN: I don't know their relationships, because to tell the truth I didn't understand it, I can't figure out if it's love, fraternal friendship, or whatever, so I wrote this as best friends, give me more information if it's not that please)

Akira: Not exactly that, but clearly yes."

Rin seems to show a shocked face, the two are silent for a while, before Rin starts talking again

Rin: "What do we do now?"

Akira then remembers what Father Fujimoto had told him about his phone,

Akira: When Astharoth came into the monastery, your father gave me his phone, to call a friend who should help us… I think we should call it…"

Rin nodded silently, then Akira handed him the phone, then he called the only number on the screen, then they heard a bell that sounded like the music of a merry-go-round ringing among those present at the funeral. They observed around them, before seeing a person dressed in a strange pink, white and purple costume.

? : "Delighted!"

His voice sounds on the phone and in real life,

He made a strange reverence

? "I am Mephisto Phélès, of the Order of the Knights of the True Cross! Father Fujimoto was a friend, my condolences…" Akira: "He smells the demon."

Mephisto: "Well Well, if they are not nice greetings!"

Rin: "Are you exorcists?"

Mephisto: "Right. And we know everything there is to know about you. Except for your friend's presence."

Akira: "My name is Akira Fudo, you don't need to know more."

The smell of demon emanating from Mephisto, made Akira suspicious, who automatically stood slightly in front of Rin, to protect him from possible dangers.

Meanwhile, Mephisto thought how familiar this name seemed to him, but he did not look any further. And decided to address Rin

Mephisto: Father Fujimoto intended to raise you as a human. But his dream shattered… You woke up to your true nature. And here is the son of Satan dragging his gaiters to Assiah…

Akira did not appreciate the tone of the man»

Akira: "He may no longer be human in appearance, but his heart will remain human!"

Mephisto could not stop thinking how familiar this phrase seemed to him, and Rin, felt a certain gratitude, this sentence did him good. Mephisto decided to ignore the young man once again, and addressed Rin once again

Mephisto: "On behalf of the Vatican, we are obliged to eliminate you."

This time, Akira slightly upset, transformed into his Devilman form


Mephisto, seeing the new form of Akira, finally remembered why he seemed so familiar. The young man in front of him was none other than the devilman his father had told him so much about.

Rin: "Wait for Akira"

Akira: "Huh?"

Rin then addressed Mephisto;

Rin: "I want to be one of you!"

Mephisto: "Huh?!"

Rin: "No matter what you say and what you think! I'm not the demon's son. Shirô Fujimoto was my only father!"

Akira, hearing this, was slightly moved by Rin, but always remained on his guard, and did not change. And even though Mephisto was a little worried about Akira, he kept his air calm, and again ignored the devilman, which annoyed him more and more, but he decided to keep his calm, because Rin had asked for it.

Mephisto: "I see… Do you want to take up the torch? Answer that question. Are you going to become an exorcist? All right. But then?"

Rin: "I will come to Satan!"

Shocked by the words of his protégé, Akira inadvertently regained his human form, and looked with dismay at Rin as Mephisto laughed louder and louder

Rin: "What are you laughing at? And why are you staring at me like a fried whiting!"

Mephisto: "Did you hear yourself?! Satan's own son, an exorcist!"

He started laughing harder and harder while holding his belly

Mephisto: "MAGNIFICENT! The best for ages!"

Meanwhile Akira stared at Rin, always with a face of shock and dismay, which made him look like a dead fish

Rin: "I WASN'T!"

Mephisto: "I like it! that's settled !"

The two exorcists in black clothes behind Mephisto appeared shocked

Exorcist A: "SIRE PHÉLÈS!"

Rin and Akira: "Really?!"

Mephisto: This is an extra-legal measure. But know that you are embarking on a true Way of the Cross. You may regret not having preferred death, for the fate that awaits you is only suffering and torment."

Rin: "I don't care. I'm more of a human, I'm not a demon… I have to move on. I'd be an exorcist!"

Hearing this sentence, Akira shed a tear, which reminded him at the very beginning.

Akira: "Rin, you've grown so much…"


Then Akira cried even more while hugging Rin who was trying unnecessarily to free herself from it, under the amused gaze of Mephisto

Mephisto thinking, "I can't wait to see how this works…"


Rin: "The other clown is in a hurry! And Yukio is nowhere…"

Akira: "You shouldn't stand in the middle of the road, Rin..."

At present Rin and Akira stood in front of the monastery, waiting for Mephisto to arrive, then a pink limousine of bad taste arrived, while almost crushing Rin in passing.

Akira: "I said so…"


Then Mephisto opened the door, and out of the pink car, theatrically.

Méphisto: "HEY WELL! What a splendid weather! The perfect weather for a new start!"

Akira stopped laughing at the energetic who stands in front of him.

Rin: "What is this crate?"

Akira regains her calm

Akira: "Where are you going to take us?"

Mephisto: "at the Academy of the True Cross."

Akira: "Huh?"

Rin: "The Academy of the True Cross!?"

Mephisto: Know that my official title is headmaster of the academy. Starting today, both of you will count as one of my students."

Akira: "What do you mean, both of you?! School I already gaven it !"

Mephisto: "Maybe, but don't you think it would be easier to protect Rin and Yukio if you infiltrated?"

Akira grumbles, but nods. Then the footsteps sound

Yukio: "I'm here! I'm really glad we're not separated, Rin!"

Akira looks at the young teenager, it was the first time he saw him in person, for the moment he had just met Rin. Therefore he was quite curious about the newcomer. Similarly for Yukio, who had seen only the demonic form of Akira while he was unconscious, he did not yet know who the boy was in front of him, and wondered what he was doing there.

Yukio: «and you are?»

Akira did not know if the brother knew about demons and exorcists, so he decided to make a normal presentation.

Akira: "Akira Fudo."

Yukio then passed to Mephisto

Yukio: "Good morning, Mr. Faust!"

Rin: "Faust? It wasn't Mephisto.?"

Akira: "maybe a fake name"

Mephisto: "exactly! Johann Faust V… My "official" name"

Méphisto resumed a theatrical pose of superheroes while pointing nowhere with his fingers, under the astonished look of Rin and Akira, while Yukio looked at him from afar, as if everything were normal.


Akira commenting: "It is rude to point people's fingers."

Mephisto then realizes that people were around them, and that he had, without deliberately pointing his finger at a young girl who seemed very embarrassed. He then pretends to cough in a failed attempt to look like something other than a clown, in front of Rin's amused eyes, who for once seemed grateful for Akira's remarks.


Rin, Akira, Méphisto and Yukio were currently in the flashy limousine, heading to the academy. Akira, still of a rather large size, felt himself squeezed in this limousine, and tried by every possible means to find a comfortable position under the astonished eyes of Rin and Yukio, who always wondered why this young man was there.

Mephisto: "We will soon be at the heart of the True Cross campus!"

A huge monument stands before them

Mephisto: «Welcome to the Academy of the True Cross!»

Rin: «it's crazy»

Mephisto: «All possible and imaginable infrastructures are gathered here. A real temple dedicated to study!»

Akira saying for himself, "It looks like a child stacking several different pieces of playmobil..."

Mephisto has the impression of having been shot in the stomach, Yukio looks at Akira with a puzzled look, and Rin seems half angry and half amused by Akira's comment, to tell the truth he already seemed to have gotten used to it…

The limousine stopped at what appeared to be the entrance to the academy.

Mephisto: "Put on your uniform, please."

Akira looks with a face of pure hatred at an amused Mephisto, because for Akira, trying to change in such a narrow place seemed as difficult as finding the holy grail, while Rin grumbles in his beard while changing.


Whatsit (I don't know what his role is so I'm going to call him whatsit): "The Promotion Delegate, Okumura Yukio!"

Yukio: "YES!"

We're in a sort of amphitheatre right now, with a lot of students sitting all over the place, Akira didn't like that at all, because he was far enough away from Rin and Yukio, so if there was any danger, he might not get there in time, And the fact that there were so many people was stressing him out a little, after all, it had been a long time since he had seen so many living beings, without it being to kill them. Fortunately, with his imposing body, and his slightly frightening face, no one tried to approach him, even though he did not realize it.

Yukio: It was with enthusiasm and a keen sense of duty that I passed through the doors of the academy. I swear I will not back down from any effort. Yukio Okumura, Promotion Delegate."


Whatsit : "All new students, I'll show you around the academy, follow me!"

They were currently in a kind of class where all the new students were gathered, you could see a girl approach Yukio, while Akira, always slightly stressed, had a scary head, which would make even the greatest gangster cry, without doing so on purpose, while having a slight combat position, which did not escape anyone.

Rin: «Relax Akira, nobody will attack us»

Akira: "How can I relax? At any time a demon could arise, even if it is day, I must be ready!"

Rin: "I would say you have a slight social problem…"

Akira: "And you're telling me that? Isn't the hospital giving a shit about charity?"

Rin decided to ignore the sarcastic comment of the devilman, and focused on what surrounded him, while being closely followed by Akira, who always displayed a suspicious face.


Rin: "Wow! So this is the academy?"

Akira: "an attack could happen from all sides."

He said, looking all around him, as if a monster could appear at any moment


Rin: "There are even chandeliers! It's a five-star restaurant!"

Akira: "Chandeliers could be used as weapons or a hanging…"

He says while looking around him again, as if once again a monster could come all of a sudden to attack him


Rin: "This room is huge! You can't see the end of it!"

Akira: «big enough for an enemy to make a surprise attack»

Rin: «And desks twice as big as in the monastery!»

Akira: They could be a shield or a distraction��

The reactions of the two atypicals did not fly, and everyone could hear the childlike words of Rin and the macabre ones of Akira.

Plague A: "What are they playing at?"

Plague B: "it looks like gangsters..."

Plague C: "What are they doing here?"

Plague A: "You think it's a katana in its case?"

Plague B: "At least the second one is pretty..."

Plague C: "I wonder what his eye-liner brand..."

And when Rin heard their words, he looked sad, and saw it, Akira said,

Akira: "Don't be careful, they're pests."

Rin: "yeah…"

Whatsit: "That will be all for today. Go back to your dorms and get ready for the first classes."

Rin and Akira came out of the class, and walked down the halls in search of the dormitories


Akira: "Don't look at me like that, I have no idea."

Then a tired-looking dog approached Rin and Akira

Rin: "A dog?"

Akira: "This dog stinks the demon."

He puts himself slightly ahead Rin, to protect him from a possible danger, to the greatest annoyance of him, who by simple spirit of contradiction, decided to follow the dog, to the great damnation of the ever distrustful Akira.

Akira thought, "How is it possible to be so irresponsible?"

The dog then brought Akira and Rin outside the academy, then transformed into a mephisto in a still theatrical position

Mephisto: "My apologies, but a proper principal doesn't hang around the halls."

Akira commenting: "Always so dramatic…"

Rin: "Can exorcists transform?!"

Mephisto: "No, I am special."

Akira commenting: «special is another word to say stupid.»

Méphisto suffers once again from the comment of the devilman, but is resumed, and sends two keys to Rin and Akira

Mephisto: "Wherever you are, these keys will take you to your evening classes."

Rin: "evening class?"

Mephisto: Those who will make you exorcists. Every day, after high school, you will go to these classes. Apprentice exorcist, you will devote yourself to the study of this art."

Akira: "Oi, I already know everything you need to know to kill the demon."

Mephisto: Maybe to kill, but not to exorcise, an exorcist will remove the demon from the possessed person, kill the demon, kill the person with it. (AN: that's what I understood, I'm not sure) Anyway, the school is coming back next week, but the evening classes today, I hope you're ready."

Rin: "more than ever!"

Akira saying for himself, "I never signed up for this..."

Mephisto ignored the frustrated youth

Mephisto: "One recommendation, however. Rin's satanic ancestry must remain secret, you will have to keep your blue slurs to yourself."

Rin: "Okay, I'll do my best."

Mephisto: "On the other hand, the fact that Akira is a devilman is not, many half-demons work as exorcists."

Akira seemed relieved not to have to retain his Devilman form, for it was far more practical than human.

Mephisto: "That will be all! We can go!"

Mephisto brings Akira and Rin before an old door, and tells them to open it, so Rin opens the old door with the keys, and that brings him into a corridor with many other doors.

Rin: "This is crazy!"

Akira: "There are so many colors…"

Akira felt like she fell into a bag of jelly beans

Mephisto: "For the first years, it's room 1106. Let's go."

Rin: "we're following you."

While they were walking down the corridor, Mephisto spoke to Akira;

Mephisto: «Also Akira, I informed Yukio a little earlier of why you are present»

Akira: "So Yukio knows about demons… Wait… Did you know about me?!"

Mephisto: "Yes, I also know everything about your past, and it is quite obvious that you are trying to protect Rin, but don't worry, I have changed the reality a little."

Akira: "What do you mean?"

Mephisto: "I told him you were a powerful exorcist, sent to infiltrate this class to watch him and his brother."

Akira: "How did he react?"

Mephisto: «He didn't seem to like the news»

He then speaks aloud so that Rin can hear it.

Mephisto: "Here we are! Today I will attend classes."

Rin: "It's hot… I'm really stressed out!"

Then Mephisto turned into a dog

Mephisto: "Come on, now"

Then Rin opened the door, followed by an angry Akira, and a canine mephisto, this did not escape the eyes of the other students, who found these newcomers rather strange.

Rin: "Okumura Rin, delighted!"

Akira: "My name is Fudo Akira, I prefer it to be said right away, I am what you consider a half-demon, even if I prefer to be called as a devilman"

There were some reactions from the other students, some seemed surprised, some fearful, some still downright hateful, and some remained indifferent to the news. But Akira did not care, he preferred to say it immediately, because he found it simpler, and being hated or not by his classmates was not his problem, because for him, only Rin and Yukio were important.He simply wanted to avoid a tragedy similar to that of Miki.

Then Rin went to sit at a table, and Akira tried himself right next to him, he would never leave him more than a few meters away, it was his new decision after what had happened at the monastery.

Rin: "Who are these?"

Canine Mephisto: "Apprentices like you, who came here to become exorcists. Not all of them have yet experienced any malignant trauma."

Rin: "Malignant trauma?"

Mephisto: A disease or injury inflicted by a demon. Who is exposed to it becomes able to see them. So it is a necessary passage to become an exorcist. Finally in your case it will not be necessary, since you are demons..."

Akira: «devilman»

Mephisto: "Anyway, it looks like the professor has arrived."

The door opens, is a young man in black uniform enters the room.

Good afternoon. "I am Yukio Okumura, your lecturer."

Rin rises up with surprise and points his brother with a trembling finger under the astonished and amused look of Akira

Rin: "YUKIO?!"

AN: AND YES I am back! As you can see, this chapter is slightly longer than usual, in fact as I stayed at my grandparents' house and the internet did not work apart for my phone, so I focused on this fan fiction, without having any other distraction, therefore I have more detailed this chapter. So I took it out earlier to apologize for not taking out Saturday’s

Ga_Gumacreators' thoughts
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