
Mother and daughter

"The lord's wife and son have disappeared."

"And all the servants at the sun mansion were killed."

"What? At the eve's day!"

The 'Devils eve day' was an important festival at the devil world. It was the most important day for devils, and no killing would occur in the entire devil world. Even the devil's lord himself would have to postpone from killing anyone. Otherwise, people would start rebelling against him, even if it meant death.

It occurred once every ten years so that every devil would come together for an alliance. An alliance was essential for survival, as one could gain more power through it.

Death penalty was given as a form of punishment if one were to break the rule.

The sun mansion was the home to one and only Feng, the devil Lord from of the devil world. Many powerhouses heavily guarded it, so it was a wonder as to how the mother and son pair disappeared.

"How are we going to tell the devil lord."

"We don't. He already knows."


"Mother. He is opening his eyes."


Dan's eyelids twisted slightly. He slowly lifted them as a sweet voice drifted throughout the cottage.

He opened his eyes to find himself in a place filled with dry grass. The air around him was dry while the pressure exerted by the gravity was half of what was on the devil world.

He placed his hand beside himself to find more dry grass. This place wasn't the most comfortable place he ever slept on, but it certainly was the most congenial one.

After that, he noticed that his skin was still bronze and he still had his body intact. He was relieved to find that he was still safe after transporting to a different world.

After checking his external condition, he checked his inner state.

When he checked it, he was overwhelmed with surprise. He only had a bit of devil's origin energy left, and his physical body power seemed to have weakened. After doing all the calculation, he realized his strength was less than one percent of its original.

"Brother, are you okay?"

As Dan's eyes wandered around, he saw a small petite figure came to his view. It was a little girl with blue eyes, dark hair, and an adorable smile. She wore ordinary clothes and no ornament yet she seemed to exude presence similar to a lovely goddess.

She was the most cutest thing Dan had seen since he was born. In the devil's world, even cats were scarier than the ugliest creature in the spirit world.

"Who are you?"

This was the first time Dan ever had to start a conversation, so it was a bit of an awkward start.

The girl didn't answer him instead asked him an unusual question

"Brother, I saw you falling from the sky. Are you an angel or something!"

Dan didn't know how to answer the question. He didn't even know what the angels were. But seeing the girl looking at him with an eager expression, he couldn't help but say yes.

"Yeah, I am an angel."

"Whoa, I heard mom saying that angels had wings and could fly through the clouds. Brother, can you show me your wings."

Dan was astonished. He didn't know what to say. This girl, who was about the age of four or five thought he was an angel. Although he didn't know what they were, they were certainly not anything alike to devils.

"Can you show me how you fly."

The girl looked at Dan with a yearning look.

"Alright then."

Suddenly, the wind around the room started to gather around Dan, and he slowly rose up into the sky. At his back, there were two open wings that were formed from devil energy. The wings were scarlet red and seemed to have come straight out of a horror scene.

Even though that was the case, the girl had an interesting expression. She wasn't frighted but instead found the scene beautiful.


"Brother, can you teach me how to be an angel?"


Dan was petrified when the girl asked him to teach her to be an angel. First of all, he didn't know what angels were, and second, she was probably asking him how to fly. To be able to levitate, a person had to go through rigorous training.

Even Dan, who was a genius only found once every thousand years took more than a week with tough training to be able to levitate.

"Maybe ne-"


Just as he was about to finish his sentence, an ear-piercing sound came from the door.

It came from a young woman, about the age of 25 at the side of the open door. She had a horrific expression, similar to a mouse catching a glimpse of a cat.

Her terrified sapphire-like eyes gazed at Dan, while her smiling face frizzed. She seemed to have almost been possed as her body jolted slightly.

'Yue, come over here."

The terrified voice once again resounded throughout the room. The young girl looked at her mother with signs of confusion.

However, she walked towards her and held her arm gently.

"Mother, what's wrong?"

She was a bit disoriented while looking at her mother in such a pitiful state.

"Yue, are you okay?

The woman looked at Dan and then towards her daughter with a questioning look. The girl nodded her head while smiling.

"Sorry sir, me and my daughter didn't mean to offend you in any way. Please forgive my daughter if she is putting you in a difficult spot.

"Aunt, you don't have to panic. I am just an ordinary man. I won't cause harm upon you two. Moreover, you two saved my life."

Dan could tell it was these two people that helped him when he was unconscious. If they weren't there, he might have been eaten or killed by ruthless creatures in this world, so he felt nothing but gratitude towards them.

His mother taught him morales since his birth, so he appreciated people who displayed their kindness to others. Of course, he wouldn't do anything harmful to such kind people.

"It's nothing."

The woman was a bit relieved after hearing those words. To her, Dan was an unfathomable being.

Previously, when he fell from the 'heaven,' she was suspicious. She knew Dan wasn't someone the two - mother and daughter pair should try to get close. However, after her daughter begged her to save him, she did so.

After seeing the sight of him being able to fly in the air, she was more terrified than she ever was in all her life. She thought this was the end for both of them(mother and daughter).

But, after seeing how polite he was, she gradually started to feel relieved and a bit cheerful.

Saving another person life gave her a bit more of happiness while the other person showing his or her appreciation gave her more satisfaction.

"Aunt, you can call me Dan if you like. "

"You are a celestial being. How can I just speak out your name like that?" She paused for a brief moment before saying: "Please, let me call you senior Dan."

The woman was smart and knew that Dan wasn't mortal like them. She thought that he was an immortal from the outside world. There were rumors going around their village as to how an immortal blessed the Yan family for more than a decade, so she was suspicious of it since the start.

Immortals were said to be usually old, no matter how young they looked, so she didn't find it strange calling Dan a senior.

Dan nodded his head. He didn't want to talk a lot, so it was okay whatever she called him.

After a few seconds, he looked at her and said:

"Can you please tell me where I am? Is this the spirit world?"

Dan was quite excited about exploring the world himself. He felt carefree and more importantly, he found the whole thing adventurous, so he wanted to know where he was.

"Brother, this is the Yang vill..."

The little girl excitingly explaining everything she knew about the village - from it's most exciting points to its tedious aspects.

"And just 30 miles away from our village, there is an immortal city called the-"

"Yime, come outside and pay for your mistake. This is the last time I am going to say this."

As she was about to finish her sentence, a barbaric voice sounded from just outside the cottage. The voice was loud enough to shake the entire cottage on its own.

The voice terrified not only the mother and daughter pair but also Dan.