
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 95 Reunion ......

The warhead continued to accelerate within the spiraling rifling, and finally spun and flew out of the chamber at a subsonic speed of over three hundred meters per second, drilling into the top of the zombie dog's lunging head with an elegant spiral of death that was unforgiving!

The impact force that the bullet said to carry instantly canceled out the inertia of the zombie dog's lunge, and this zombie dog that was blocking in front of the crowd instantly lost all its strength in the air, and was pulled back to the ground by gravity with a dull sound!


As if he were a cowboy, Pace brought the muzzle of the gun to his mouth and blew softly, as a way of thanking the pistol for his good fortune.

As Pace turned his gaze to kevin's side, the tactical flashlight in his hand shone through.

"Whoa! You're pretty fast!"

The zombie dog at kevin's feet was still twitching, but it had clearly lost the ability to continue hurting people.

"How about we call this one a tie?"

The pistol in Pace's hand spun around and contacted kevin, "But it's not over yet, how about taking a few head counts?"


kevin flicked his wrist and responded casually, but his eyes looked Claire's way.

A series of several light gunshots rang out, and the pungent smell of nitrous smoke mixed with the sickening stench of decay was eerie.

In the midst of several consecutive flashes of fire, a few spots of filthy blood shot out above the body of the zombie dog in front of them!

Although Jill and Claire's shooting skills were not as good as Pace's, they were still at the level of one in a thousand, and although it was difficult to aim at the high-speed moving zombie dog, under the continuous shooting, a bullet finally hit its head accurately!

The bullets ejected at high speed traced a rolling death spiral in the air under the effect of the rifling, drilling through the muddy and fragile eyes of the zombie dog and reaching the brain!

The spinning warhead carried a strong air pressure, and after churning the zombie dog's brain into a pulp, it brought up a disgusting moldy green color and violently penetrated from the back of its head!

The zombie dog that had originally maintained a forward lunge position had its entire body violently swirled backward while its head blossomed, falling heavily to the ground and becoming a real corpse.

"It doesn't look like Angela is here."

kevin took a look around the kitchen and came to a conclusion.

"Well then, let's go down and meet them."

Jill withdrew the emptied magazine and pressed in a new one with a crunch of the pistol, pointing it forward.

A few people had no comment, and immediately they accelerated their pace toward the stairs.

Even though the entire second floor had been cleared of all the zombies by them, they still couldn't help but look around cautiously, the corpses all over the floor just couldn't provide them with any more security.

After all, there is a nuclear bomb is aimed at this city, as long as people are still in this city, no matter where they hide, there is a kind of hard and uneasy as a man's back, security that kind of thing, basically insulated!

Searching the second floor took less than ten minutes, from the second floor back to the first floor, only used less than a minute of time, kevin a few people a round trip, add up only consumed ten minutes, the efficiency is fully double than the others!

Mainly, kevin's night vision had a considerable advantage in the midst of a dark environment, and with a single glance, he could basically determine whether or not there was someone hiding somewhere, without having to search one by one with a flashlight.

"Let's wait a while."

KEVIN picked up a chair in the middle of the first floor hall and sat down, adjusting his breathing.

With his keen hearing, kevin was able to sense the occasional gunshots coming from within the school... It seems the battles are all relatively smooth and organized.

The rest of the few people saw kevin so calm, they couldn't help but feel a hint of peace of mind, and they followed his example, moving chairs to sit down, each fiddling with something in their hands, and what was on their minds was unknown.


kevin's closed eyes opened abruptly, his gaze piercing through the darkness and sweeping straight to the school's front door.

In front of Raccoon City Junior High School, five cars are connected head to tail, forming a simple barrier. While it was easy for humans to go over, for the slow-moving and unintelligent zombies, it was a chasm that was difficult to cross!

At this time, in the middle of this "chasm", there were figures flashing!

"What's wrong?"

Claire, who was fiddling with the camera, suspiciously put her eyes on kevin, who suddenly stood up, and opened her mouth to ask.

"A friend has arrived, let's go out and greet him."

A heavy set of footsteps kept approaching in kevin's ears!

"Oh? Is that so? That should greet it."

Jill matched the two points of the pistol and turned on the safety, a cold smirk playing at the corner of her mouth.

Apparently she got the wrong idea and thought the friends kevin was talking about were walkers.

Pace and Claire also hurriedly took out their weapons and stood on guard.

Kevin didn't bother to explain to them, inserting the two cleaned sabers back into the scabbards of his original short swords and walking out with a long stride.

"Looks like someone's already beat us to it."

Amidst the jumping firelight, several figures flashed, and from the mouth of one of them, a low and powerful voice was emitted.

"Go inside."

The barrier that kevin's crowd had surrounded with cars was indistinguishable from level ground under their athletic hands, going over it with ease and keeping the formation intact.


As soon as the several people who had just climbed over the obstacle noticed the ringing in the gate, the guns in their hands immediately pointed over neatly, and several lighting torches mounted under the muzzles of the guns instantly illuminated this space through and through!

kevin was quick with his hands and blocked the glare with the back of his hand before their lights came.

"So it's not a zombie ..."

Pace muttered and held up his hand, signaling that he meant no harm.

"Matthew, is this your way of saying hello?"

The corners of kevin's mouth revealed a hint of a smile, he had never expected that Asifode would actually send him such a surprise, sending Matthew and his party over.


A voice, clearly tinged with surprise, came from amongst several people.

It's hot-tempered Rae.

Rei's voice instantly dissolved the two sides' saber-rattling atmosphere into nothingness, and both sides' raised gun muzzles were pressed down.


Matthew took two steps forward and gave kevin a hard whack on the shoulder before pulling him into a heavy hug.

"Hey, Boss, I didn't think we'd be reunited!"

Jedi was right behind Matthew, not giving kevin a chance to catch his breath at all, immediately giving him another big bear hug, the butt of his gun knocking kevin's chest raw, but the smile on his face continued unabated.

"There's time for a shot!"

The pugnacious words that came out of Rei's mouth nearly made kevin choke on his spit, but he didn't mind giving her a hug.

"Welcome back to the team."

The conscript, who was quite a bit more wolfish than before, reached out a hand to shake kevin's, a heartfelt smile on his face.


Handsome computer expert Kalamp giggles and gives kevin a thumbs up and a hard hug.

Aside from the five of them, kevin didn't see the two raiders, and his heart was bleak.

"You guys ..."

Even though kevin had a thousand questions in his mind, a million unanswered questions, in the end, when it came to his mouth, there was only one sentence left.

"Live and let live."

"Nice to see you again!"

Matthew nodded heavily, a hint of exhaustion tugging at his steely brow.

They were comrades in arms who shared the same life and death, and didn't need too many words; a word, a look, would have been enough!

"I, for one, have to interrupt, Andrew and the others have returned."

Jill looked back at the flickering lights in the hall and gave a rare look of embarrassment.

"We'll talk inside."

KEVIN patted Matthew's arm and led the crowd toward the hall to join Andrew and the others.

Unlike the original episode, Angela hides in the basement and is found by Andrew.

This little blonde girl wasn't afraid of life at all, even though the dozen or so heavily armed combatants she was facing didn't show panic and fear, as well as uneasiness like a normal child, and appeared to be very calm.

"Hello Angie, your father sent us to find you."

kevin bent down, stroked the little girl's head, and praised, "What a strong child."

Perhaps it was the special experience that gave her a calmness that far exceeded that of children of her age; if ordinary children had encountered such a scene, I'm afraid that they would have already been scared into insanity.