
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Chapter 62: Awakening

Last Master: Will these be enough Lucky Devil? I really want to help you more...

Lucky Devil: Yeah, these are more than enough Last Master. Thank you.

Zenkichi smiled and set aside his phone. He looked down at his hands and let out a slow, deep breath.

"I can do this."

[Ding! You have one daily Lottery draw.]

[Would you like to pull? Y/N]

"I completely forgot about this.... Well considering the shit that I've been through, I'd say that I've really missed you." Zenkichi muttered as he subconsciously pressed for "Yes".


[Congratulations to User! You have received Divine Authority: Sun and Fire!]

"What?!" Zenkichi stood up in shock, staring at his phone. "Divine Authority? What does that even mean?"

He quickly opened the message to read the details.

[Divine Authority: Sun and Fire - Gain the power to control and manipulate the sun and fire at will. This divine authority grants immense heat-based attacks and the ability to harness the power of the sun itself. Use this power wisely and with caution. P.S. Can you guess which God this authority belongs to?]

Zenkichi couldn't believe his luck. This was another trump card he could use to have a fighting chance against whatever God he was about to face. He grinned from ear to ear, feeling a surge of excitement and determination coursing through his veins.

"I guess luck is on my side after all," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a warm feeling in his heart and the sound of his heart strangely began to get...louder. As if they were the sounds of a drum.

Before Zenkichi could understand what was going on, he felt his body getting hotter, his eyes flashing red and gold, his wild blond hair unexpectedly grew out like a flowing waterfall and turned pitch black. Fiery red flames burst out and covered his body, incinerating his clothes to ashes leaving him completely bare; revealing his lean and masculine physique, with ripped muscles and perfect eight pack abs, there was no hair on his body except for his hair and eyebrows. He was like a true God of Fire.

The red flames surrounding his body began to twist and distort, its smothering heat becoming hotter that it completely ruined the room.

The flames' color began to change. Repeatedly and constantly with a myriad of colors; white, green, black, purple, gold, pink, etc. with each change causing the flames around him to raise tremendously. In the end, the flames slowly settled down with a majestic blue color.

And during all this, Zenkichi had his eyes closed. Feeling the newfound power of...divinity coursing through his veins and elevating his state of existence beyond than a regular mortal.

He was steadily becoming an immortal, a God. Or something close to one he supposed.

But, something was wrong. Zenkichi frowned, clenching his hands. The blue flames surrounding him started convulse and converged on his forehead, around his feet and hands.

"Ugh, s-something.... something is wrong!" Zenkichi groaned as he heard something inside of him...popping. He first thought it was his bones or something but it was more than that. A pair of short sharp horns started to slowly protruded out of his head, blue fireballs lit around the tips.

Something, something inside of him had awakened. And it did not like the divine power coursing through his body.

No. It wasn't just that either. Without any warning a sudden burst of reishi erupted from Zenkichi's body, forming a large pillar of blue energy that grew into a 100 meters in length, destroying the ceiling of the room. And from Zenkichi's back unfurled a pair of blue wings, resembling a bat, made of pure reishi. His skin taking on a metallic silver sheen, The Iron had taken effect.

The pillar illuminated like a bright star. The pillar of energy near its tip had a circle around it and two lines interconnected in the middle of it, like an X.

Suddenly, the sounds of a large bell ringing sounded out.

The sudden explosive power of unknown origins and the bell ring immediately caught the attention of others, especially the Gods.

Brunhilde, who was heading towards Zenkichi's room, went wide eyed when she saw the pillar, thought of the worst, and immediately rushed over.

"Dammit! Did one of the Gods figure out about Zenkichi's true identity?"


[Error! Error! Hidden bloodline has awakened in response of the Divine Authority inside of your body, corrupting and halting the progress of your Divine Core.]

[Error! Error! The schrift, I – The Iron, has also awakened its latent abilities in response to your hidden bloodline.]

[Scanning new bloodline....Ding! Bloodline scanned successfully. Identification: Demon bloodline. Race has been changed.]

New Status Update

Name: Zenkichi Hitoyoshi

Titles: Demonic Hound, Dragon Warrior, Harem Protagonist, Admin of the Multiversal Chat-Group, Man from Another World

Race: Divine Infernal(Human, Demon, God)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

[Blood Type has been removed due to bloodline awakening]

Mentality: Abnormal

Physique: Beyond Abnormal

Soul: Beyond Abnormal

Mana/Spiritual Power: Epic



–Reishi Manipulation[Legendary]

– Spiritual Awareness[Legendary]

–Spiritual Pressure[Legendary]

–The Iron[Epic/Legendary]: Skill is still updating.

"Gah!" Zenkichi started spitting out a mouthful of dark blood and his orifices started leaking out similar colored blood, covering his body with dark liquid.

[Error! Error! Due to the unstable nature of the awakened bloodline and two other powers, your current state is causing internal damage and hindering your progress as a Divine Infernal. It is recommended to seek immediate medical assistance and stabilization.]

Zenkichi collapsed to his knees, clutching his chest in pain. The immense power coursing through him was too much to handle, and it seemed like his body was rejecting it.

Divine, spiritual power, mana and demonic power swirled in his body in a chaotic maelstrom, causing him immense pain and discomfort. The different energies clashed and wrestled for dominance, further intensifying his agony.

Zenkichi struggled to remain conscious, his vision blurred and his breathing labored. Each breath he took felt like he was inhaling fire, scorching his lungs from the inside. The blue flames that once surrounded him now flickered weakly, as if struggling to stay alive.

His mind raced, trying to find a way to regain control of his own body. He couldn't let this power consume him, couldn't let it destroy him from within. He had to find a way to stabilize himself, to bring balance to the chaotic forces raging inside him.

"This is my body! My life, and you're all just... fucking energy and my power!"

With a final burst of determination, Zenkichi forced himself to stand up, gritting his teeth against the pain. He concentrated all his willpower on suppressing the conflicting energies within him, trying to find a way to harmonize them. But it was near impossible, the different energies circulating in his body were just immense, chaotic and domineering.

[Ding! An outside help is giving a helping hand(just this once, bitch); your Divine and Demon powers will be temporarily sealed in your body and would be unsealed until it is fully merged.]

[Sealing in process.....ding!]

[Time for unsealing: 5 hours and 40 minutes.]

Slowly, the chaotic maelstrom within him began to calm. The flames that once flickered weakly now burned steady and bright, synchronized with the beat of his heart before slowly dissipating. The pain gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of newfound control and stability.

Zenkichi took a deep breath, feeling the Divine and Demonic powers within him disappear, leaving behind spiritual power and mana that quickly calmed down. He looked around the destroyed room, realizing the extent of the damage he had caused. Fortunately, his enhanced physique allowed him to withstand the strain and recover quickly.

He quickly looked around to find a mirror, which he found in an intact bathroom, and was stunned to find in the mirror that although his hair's color changed back to normal it had grown past his shoulders. His once deep blue eyes turned heterochromia, his left remained the same ocean blue while his right was a bright crimson.

He shivered, staring in disgust at his reflection. "Oh God, I look cringe as hell. I could go with the long hair but heterochromia with one bright red eye? I look like a teen that's trying too hard to be edgy."

After a quick change of clothes, which was just a boxer brief and white robes, he then made his way towards the exit, just as he opened the door he was met with a shocked Brunhilde who had just arrived.

"Oh, hey Brunhilde!" Zenkichi greeted her with a smile, his eyes scrunched as her face quickly paled.

"Brunhilde. Who is this person?" An old and deep voice sounded from behind.

Zenkichi's eyes widened, a heavy feeling of power and bloodlust emanating from the voice and the hand that was grabbing his shoulder. He turned his head to see a tall and imposing figure standing behind him, his black hair flowing like a waterfall, a pair of white and black ravens on each of his shoulders, and his one piercing black eye intently stared at Zenkichi.

"Brunhilde, answer me. Who is this person?"

Zenkichi gulped, feeling a shiver running down his spine. He could sense the immense power radiating from the figure, and he knew this God. This was one of the representative Gods and a King of his pantheon.

God of Frenzy, Wisdom, War, Death, Healing, Poetry, Divination, Knowledge and Magic. Lord of the Aesir and his most well-known title—the AllFather of Norse Mythology, Odin.


❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall

•swift arrow




•Nawaf Rashed

•Davide Cordivani

So, new app update of Webnovel. I like the whole writing board, its nice. What's not is the slow process of it registering new words in the chapter. Like, I'm 500 words in and I exit out because of some stuff but as I look at the chapter I was writing...it only registered 350ish words only. I had to rewrite the whole goddamn thing.

Anyways, Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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