5 My ability (updated)

More than a month has passed and soon my fourth birthday is already and I am very worried about this because I do not know my wish that I made came true.

I can also say that during this time almost nothing has changed, I started going to kindergarten and made several friends and began to adapt to the behavior of children of my age because I do not remember how I behaved at the age of three and after a while my behavior was similar for a three-year-old boy.

My "sister" Himiko Toga continues to sneak into my room every night as I fall asleep, although I told her to go to bed with her, but she refuses to the point and says that it is more pleasant for me to sleep on than on a pillow.

My new mother brought us Himiko home, she and Mister of that went somewhere, I didn't think about it and decided to watch a movie on TV. I really like that the films in this universe, the films are very different from those that were on Earth.

It's very cool when the films are not filmed against a green background, and the actors use their abilities to create content.

A few hours later, I heard that my new parents had returned home and started placing purchases on the shelves and in the refrigerator. An hour later I watched a movie and went downstairs I was already hungry.

When I entered the kitchen, I immediately smelled the pleasant smell of grilled meat and the smell of freshly chopped fruits and vegetables.

My stomach immediately groaned and made a sound, I'm hungry. Mirik heard this and said that dinner would be ready in twenty minutes.

I almost forced myself out of the kitchen and forced myself to wait a little longer. Himiko saw how I was holding myself back and laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

At that time, my father was watching the news in which they told about the heroes who captured various thieves, I also joined him, and Himiko sat down next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

Twenty minutes passed quickly and Miriki called us to dinner. When I entered the kitchen and saw what was on the table, I started to salivate profusely - discharge. On the table there were fried potatoes and fried chicken drumsticks seasoned with various spices, there were also several salads from various vegetables and fruits, as well as my favorite pickled tomatoes on the table, which surprised me so much that they were made according to the recipe that I ate on my Earth.

After dinner, Himiko and I went upstairs again and started watching comedy films in my room, a few hours later we fell asleep with her.

As always, I woke up and took Himiko's leg out of myself and went to take a shower and then began to brush my teeth, but when I looked in the mirror my hair was silver or metallic, I was fucking surprised that my fourth birthday hadn't come yet, but the hair had already changed color and yes even if I asked to become like Kaneki I had no idea that my hair would change color to gray. And then I think why my back hurts from the very morning from top to bottom, and this pancake most likely "kakuho" has grown. And so I realized that my wish in a past life was not fulfilled exactly as I wanted, but who the hell I'm kidding, I myself had to dye my hair in a gray metallic color when I was undergrowth.

Why am I surprised if my name is Kaneki from birth, and my surname is Ken.

Now there was one more thing left my left eye would have to change.

As soon as I thought about it, my eye turned into a kakugan "Kakugan is an eye lump with a red luminous pupil and a black sclera. Often red luminous" vessels "radiate from the pupil of a kakugan, which are actually RS-channels, which can spread around the kakugan ...

The cones are able to independently control its state, activate or hide at our own will. "

Wow, I never thought that in reality it would look so awesome especially those black lines that are around my eye in the form of a cobweb.

Now I want to see how big my kagune I strained my back and nothing happened, mmm I'm a fool, I relaxed and closed my eyes and began to imagine what Kagune Kaneki looks like in the anime, I immediately felt something coming out of my back and saw Large red scaly tentacles: In its basic form, the kagune takes the form of long tentacles, which can be released in amounts of four to six units (without evolution into kakujo).

Each of them is covered with scales, which allows conducting both deep cutting-sawing and stabbing attacks to people. " it turned out, you just need to imagine, or think about the look that I would like the kagune to take.

Now I decided to first disable and then activate the kagune. So it was very easy to deactivate, just imagined that the kagune had disappeared.

But when I started to activate my kagune again, I made a mistake like the last time and strained my back, but before I could blink an eye, all four types of kagune appeared on me and said that I was surprised and it was just fucking awesome. Yes bitch, yes, yes !!!!

I pacified my inner cry and took a deep breath in and out. I quieted my emotions and started looking at my other kagune in the mirror.

The left and right arms were completely covered by the kagune from shoulder to fingertips, which is rather odd since a kagune like koukaku is very rarely given a type of weapon like mine.

My arms did not increase much in size due to the kagune, their volume increased by 10-15 centimeters. I immediately wanted to hit something to test the strength of this kagune.

In the ass on my back, I have kagune in the form of wings on both sides of my shoulders, they look exactly like in Toki from the anime and I just jumped with happiness, but then calmed down so as not to wake anyone up.

Likewise, the last type of kagune is the bikaku, yeah, this is the well-known tail type, which is known for its versatility. It includes some of the best qualities among the other three.

Before I had time to rejoice properly, when I heard a knock on the door, I even frankly jumped up from the fact that it would be quite unexpected that someone would come to the shower in the morning besides me.

Himiko: "You've been there for a long time, you've been sitting there for over an hour."

To be honest, I'm just very surprised that it seemed to me that only a maximum of 20 minutes passed, and not 1:00.

I told Himiko, "I'm getting out already." And he left the bathroom a minute later.

As soon as I left the bathroom, I heard Himiko shout: "Kaneki, what did you dye your hair? Wai, you have become even more beautiful! Vav stop, you not only dyed your hair, but also your eyebrows and eyelashes? This is just super, a complete set !! "

I abruptly ran back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, damn it, and I was so carried away by the hair and kagune that I did not notice at all that the eyebrows and eyelashes also changed color.

When I left the room, not only Himiko was standing at the door, but also mom and dad. Their jaw dropped when they saw me and together they said, "Did you dye your hair?" I stood there for a few seconds and waited for them to calm down.

And I started to say, "Don't worry, it's just that my quirk woke up and my visit to the hospital confused my date of birth." And I smiled at them, although I understand that it is possible to confuse the date of birth, but with current technologies it is almost impossible, although the keyword is almost.
