2 Chapter 2 - My rebirth plan...

( Auther: please write me in comment what do you think about this chapter plz. I need know if i write interesting text!!!)

Chapter 2 - My rebirth plan ...

  Returning once from school, I decided to spend my day not as always. On the way, I went to a large shopping center.

I don't know why, but I wanted to look at other people who walk and spend time together with their friends.

I went to some cafe that was in this store, it was called "Sakura" and it seems to me that it is very popular among girls because about seventy-five percent of the places were occupied by girls and their friends.

  I looked around and decided to sit at a corner table by the window, there wasn't a lot of space at my table, only two people could sit there somewhere.

  A waiter came up to me and asked what I would order, I looked at the menu, ordered myself tea and strawberry cake.

  Five minutes later they brought me a cake, having tasted it, I can say that it is very tasty, now it's not strange why so many girls gather here after school every day.

Something I was a little distracted, I looked around and saw how in one company of girls, one of them began to make friends laugh and after a while I saw a rather funny situation, I dare to admit that I have never seen such a thing in my life, it even made me smile for a long time.

  One of the girls started laughing and drinking tea at the same time, and suddenly she choked on tea because of laughter and released tea through her nose back into the cup.

  Her friends laughed at her for a couple of minutes until they calmed down, it also caught the eyes of other people in the cafe and they also chuckled softly so as not to embarrass that girl.

After sitting in a cafe for another twenty minutes, I went for a walk around the shopping center, I want to say that this is not my favorite place, but there is someone to look at, I also wanted to look at the girls who dressed in the best way to attract the views of the guys and I was not an exception.

  Although I'm not very upset, because after a while I'll still degenerate into another world.

Stop, stop, stop, damn it, I forgot to figure out where I would like to be reborn and with what strength to do it. But I decided to think about it when I get home.

  Remembering what I needed to think about, I decided not to stay here for long and decided to go to the brand clothing store.

  Having entered the summer clothes section, I sat down beside the guys who were waiting for their girls to leave the dressing room and I also pretended to be waiting for someone.

I really like stores in large shopping centers because there are a lot of fitting rooms in them and there is an opportunity to pretend that you are waiting for someone, this can be done in any fitting room (use the guys)).

  After waiting a few minutes the first girl came out "I would say that she's seven out of ten, but in these clothes is a full eight, she had black hair and a pretty attractive face, her breasts were such that they could be wrapped in two hands, and she had a butt in in the form of a heart - this is one of my favorites, "her boyfriend was delighted, he even opened his mouth, and I let out a quiet laugh and continued to sit on.

The next was a girl, I would say nine and a half, not that she had any big shapes, but she had a very pretty face, I even thought that I fell in love, but it was a second glitch.

After sitting a little longer, I realized that I will not see better than this girl today, so I decided to go home, I was a little hungry.

  Leaving the shopping center and going to a quiet place (the road home), I began to wonder where I would be reborn.

  Thinking about it seriously, I decided that it would be fun to be reborn in My heroic academy.

  But not like Madara or someone else, he's very gambling, but also not a very simple character.

  After a long thought, I decided that Kaneki is exactly that character that I have not seen in most fanfics and this upset me very much as he is one of my favorite characters in the anime.

  But you also need to solve the problem that the ghouls do not eat ordinary food, but eat people and that would make me in the anime some kind of super villain.

  Therefore, after a little thought, I took a note to make a wish that would relieve this shortcoming.

  And I solved this problem with food like this - "I want me to be able to eat ordinary food as an ordinary person and I don't want to have a defect with a thirst for human meat. I also want me to become stronger with ordinary food, and not like eating meat "

I also thought that my Guly's ability would appear like all four-year-old's children (so as not to arouse people's suspicions from the other world), but also that this would not be an ability (for a ghoul's body is not an ability, but an entire organism, as in person, and also I don't want some people to be able to cancel my power).

  I also want me to be reborn and not to be seized by people like the "League of villains" and not used for my own purposes (experiments on my body).

  Having written all this on my piece of paper, I went home with a quick step.

  After eating at home and tired of the noise in the mall and from thinking out a plan, I went up to the second floor of my house and fell asleep.

  When I woke up I took a shower and went to breakfast, after breakfast I made a wish, which I wrote.

  Today, surprisingly, I was going to school in high spirits, either from the ideal plan for rebirth, or from the fact that I normally had enough sleep for the first time in a long time.

  "After a few months"

  Today is the second month of the summer and I decided that it would be nice to go to the store, which was not far from my house.

  It was a rather large store, it was a two-story house in modern style.

  I decided to buy a few packets of ice cream and sweet water.

  Going inside, I was surprised by the silence in such a large store, I walked several tens of meters inside.

  And suddenly, from behind a large shelf, a masked man comes at me and asks, "The police sent you to negotiate this."

  I stood honestly in the afig, I did not understand what was happening here, but I knew that I was ending here, but most importantly, I did not know my wishes were fulfilled.

  I saw that this man was nervous seeing that I did not answer his questions.

  But I was not taken aback and said that I was not the one for whom he took me and thought that they would put me to other people.

  But my assumptions did not come true.

  Another gangster says on the radio "then we do not need him," I did not hesitate to react as they aimed the AK-47 at the forearm.

  This is the person who stood opposite me said "I'm sorry I didn't want to do this, but the order is the order, goodbye."

  I just stood, realizing that now nothing will change even if I start to run, I just accepted death ...

  Everything in my eyes darkened and after a while it became light.

  "To be continued ..."

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