

My name is Therei, I'm forced to live in the underworld just because of what I am. I go through the same boring routine everyday. Wake up, barely get dressed, and start my day destroying the souls of the banished.

I wish there was more to tell than that but sadly there isn't.

Now where was I. Oh yes, my fallen angel. Jacob was one of the first angels to fall. He was mysterious in a way that peaked my curiosity. His tall, dark figure was so enticing it made me wanting more.

The closer I got from the shadows I could see his face. It was slender and strong, and it fit his muscular frame. He looked like he was in pain, like he had so much going on in his head.

All I wanted was to make him happy, to know that he was okay but I was too afraid to leave my hiding spot.

In my dreams we could talk about anything for hours. Nothing was ever awkward between us yet somehow now all I felt was awkwardness. We had never actually met before but for some reason I felt like I've known him forever.

You know the saying "love at first sight"? I never believed in anything like that until I saw Jacob. He reminded me what having a heart felt like, how could he have fallen from heaven?

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