
Chapter One.

April stepped into her office with Katherine her friend hot on her trail. It felt like dark clouds hovered over her head, threatening to spill if she so much as blinked. Her office was dark-themed and most time she felt it reflected how her life was, but she was happy and that was what counted right?. She hoped that was enough.

She slumped into her seat, behind her desk and kat took hers looking pissed. She acted like she had committed a grave scandal for supposedly ruining the blind date she had set up, never minding the subtle warning given before the said date that it might not end well.

"Why did you bother to go on a date with him anyway? If you knew you were going to embarrass him like that, you should have just told me no. You keep making me look bad in the face of all my male friends" she says simmering like she had been humiliated for the rest of her life.

" First off kat" April got out on a suffering breath, holding her friend's gaze, and praying for the grace to stay cool. "I always refuse to go on dates, but then you'll keep nagging me. What were you expecting?" She asked, calmly taking out her laptop. She just wanted peace for a little while, yet she couldn't even afford such luxury. She felt like they were going to talk about her love life for the hundredth time.

" Is it that difficult for you just to give a guy a chance. He was a good catch. Couldn't you be nice just for once. Is that too much to ask". She queries more softly, her eyes probing and trying to find an emotion that April was sure she didn't possess. She snapped as the migraine that had been bothering her all night suddenly surfaced.

" Yes bitch, it's too much to ask. My company is in a crisis and you think going on dates is important to me" she exclaimed harshly, startling Katherine into silence. "It's not even on the list of my important things to do. Look I have to work ok, I have tons of things to do and it just doesn't involve dating your male friends".

" It's always about this company. You keep pushing everyone away. You're 23 already April and you have never had a love life. Am just worried about you because you're my friend".

April put her hands to smoothen the lines that seemed to be etched on her forehead from the major migraine she had and also from having to listen to Kat talk about her love life. Had love ever made anyone's life easier?.

" Life isn't all about love Kat. This company is my love life and it has done much more for me than any man could ever do. I don't need any other love life". She answered her more calmly and held her gaze. She needed her to drop the subject but Kat never got the hint.

" Come on! You don't mean that. If your father was alive, do you think he'll be happy seeing you like this".

" Good question Kat. I think he'll approve of my stand since his fucking love for my mother settled him in his grave. He abandoned everything because he thought he could not live without her. He abandoned me and this company Kat. They both left me for their ridiculous love." She said bitterly looking at Kat who was now quiet.

" You're not your father or mother April".she points out.

" Yes I am not. Because I won't let that concept called love make me abandon everything I care about. I won't end up like my father. I will not die of a broken heart".

" April..." her voice takes on a pleading tone, as she attempts to make her see the reason she needed a love life. April cut her off. She had heard enough and she wouldn't listen to anything she had to add to her argument

" I need to work. I think you'll be needed at your company" she mumbled testily and began to type on her laptop dismissing Katherine.

Katherine stood up tossing her bag over her shoulder, a scowl etched on her pretty face.

"Fine! Do what you want then. But we all need love including you April" she let out and strode out of April's office with a huff.

April sighed, taking a deep breath. She didn't want to fight with Katherine but it could not be helped. They were always going back and forth on the same conversation, and it was getting frustrating.

She had been fourteen when her mother left their family, all because she fell in love with a guy she had met on a trip. Her father had been heartbroken ever since, and he ignored her and neglected the company. She took over the running of the business at an early age, mainly just learning the in and out of their procedures, and then built it up while her father continued to wallow in self-pity. He died of a heart attack when she turned eighteen.

Her mom and her new husband then moved back there and she dared to attend the funeral. She had always felt her father's pain even when she feigned indifference. Her mother had never cared about anyone but herself. They both kept their distance from each other and April didn't want anything to do with her in the slightest.

Now, all she cared about was the company. She was going to give all her love to keep it standing. It was her father's legacy. She would never let it crumble. No matter what.


"He's coming!" one of the workers squealed and then came the flurry activities of adjusting make-up, smoothening hair, dragging their top down to reveal more cleavage. They took their spot at their desks as the elevator opened.

Enrique stepped out, and they all welcomed him with dazzling smiles and flirty overtones. They devoured him with their eyes. A certain girl was even slobbering.

He waved his hand curtly, proceeding to his office. The attention he got every time he came to the company was getting old. Women wanted him for either his looks or his wealth. That was always the catch. He did constantly have women companions but he made it a point never to have a relationship with any of his workers. It always led to problems. He knew why he couldn't commit anymore tho- it was not a memory he loved to think about, but it found ways to invade his thoughts daily.

He preferred how everything was in his life now. He wasn't possessive and made sure that if he felt any inclination to be possessive in a relationship, he cut it off immediately. The guilt from the past was still fresh in his mind, it soured his mood every morning and he found himself always stressed out.

He stepped into his office and Jasmin his assistant strutted in with his schedule. She wore a sheer top that was so revealing, he could practically see everything she wore underneath.

"Jasmin, what are you putting on," He asked, pulling his suit off his shoulders. He felt drained. This was a company for god sake.

"Um... Ummm.." she stuttered looking at her dress and clutching at the edges" I was in a hurry so I didn't look at what I put on," she quickly fabricated, her eyes darting all around the enclosed space.

"But you knew to wear your makeup right?. This is not a whore house Jasmin. This is your last warning. If you put on something like this again, you're out" he warned coldly and she quickly nodded.

" Use your word damn it," he hissed angrily at her cowering mess.

"Yes sir". Her voice came out low and choked.

"Drop my schedule and go change into clothing appropriate for the office," he said in a calmer voice and she dropped the schedule pad and half ran out of his office.

He sighed taking a deep breath and noticed the two tickets on his desk. It was an invitation to a party by the elusive Adam kings. The man was impossible to find. He needed him to partner with him or at the least invest in his company.

Jasmin was a good assistance_when he looked past her attention-seeking tendencies, and well he couldn't let her go since she did her job well, like getting these invites. Her character tho was nerve-wracking.


Jasmin leaned over the bathroom sink, her chest heaving as she tried to stop her tears from falling. Her workmate stood beside her as she bawled her eyes out. Jena rubbed slow circle on her back trying to pacify her.

"Come on Jasmin. Stop crying already. You know how the boss is". She consoles as she gave her wipes to clean her tears.

Jasmin jerked back, twisting to face her.

"I love him, Jena. Why won't he look at me like the woman I am. Am I not sexy enough? Am I not beautiful?. I try so hard to get his attention and he just never sees me" she cried, sobbing and blowing her nose into the handkerchief.

"Well I think he sees you but he's fighting it," Jena said and Jasmin just gaped at her wide-eyed. Was Jena trying to make fun of her?." Of course he does. Why else would he notice your dress? Trust me Jasmin he was checking out your boobs". She says in a sure voice, and Jasmin couldn't help but think about that possibility. He always noticed when she wore inappropriate clothing, and even her makeup. Could it be? She asked herself dazed.

" Oh my gosh," she exclaimed after some moments of thinking about it. " You're right. He got so mad because he was turned on over me. I never saw it in that way, Jena. He must be in love with me, but he's just fighting it because of his rules of not dating workers" she said staring into space happily.

" Exactly Jasmin. That God's blessings to women is attracted, and turned on by you." She lets out dreamily. "You're already lucky to be in such close quarters with him and now, there's a probability he wants you. Damn Jasmin. You're one lucky girl". Jasmin felt her heart thumping inside her chest as she quickly wiped her tears.

" I guess I am. Ohhh, I should not be crying at all. We're going to be attending a one-week party in Paris and that's where I'll make him admit his feelings for me. I have to prepare for that Jena. I have to get back to work now" she said smiling brightly as she ran out of the restroom. Jena relaxed against the sink, a smirk on her face as she stared at the spot Jasmin had been earlier.

" Yeah go ahead and do that Jasmin. Once you make the boss angrier than he is already with you, you'll get fired and I'll be there to take your job" she said and smiled wickedly.

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