

Inside the cave, it was barely visible. After climbing halfway through the Shushine mountain against the bright rays and horrid heat, entering the dark and chill cave was a good change. But it was of course a change to be wary of as it must be the work of magic. Of the two hooded figures that entered the cave, one was of a short frame while the other was of a taller and broader build. "Gregory, *pant* we're finally here! I almost gave up three times during that climb". "*sigh* Your liege, those were the three times you were walking on your own and not on my shoulders." "Please! as if your shoulders were as soft as my couch in the palace. One day the world will know the sacrifices I have made! *Brr* it's getting cold, let's go faster" As the small hooded girl rants, the two figures walk toward the dim light they see straight ahead of them.

As the light gets brighter, the cave gets warmer. Finally, the two reach a room. A well-lit and fully furnished room. The light was coming from orbs of fire at the edges of the room. There were two comfortable-looking chairs and a dominating desk that took a chunk of the room. Behind the desk were a man and a pixie. The pixie was glowing brightly and floating around the man with her tiny wings. The man was wearing a sleeveless overcoat. The coat had two extra holes on the back, which is unusual. He had a curly beard and long hair reaching his chin. His facial features were impeccable. Perfect eye and nose shapes; In fact, the only issue was his beard.

The man spoke. "You guys finally made it. I thought you'd trek much faster than that. I'm quite disappointed." "You knew we were climbing up the mountain?" Asked a surprised Gregory, holding the hilt of his sheathed sword. "It's alright Gregory. We must expect this much from the great Carvan, 'Detective for hire when in dire straits'. Did I get that correct?" "If you were climbing up this mountain then it's obvious who I am. Hmm, but you seem to be an interesting individual. Climbing through a deserted mountain hooded meaning you don't want anyone finding out your identity. Under the hood, your clothes seem unusually luxurious. You wear a pendant carrying a family memento from the looks of it. Your big buddy here seems to be comfortable in his simple clothes. He definitely isn't related to you. He seems quick to respond to any dangerous scenario. More than that, it looks like you act cocky and fearless because you feel safe with him near you. Not just blind trust but through you experiencing him fighting. Therefore, he isn't a mercenary for hire. It makes most sense if he is your personal bodyguard. From your attire, attitude, and company, and especially that family pendant, you must be one child of the High Families. Hey Zelcie, which all children do we know that's a girl and about her age?" The pixie Zelcie spoke, "From my intel, only one. The youngest princess of the ruling family Rhynter, Rosalia Rhynter." "Wow! can't believe Roderick's daughter has come all the way here on her own." "That's King Roderick Rhynter to you! And I only came here with Gregory because of your stupid rule of allowing only two people at once!" "Well, I can't risk an army coming to kill me in my home. I know for sure two people I can handle no matter who it might be so it's a fine rule." "Why'd we have to climb up so far though? It was such a pain in the ass to reach this place" Gregory intervenes, "Princess, language please." Rosalia just gave Gregory a look and stuck her tongue out. Carvan spoke, "Well as you said yourself, I am a detective who works only for very difficult situations. Oh, and large sums of money. So I want my customers to show me that they indeed have the determination required to seek me. If you didn't realize, there were no monsters bothering you on your path. I cleared the path a long time ago. It's only the long climb up here. If you haven't given up, especially someone as spoilt as you, then it definitely means something bad really has happened."

"Ah, well it is just as you said. Something terrible has happened. Daddy has been missing for a week now.", said Rosalia. Zelcie asks, "I didn't know this! My intel is usually up to date. Such an issue can cause immense panic throughout the world." "Yes exactly. Our family has hidden this information for a week. But next week is the festival of stars! Daddy must be present to make a speech as he always does every year. The stars, the dragon, and the King's speech. These three items are always present in the festival of stars. If daddy isn't there, the entire world will get to know he's missing. Wars might start! It would be a Doomsday!" Craven stands up from his chair and says, "This is indeed a grave matter. If the family couldn't find him for a week, this must be a difficult case as well. Nothing I can't handle though. But I hope you have my fee princess. Otherwise deal's off! Ha ha ha."