
Beginning of no ending

I am a son of a former well-known police officer who died in mysterious circumstances that no one can explain to us, I was longing for his presence, I miss him a lot. I was in college when he left us. I have no idea what is the reason for his untimely death. My mother was so depressed about the loss of her love, her other half. I am the only thing that can give her strength, I once remember his words to me, " remember son, when the time comes when I will not be with you anymore always take care of your mother, never give her headaches." Those words are the things that made me strong to move on and accept the fate of my father.

That was three years ago, Now I followed my father's footsteps and enrolled in an institution for Criminology. One thing that comes to my mind, I will be a police officer just like him and help my mom. Actually, Mom doesn't want me to have that course but I am too eager and determined to become a police officer.

I am Gibril Roman De Santo, or Giro for short, I am in my fourth year in college and currently on my on-the job training immersion in the National Police. My mother was a market vendor in our town, We own a small stall in the market where on weekends I help her.

Our family was full of happiness, I remember when I was a child, We used to go out every weekend, We went to the province and celebrated the holiday with our relatives. Unfortunately, Father seldom joins us because of the nature of his work. I was so attached to all of my relatives.

My Family was god-centered, since we went to church every sunday, we are catholic and mom and dad are pilgrims of the Black Nazarene, they used to join the mass procession of the image annually not until my dad passed away, that my mom did not attend the procession anymore, to continue the tradition, I join the pilgrimage and mom went to become a church usherette.

We reside in an urban city somewhere in the Philippines, my mom was from a province, while dad is from the urban area, they settled here once they got married and until now we are living in the same city.

After a year ..

I graduated today, a Bachelor degree in Criminology and a recipient of a latin honors. I really work hard for my education in order to reciprocate the sacrifices of my mother and aim to passed the board examination for criminologist.

Present day ..

" Mom, someone is looking for you,"

" Who's that?" mom replied.

" I don't know mom, come here and take a look".

Mom went down and approach to the door.

" Good morning madam, I am Carlos Santos ad this is Robert Dela Vega, we are from Hiwaga Foundation, we are here to offer you something"

" Good morning too, Come here, Please take your seat" mom said.

" What is it?? " mom asked.

" We are from Hiwaga Foundation, we want to have your permission to us in covering the story of your late husband." The guy in black suit said.

I was listening to them while browsing on my phone.

" For what??" mom asked.

" Remember your husband was died mysteriously? We want to make another investigation about what really happened to your husband. We want to help you in having justice for the loss of your husband." the nerdy guy said.

" Are you sure about that? There are lot of agencies, people and experts we approach but no one could explain what really happened, and we also given up on that justice, I already accepted the fact that my husband was already gone. " mom answered.

As I heared that they offered another investigation, I quickly got into their conversation.

" Sorry to interrupt, Are you sure that you gonna find out what's the reason of dad's death?". I asked them.

" Yes, we are hundred percent sure, and don't worry we would not charge any fee from you." the nerdy guy said.

" I am curious, Why are you interested in my dad's case?" I followed up.

" Okay to be formal, Our agency is privately own detective agency run for the main goal of investigating unexplain cases involving anything related to supernatural events." the guy on the black suit said.

In disbelief, Mom and I looked at each other and remained silent for a couple seconds,

" Seriously??" Mom said in disbelief.

" Yes madam." the guy in black suit said

" We think it is a supernatural case" nerdy guy added.

" How could you possibly prove that it is a supernatural case?" I wonder.

" Your dad's body was remained intact and no injuries had been found, the only thing is he lost all his blood, right? " the nerdy guy said.

" We received a permission to the Crime Laboratory Authorities to have a little study on his body and we found out a two set of hole in his neck, an inch deep wound which could not be compared to a gunshot entrance wound since it does not have an exit wound, and also those inch deep wounds suffered a unexplainable blood clot. " the nerdy guy added.

I am so amazed at what he is telling me right now, I cannot processed the reason of dad's case. I don't believe in all things he said, a supernatural, a ghost?, a vampire?, a witch?, anything related to that.

" I am not fully satisfied on your findings, You are kidding us ." mom said.

" If you don't believe us here is a small video clip of our study," nerdy guy showed a video on his tablet.

There I saw the cold body of my father being studied. They are right when they said dad loss all of his blood. they also showed the two distinct wounds the are talking about.

" It's been three years since dad's death, If you just showed up earlier, we could just know his killer" i said.

" We can still trace the path of your dad's death since we have access to the evidence. " Black suit guy said.

" Okay, Whatever you want, do it, I don't think you can prove something" mom said.

" Thank you madam for your cooperation". black suit guy replied.

Mom went back upstairs and left me with them.

" By the way, I am Carlos Santos ( the nerdy guy), "

" I am Police Lieutenant Robert Dela Vega from Provincial Police Station (black suit guy).

" ohhh .. I am Giro, Giro De Santo, and please to meet you"

we shook hands..

" Sir Dela Vega, why are you wearing black suit? just curious". I asked.

" I am secretly working for the Agency to help the friend, who is the owner. " he said.

" That's amazing, do you believe in supernatural beings? " i asked again.

" Actually, my first answer for that is a No, but since I have experience unexplainable things in the past years the Hiwaga Foundation came knocking at my door and work for them". he said.

" How about you? Mr. Carlos? " I asked.

" Oohhh . I was a History Professor in a university in Manila and I am a fan of Local Myths, and like you also a Criminology graduate." he said.

" How did you get to Hiwaga? " i asked.

" The Owner is one of my students, who happen to be fascinated also to supernatural creatures and actually believe in them, he studied a lot of them, so I became interested and join his project, which turn out for me a great choice, I enjoyed studying this stuff. " He said.

" Could you really prove the reason of my father's death was a supernatural case?" I asked.

" Yes, definitely " Sir Dela Vega answered.

After the conversation, we exchange numbers in order to stay in-contact to them for the development of their investigation.

I am still curious about their agency, so to remove my doubt, I browsed a website on my phone. I looked at the name of their agency and found nothing but an account with the same name and a logo. Titled Hiwaga Foundation and a logo of fairy holding a sword shape resembling a roman catholic cross.

I still can't believe that these agency are existing, It got my attention. Hopefully they are not the same person that came to house only turning out to be scammers wanting to sabotage us. I hope those persons we're real characters hehehehe ..

I hope that my dad's case will come to a good end, It will give us a peace of mind and also to seek justice to those liable person/s who committed those felonious act to my father.

" Dad, I hope this is your justice! " Said on my mind, and pray for my dad's case to be solved.

" God if these is the things you have given us to have justice I thak you a lot, Bless my mother and give her strength and good health always, thank you lord, Amen."

And my pray ended and went to bed.