
Smile like Sunset...

"Save me Burman"

"They will kill me.. They are coming.."

"I don't want to die"

"No no.. Don't kill me"

"Save me Burman.. Save me"

"Bang.. Bang." Sound of gunshot..

"Noooooo..." Burman tried saving her by reaching out his hands towards her. However what lied in his arms was her body riddled with bullets. Blood was flowing like a river. She was dying a slow but painful death.

"I swear I will kill all of you motherfuckers.. I will make each one of you to pay price for her death"

"Hahahah" laughed a man with mask. Pointing his gun at Burman, he said "Detective Sir, this is what you get when you put ur leg in matters which are beyond your control. You said you will kill us.. hahahah.. You will die same like her."

However, the man in mask stopped and sneered with murdering gaze. He kicked Burman with all his might. Burman collided with wall holding his stomach. He was rolling on the floor with Pain. He endured the pain and still looked at masked man.

Masked man approached towards lady with small knife which looked like a common household fruit cutting knife. However, if you look closely the knife was made of ice. Masked man was wearing gloves which helped him to hold the ice knife. He pulled lady up by pulling her hair and place knife around her neck. He looked at Burman and smiled liked devil who was eager to eat his pray.

Lady slowly gazed at Burman as life was passing away from her body. She smiled beautifully like setting sun and said "Don't avenge me Burman. Live your life without any grief. Days I spent with you were the most precious and lovely days of life. Deep down in my heart, I knew it will over some day. Still I wished, I could stayed a more with you."

"Farewell my love. May be next life, we will be together"

In a flash, masked man moved his hand around lady's neck. With precision he cut her neck and collected it. He again looked at Burman. He pulled out his gun and shot Burman.

"Nooooo" cried Burman.

All of sudden, Burman woke up shouting like a madman. He looked around as sweat was dropping from his temple in streams. He looked around and found himself in a room.

"What happen, Burman. Again the same, old bad dream" said the girl sleeping next to him.

He took the water bottle kept next to him. After drinking whole bottle, he looked at girl who asked him the question. He didn't say anything. It was around 4:50 AM in the morning. He got down from bed. Without answering the girl, he walked to the nearby window and said "It was not a bad dream but a cruel reality which haunts me till today."

While sighing Maya walked near to him and hugged his back from behind. She said "sometimes, I am jealous thinking who was she that can make Detective Burman live sleepless nights."

He turned around and kissed Maya.

"She was like a rain who watered my barren heart with love. She was like morning sunrise who brought life to lonely life. But like elders says - sunset is a magnificent sight but like all good times, it is always short lived.

She was just like whirl of wind..

Her name was SAANJH"

"Tring.. Tring." Sounds of phone ring broke the quite atmosphere in the room. Burman checked his phone. It was unknown number. He picked up the call.

"Still could not sleep without thinking about her.. Hahahaha. Detective Sir. It is not over until I say so.. I missed our lovely encounters. I am coming... hahahahah.. sleep well Detective Sir."

Phone fell from Burman's shivering hand.

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