
Destruction Element Swordsman

Nezu 18 years old and would have complete his training with his master when he suddenly got summon to a world where he need to defeat a freaking Demon King. Equip with a Sword that cut everything to pieces and the element that destroys everything. Follow Nezu journey to kill the Demon King and continue to dominate in otherworlds. This will be my first novel and just want to feel the pain of writing a novel. Sorry for grammatical errors because English is not my mama tongue -_-. Publishing of chapters, well I'll try my best. I don't own the cover, if you're the owner just write some comments or review and I'll immidiately change it.

SENZU_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 6

Nezu slowly approach the counter while ignoring the sudden quietness of the place. Feeling the stares everywhere, Nezu just shrugged it off and continue to walk and wait in line.

The quietness and stares quickly comes and goes, seeing that Nezu was still young they lost interest immediately.

"Welcome, what can I do for you today" said the cute girl from the counter when Nezu was now in front of the queu.

"I want to register as a mercenary" said Nezu with a slight smile.

"So you're new, wait a moment" Yesha the Clerk said while taking something from a drawer, and handing it to Nezu.

"Please fill up these form and a fee of 10 gold" Yesha said with a smile.

Taking the form, Nezu was shock when he see that the words are written in English, 'Well, that's a problem solved' this was one of Nezu's problem when he arrive in this world, even though the people here seems to speak in English, he was worried that maybe they use different kind of alphabets here. Sighing in relief, Nezu then started filling it up, it was just some basic informations like Name, Age, Gender..... and that was it, just the basics.

After filling it up he handed it back to the clerk and paying the 10gold fee.

Smiling, Yesha take it and said, "Please wait a moment" she then proceed at the backdoor. It didn't take long and after a few minutes the backdoor opened and Yesha comes back holding what looks like an ID card.

The ID like card was coloured gray and he's basic info was written in it with some additional info like Mercenary Rank.

"This is your Mercenary ID, please drop some blood in it" then Yesha handed the card to Nezu.

Biting his thumb, he then place it above the card and let the blood drop. With a faint glow the card change it's color to white and the Mercenary Rank that was written in the card has now an additional info. The card info look likes this:

Name: Nezu

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Mercenary Rank: [White Rank l]

"The Mercenary Ranks are divided into White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange and Red. And it was further divide into lvls l-V." explained Yesha patiently.

"The Missions are also divided in ranks starting from the low rank mission E,D,C,B,A and S being the highest rank. Since you're only a [White Rank l] Mercenary you can only accept E Rank missions."

"As for the beast point system." Yesha then handed a paper.

Looking at the paper that filled with different rank beast to Low Beginner Rank Beast to Peak Advance Rank beast and with it's corresponding points such as:

Low Beginner Rank Beast- 1 point

Mid Beginner Rank Beast- 2 points

Late Beginner Rank Beast- 3 points

Peak Beginner Rank Beast- 4 points

Low Intermediate........- 5 points

Mid -6 points

Late-7 points

Peak- 8 points

Low Advance......-9 points

Mid-10 points

Late-11 points

Peak-12 points

Seeing this long list of information, Nezu keep silent for a few minutes and ask, "What are this points for?"

"They're use to lvl up your Mercenary Rank, like for example you're currently at [White Rank I], To lvl it at [White Rank II] you need to complete 2 Rank E missions and 10 points, And to lvl it up once again you need to complete 3 Rank E missions and 15 points and so on." Yesha answered.

"So every lvl there's a 5 points increase and 1 more mission?" Nezu ask again while stroking his chin.

"That's correct" Yesha still patiently replied.

"So when I reach [Green Rank I] will I still need to complete both Rank E and D missions? And how can I check my points?" Nezu ask again.

"When you reach [Green Rank I] you don't need to do Rank E missions anymore as it will be useless even though you complete thousands of them, you won't still rank up. So after reaching [Green Rank I] you'll only need to complete 2 Rank D missions and 35 points to lvl up to [Green Rank II] and so on, the higher your Rank the higher and harder the requirements needed. And don't worry about the points, just don't lost your Mercenary ID because every beast you killed, the points will be recorded in it." Yesha answered.

Understanding the gist of it, Nezu then pocketed the paper that Yesha gave and said with a smile, "Thanks for your time and for answering my questions."

"No problem, you can come back later if you still have questions about being a Mercenary" Yesha smiled then pointed at the Mission Board where many posters are pinned. "That's the Mission board where you can accept Missions that the guild posted. Other people also posted missions there when they needed assistance. Just pick up the one that you can currently accept and just return after finishing it" Yesha add.

Nodding, Nezu then headed towards the Mission board after saying goodbye to Yesha.

Looking at the Mission Board that filled with posters, Nezu then search for the Rank E Missions.

After reading the Rank E missions, Nezu pick the most easy but dangerous to complete, easy because it's just to collect some herbs and dangerous because the location of the herbs was inside the Westia Forest. Nezu has been there before and also fought with a Low Intermediate Rank Beast once. But since he still needed to train this Mission was perfect.

Ripping the Mission Poster, Nezu quietly left the Mecenary Guild.

Looking at the sky was already dark, Nezu will just continue his journey tomorrow and quickly find an inn to rest for the night.

Damn this chap was so hard, I edit it so many times that I'm getting a headache.

I hope the mercenary system was not so complicated, I tried to make it easy as possible. Please do tell if there are some problems in it.

This chapter was kinda short since I'm already tired about making that shit Mercenary system.

See u next chapter.....

SENZU_creators' thoughts