
Ultra Violence

"Oh, I forgot to mention. There's a safe zone for the first twenty people that enter this barrier." Playing us like fiddles, the angel wanted to tear us apart.

"Get out of my way!" The person before me shouted, trying to run past me. With me blocking the way, he tried to push me, only to stumble and fall to the ground.

"Fuck! You better hope I make it in. Otherwise, you're going to get it." He was angered by the fact that I hadn't moved, and he had fallen and threatened me if I didn't move. Entitled people are sure a pain in the ass, but the aggression he showed activated my skill.

"Since you're so tough, there's no need to make it to the safe zone." I wielded my axe and aimed it at his neck before he could stand up.

While I may not have been in a conflict before, I had always imagined scenarios where I did. There were times when I read a novel, and cases where the protagonist got into a fight and didn't stand up for himself pissed me off.

"I was just joking. Please put your weapon down." Did I subdue my target? I haven't gotten my reward yet. Does that mean letting him go would only endanger me?

To make sure I was safe, I let my axe out of his neck and immediately bashed it into his head.

A large bang could be heard, and his pupils disappeared as he fainted from my attack. His head was bleeding, and anyone nearby who heard us was shocked by my actions.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had brain trauma because of it, but despite it, I couldn't feel bad for what I did, as it was his fault for picking a fight with me.

[Hostile encounter solved!]

[Loved by Conflict bonuses increased for their first-time use.]

[Skill received]

[Ultra Violence]

[Grade: Epic]

[Effects: Fueled by a violent nature, you will receive a bonus stat of 5% for every living being you hit. The limit is 300%, and the effects will disappear until the trial ends.]

The skill I received was incredible. As much as I want to be happy, the goblins have arrived. Twenty people had already gone to the safe zone to save their sorry asses.

An idea popped up as I reread my skill, and wanting to check if this worked, I started aggressively kicking the grass I was stepping on. Surprisingly, it worked. My skill stated that it would upgrade my stats if I hit a living being.

"Help me!" Kicking the grass aggressively, some people were already on the verge of death. I felt my strength growing by the second.


[Strength: 10 + 30 + 5 = 45]

[Magic: 10 + 30 = 40]

[Endurance: 10 + 30 + 5 = 45]

[Dexterity: 10 + 30 = 40]

"Grwah!" Once ready, I charged into the first goblin I had seen.

"Holy shit." My speed, which was boosted by my strength, had more than quadrupled. Underestimating my speed, I crashed into a goblin, pushing it down.

"Grah!!!" The goblin, angered by what I did, tried to stand up, but before it could, I decapitated the small, green, grotesque little shit, killing it.

The green blood spilled onto me, but despite its disgusting smell, the adrenaline kept me going. I would have thought I would hesitate after doing this, but I felt my blood pumping even further, fueling me to do more.

With many goblins around me, I swung my axe horizontally, hoping to get more than one goblin at a time.



I ran to a goblin grouped into three. The goblins cruelly played the man to death. Even if I saved him, he probably wouldn't survive much longer. The most I could do was avenge him. I got over and used my battle axe to cut them in half.

[You have reached the limit of your level.]

[Level Two Achieved]

[Five unused stat points are available.]

"Put them all into strength." I told the system.


[Level: 2]

[Strength: 15 + 45 + 5 = 65]

[Magic: 10 + 30 = 40]

[Endurance: 10 + 30 + 5 = 45]

[Dexterity: 10 + 30 = 40]

More overwhelming strength had flowed through me, and now that I was this strong, I felt like this tutorial was more of an exp stage.

"No way..."

"How is he already so strong?"

Blitzing through the monsters, I could hear the words of the people nearby. Not only did my strength increase, but my senses also increased. They were shocked by my strength and were grateful to me for defeating these monsters.

If I weren't using an axe but more of an elegant weapon, people would have thought that I was a dashing prince saving those in need. I wouldn't be surprised if I were called a brute instead.

[You have reached the limit of your level.]

[Level Three Achieved]

[Five unused stat points are available.]

Once I killed ten goblins, my second level appeared, and I received more points for strength, which increased my attack and speed.

My killing speed increased again, and I enjoyed the thrill of hunting with each level. It was like an intoxicating feeling that one wouldn't feel unless they took a strong stimulant.

With each kill, my timid and reserved nature turned into someone with full confidence. This tutorial was no threat. All the goblins were just food for me to grow.


"You crazy bastard!"


As I went on more of a rampage, I even started to killsteal those who were on the verge of killing my exp farm. My overwhelming strength was at the level when I smashed the ground. The grassy field would be destroyed with a dent in it.

Everyone near me started to run away, not wanting to be in the crossfire. I was cursed at by the competence and praised by the useless. Those who had killed enough knew that we could level up as we killed more of the goblins. However, with joy, there is a time it has to end. A few moments later, all three hundred goblins were vanquished.

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