
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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208 Chs


After entering through a door, Ivan found himself in a vast, mostly empty warehouse. His attention was immediately drawn to a peculiar device emitting a bright light, standing at a height of about one meter. Even in this spacious area, the device was impossible to miss. Ivan quickly recognized it as the same nuclear energy reactor that Black King Shaw had used during the first X-Men battle to absorb nuclear energy.

As Ivan gazed at the nuclear power reactor equipment, a thought crossed his mind: What would the Americans think if they discovered that he could build an atomic bomb two years ago? 

To be honest, while nuclear energy was undoubtedly a high-level power source, Ivan had no intention of directly absorbing nuclear energy to enhance his abilities. After all, nuclear energy came with radiation, and despite being a mutant, Ivan couldn't be certain it wouldn't harm his body. To be on the side of caution, he decided to focus on pure energy sources like electricity. Besides, Ivan had only recently awakened his abilities, and he couldn't risk absorbing too much energy.

Walking to the back of the nuclear energy reactor, Ivan found specialized equipment connected to it through a complex network of wiring. This equipment had two handles, and Ivan began injecting the energy into his body. As it flowed in, he harnessed it, transforming it, and channeling it through his meridians to strengthen every cell.

Ivan's homemade nuclear power generator was incredibly powerful, but after about ten minutes of absorption, he had to stop. His body had reached its limit. Ivan released his hands, bent his legs, and assumed a peculiar posture, allowing the energy to diffuse gradually throughout his body. At the same time, he used his powerful mental abilities to monitor the changes in his cells.

While it had only taken ten minutes to absorb the electrical energy, it took more than two hours to fully assimilate and digest it. Ivan let out a deep breath, standing up straight. The results were promising. In just two hours, thanks to his unique cultivation method, his physical fitness had increased significantly—three times that of an average person's physique. However, he couldn't rush to absorb more energy; the capacity of his cells had its limits.

Ivan proceeded to move his body and practice martial arts using techniques he had learned from the world of Dragon and Snake Romance. His movements started slow and somewhat clumsy, but he quickly regained his flexibility and speed. His punches and kicks gained strength and speed with the wind behind them.


Ivan threw a powerful punch, creating a sonic boom that reverberated throughout the room.

As he stood there, Ivan's expression turned slightly unsatisfied. He had discovered a serious issue: his newfound power was difficult to control. Unlike those from the world of dragons and snakes, who had honed their abilities through countless trials and life-or-death struggles, Ivan's control over his power was still rudimentary. He could accidentally break objects, stumble over things, or even shred his clothes.

"It seems that I'll need to adapt to my newfound power gradually. In the later stages, to reach a higher level of martial arts, like 'breaking the void and achieving godhood,' I must integrate every ounce of my power into my will to unleash its full potential."

Although this attempt was somewhat flawed, Ivan had achieved his goal. He had used his abilities to absorb energy, employed unique exercises to train his body, and begun mastering control over his internal energy. This was his unique cultivation method. However, it would take some time before he could use it to its full extent.

"Everything is progressing well, but the rate of strength growth is still a bit slow," Ivan lamented to himself.

If anyone knew what Ivan was thinking at that moment, they might want to strangle him. In just a few hours, he had achieved the strength that would take an average person a decade of hard work to attain, and yet he was not satisfied. His ambition knew no bounds.

Just as Ivan contemplated his future cultivation, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps approaching. Turning, he saw Kerry and the Red Devil rushing towards him.

"Dr. Ivan, your voice startled us earlier. We were worried something had happened, so we came to check," the Red Devil explained upon reaching Ivan. It seemed Ivan's last powerful punch had alarmed them.

Ivan was momentarily surprised but quickly recalled that his roar had likely drawn their attention.

"Oh, it's nothing, just a normal reaction," Ivan replied, not wanting to admit how excited he had become, which had led to the inadvertent roar.

For the next few days, Ivan dedicated most of his time to familiarizing himself with his newfound powers. He retreated to his room, even having his meals delivered to him for an entire month. He wanted to ensure complete control over every trace of energy within his body.

With time, Ivan's physical fitness exceeded five times that of an average person. Combined with his knowledge of Chinese martial arts, his fighting prowess was now on par with the Red Devil's.

One day, Ivan summoned the Red Devil and said, "Azazel, it's time for us to return."

"Finally, Dr. Ivan, I was getting bored cooped up here all the time. Can't wait to leave," the Red Devil responded enthusiastically.

Ivan then contacted Kerry, outlining future development strategies. "Kerry, you are the person I trust most. You can always count on me to help. I'm returning this time with the super-soldier serum for you. I'll make some adjustments to it, primarily focusing on extending lifespan while enhancing physical fitness, roughly three times that of an ordinary person."

Thanks to his advanced brain and mental strength, Ivan had solved many previously unknown issues regarding the superhuman serum's development. He now possessed the secret to perfecting the serum, pending the acquisition of the necessary materials. This serum could be tailored for different purposes—enhancing physical fitness, extending lifespans, or improving recovery.

"Great, thank you, Mr. Ivan!" Kerry expressed his gratitude. After all, who wouldn't want a longer life? Kerry didn't mind his physical fitness; he was more focused on his management duties.

After briefing the Red Devil, Ivan extended his hand, and the Red Devil grasped his shoulder. In a burst of red mist, they vanished.

The scene shifted, and Ivan had just begun to adjust to it when he heard Shaw's voice from behind. "Ah, Ivan, my dear son, welcome back. You look like you've had a successful trip. Any good news to share?"

Ivan turned around and saw Shaw standing up from a chair behind the desk, a warm smile on his face. He opened his arms, walking toward Ivan.

Ivan approached and hugged Xiao. "Of course, Dad. This time, the harvest exceeded my expectations."

Taking a glance around the room, Ivan noticed a scalpel on the table, likely used by Shaw for experiments. He picked it up and casually tossed it into the air. As it fell, Ivan extended his hand, and the scalpel's blade pierced his palm. 

In the hands of a normal person, the scalpel would have left a wound and caused bleeding. However, Ivan's power activated the moment the scalpel touched his skin, causing it to bounce harmlessly away.

"Dad, this is an ability inherited from you—energy absorption. What do you think?" Ivan asked his gaze on his father.

" I always knew you crack the code one day" Shaw replied, his excitement subdued.

"This time, my harvest goes beyond that. I have a gift for you, one I hope you'll appreciate," Ivan said. He placed his hands on the sides of Shaw's head, using his mental power to transfer the energy-absorbing and body-strengthening technique he had developed.

Shaw was initially surprised that Ivan still possessed mental abilities, but his astonishment turned to amazement as he absorbed the new technique. The method promised to enhance his body and strength significantly. With diligent practice, Shaw envisioned his body becoming as strong as steel.

Ivan retracted his hands and looked at his father, who was deeply engrossed in the new technique. Inwardly, Ivan couldn't help but anticipate the inevitable confrontation with Magneto. He longed to see Magneto's futile attempts to harm a formidable Black King.

For some reason, at this moment, Ivan was eagerly looking forward to their first battle, believing it would be an exhilarating experience.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mad_versecreators' thoughts