
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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Eric, adrift at sea, sensed the departure of the submarine but found himself helpless. He roared in frustration until Charles came to his rescue. Under Charles's persuasion, he reluctantly agreed to cooperate.

On the other side, Ivan and the others steered the submarine for dozens of kilometers before coming to a halt. Approaching Shaw, Ivan remarked, "Father, you've witnessed Eric's strength. We can't prolong this any further. While he may not be your equal in direct combat, under specific circumstances, he could still pose a threat. For example, as just happened, if he were to destroy the submarine and sink it, we might drown."

Acknowledging his carelessness, Shaw nodded, "Alright, I'll find a way to settle our differences when we meet next time. Honestly, I may have been careless before, but bringing us together to this extent, Eric's growth rate has exceeded my expectations."

At this point, Shaw had another realization. Leading his son to the submarine's deepest part, he pressed a button, and the back wall opened automatically. They entered a room filled with mirrors, with a central area containing equipment discovered by the flashing light tube group.

Ivan immediately recognized it as the nuclear energy reactor provided by the Soviet Union, Shaw's last backup plan. If the plan to incite the United States and the Soviet Union to launch nuclear bombs failed, Shaw intended to absorb the reactor's energy and transform himself into a nuclear bomb. This would release radiation energy, stimulating mutant genes and creating a mutant empire.

The nuclear reactor emitted a bright light refracted by surrounding mirrors, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

"How is it? It's beautiful! We are the children of atoms, deadly weapons to ordinary people, but it will make us very strong," Shaw exclaimed.

Despite Ivan's acknowledgment of the reactor's beauty, he sneered. To him, this plan was outdated. If Ivan were willing, he could create a more advanced version, but his disagreement with the plan prevented any discussion.

Observing Shaw's enthusiasm, he couldn't help but commend him, "It's truly beautiful. I hope your plan can be executed as splendidly as its aesthetics."

"I believe it will," replied Shaw. Despite Ivan's attempts to dissuade him, he remained confident in the success of his plan, having invested too much to allow for failure.

With the persuasion attempts concluded, Ivan ceased further discussion. His only focus now was to do everything in his power to save his father's life.

"By the way, Dad, I have something to attend to. It will take a few days, but don't worry; I will return before the plan commences."

"Do you want to leave now? The situation outside is tense, and your identity is unique. It would be problematic if you were recognized." Shaw expressed concern, aware that all countries were closely monitoring Ivan. If caught, Ivan would be brought back and subjected to research.

"Don't worry, I have a way to make others not recognize me." As Ivan finished speaking, a thin layer of silver wiggled around his face, changing his appearance with the help of nano-robots.

Shaw, accustomed to Ivan's myriad abilities, found it unexpected but not surprising. Excited about the nano-robots, Shaw received a few deformed masks from Ivan, transparent masks containing nano-robots capable of nine different changes.

In the end, Ivan placed a blue light-emitting bead in the submarine, serving as a space coordinate. This allowed Ivan to sense the coordinate no matter where he was, and Red Devil could do the same.

Having completed these preparations, Ivan disappeared with a shapeshifting phantom, leaving Shaw bewildered. Although aware of Ivan's magical abilities, seeing them in action for the first time left Shaw in awe.


The city streets bustled with various shops, creating a lively scene with pedestrians moving about. Ivan strolled, savoring the relaxed atmosphere.

Although Ivan had a task on this outing, he wasn't in a hurry. After messaging the Red Queen to investigate a person's whereabouts, he casually chose a bar, spending his days there and occasionally engaging with beauties.

A few days later, the Red Queen received a sudden message, "Dr. Ivan, the person you are looking for has been found. Here are the coordinates of his location; please accept it."

Ivan, amidst his revelry, immediately sobered up upon hearing the Red Queen's voice. He left the bar, found a secluded corner, and cast phantom magic, disappearing.

Ten minutes later, Ivan stood outside another bar with a wry smile, unexpectedly entering a new bar right after leaving one.

Sighing, Ivan pushed the door open and walked in. The first thing he noticed was a burly figure sitting at the bar, smoking a cigar. Muscles adorned his body, making it clear he wasn't someone to be trifled with.

Ivan approached the bar, sitting on a stool next to the muscular man. Staring at him, he said, "James Howlett, or just call you Logan, I want to talk to you. Please, if you have a moment, help me."

Indeed, this person was the future Wolverine Logan, yet to be injected with Adamantium metal. Logan, curious about the sudden mention of his name, had no impression of Ivan. He straightforwardly refused, "I'm not interested; you've got the wrong person."

Prepared for Logan's indifference, Ivan continued, revealing Logan's past and awakening his mutant abilities. As Logan's demeanor changed, Ivan continued, seemingly unaware,

"You were frail and sickly when you were young. One winter when you were a child, your biological father killed your adoptive father, awakening your mutant abilities—bone claws and super recovery. Escaping by unknowingly killing his biological father, you participated in many wars, including the first and second world wars, spending most of your life in conflicts."

Logan clenched his fists tightly, an ominous aura radiating from his cold, gleaming eyes, sending chills through onlookers.

"Who are you? Why are you investigating me? What's your purpose?" Logan's tone held a deadly edge, ready to act if not for the crowded bar, where violence could lead to trouble.

"I'm here to ask for your help. I want you to be a teacher for a while and assist in educating a group of youngsters... Well, a group of problematic children," Ivan explained.

Logan, skeptical, sneered, "Really? I don't think I have the talent to be a teacher. If you can investigate my origin so clearly, the forces behind you are probably not small, right? Do I still need to be a teacher? I don't even know what I can teach."

Ivan responded, "You don't need to be a regular teacher. I'm looking for a special teacher. Those students aren't ordinary kids; they are like you. Teaching them can bridge the gap, and your resilience will prevent accidental harm."

Initially taken aback, Logan contemplated whether Ivan's words were true. He questioned if it was a group of monsters, then realized, "The same type of person as me, you mean..."

Affirming, Ivan nodded, "Yes, as you think. Those little devils are not ordinary people. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, you can leave anytime. I won't force it."

Logan's expression changed as he weighed the truth of Ivan's words. Despite his tough exterior, Logan was lonely inside, lacking real friends due to his unique abilities. The fear in people's eyes whenever they saw his bone spurs had wounded him deeply. Now, the opportunity to teach those like him stirred emotions, yet Logan hesitated, fearing it might be a trap.

Amid Logan's indecision, Eric and Charles, the future Magneto and Professor X, entered the bar. Unaware of Ivan's presence due to his altered appearance, Eric and Charles observed Logan deep in thought.

"I'm Eric."

"I'm Charles..."

Before their introduction could progress, Logan, disturbed, snapped, "Go away!"

Eric and Charles, noting Logan's rejection, decided not to press further and began to leave. However, Ivan interjected, "Oh! Little Eric, we are truly destined. I didn't expect to meet again in just a few days. It seems you have a new friend. Congratulations!"

Eric, upon hearing Ivan's voice, immediately recognized him despite the altered appearance. Always prepared for danger, Aidanque swiftly threw a dagger at Ivan. Reacting with a sinister smile, Ivan used Logan as a shield, and the dagger found its mark, piercing Logan's chest.


Logan's agonizing scream reverberated through the bar and echoed into the street.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mad_versecreators' thoughts