
Chapter 1 Important Meeting

A man in a formal black suit, walked quickly towards the meeting room because he had an appointment with his friends. That man was Alland Albert Hilton, a figure who was greatly feared and avoided by everyone in Europe and Asia. Everyone was very afraid of Alland, especially since the man had a dark past that changed him into who he is now. Alland had arrived at his destination, namely Headquarters A.76, another man was waiting for him along with his men. The man in the formal white suit was Kelvin Stewart, Alland's best friend since childhood until now they are like letter envelopes and stamps.

Alland and Kelvin shook hands and then gave each other their trademark smiles. two men who have professions as entrepreneurs who are famous throughout the world.

"How are you, Kelvin? It feels like I haven't seen you in a long time."

Alland invited Kelvin to sit back down because he would get straight to the topic of conversation.

"I'm fine, Alland. Yes, it's been a long time since we saw each other because I was on holiday in Indonesia," replied Kelvin.

"Indonesia? Ah, that's very interesting and it's been a long time since I've been on holiday, maybe later after all the missions are finished!" Alland emphasized.

"Yeah. "You focus first on your revenge mission," said Kelvin.

Both of them were silent, finally, Alland opened the conversation again.

"So, what made you want to see me?" Alland asked.

"I know, Alland. It's very difficult to find the perpetrator who caused the death of your family. But I have some suggestions," replied Kelvin.

Kelvin took a deep breath.

"You're right, Kelvin. They are very difficult to find, but I won't give up one bit. Those who caused the death of my family must die!" Alland emphasized.

"Try looking for clues in the place where your family was killed. I'm very sure you will find some clues there," said Kelvin.

"Ah yes, you're right. Thank you for the advice, my friend!" Alland emphasized.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to be able to help you at lunchtime soon, don't you want to treat me to a meal at a restaurant?" Kelvin asked.

"Of course. I'm hungry too and let's have lunch at the restaurant," replied Alland.

Kelvin and Alland decided to go to the restaurant.


On the other hand...

A beautiful girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes was enjoying pedaling her bicycle in a relaxed and calm manner. The girl is none other than the favorite daughter of the Smith family, the youngest child who is very independent and doesn't like being spoiled even though she was born into the second richest family after Hilton. Her name is Alisya Valeria Smith, the only daughter of Mr. Erickson Smith and Aliya Valeria Smith. Alisya has three older brothers who are very possessive of her, and make Alisya choose to run away from the Mansion secretly.

"I'm free now and my possessive brothers can't find me. Daddy Erick and Mommy Aliya forgive your daughter, I just don't like being restrained by older siblings," said Alisya.

While he was enjoying pedaling his bicycle, suddenly a car sped by and all his clothes were wet with water.

"You rich people are arrogant drive a very fast car and what if there is a small child in the middle of the road? "I have to teach him a valuable lesson," said Alisya.

Alisya returned to pedaling her bicycle and chased the car.

In the car...

Kelvin Stewart looked at Alisya who was chasing Alland's car, he smiled warmly and looked at Alland.

"What's wrong, Kelvin?" Alland asked, "Why are you smiling at yourself?"

"Ah, it's okay," replied Kelvin.

Alland took a deep breath. "You're so strange, Kelvin."

Alland returned to focusing on driving his car.

"It looks like the story of Alland and that girl will be very interesting. Hopefully, they are destined to be together forever," thought Kelvin.

A few minutes later, Alland and Kelvin finally arrived at a famous restaurant in New York City, United States.

"Come on down. We've arrived," said Alland.

Alland opened the car door and so did Kelvin. Kelvin secretly saw the girl park her bicycle not far from where Alland's car was parked.

Kelvin saw that the girl was carrying four nails and a permanent marker, Kelvin grinned.

"Do what you want to do, brave Miss, you can be sure that you will enter Alland's life forever," thought Kelvin, "And when that happens, you will be tied to my best friend."

Kelvin entered the restaurant together with Alland. After the two men left, Alisya began to launch her revenge mission.

"It's time to carry out the plan," said Alisya.

Alisya ran to Alland's car and then wrote a sentence that said. "Taste my vengeance, arrogant sir. You've poured water on my clothes so I'm soaked, you won't be able to go home today!"

After being satisfied with painting her masterpiece, Alisya quickly punctured all the car tires by piercing them with nails.

"I have to go immediately. before anyone sees," said Alisya.

Alisya ran to her bicycle and then left Alland's car.


On the other hand...

A middle-aged man and his son were laughing loudly, they were celebrating his success in killing the entire Hilton family and taking over the Hilton Corporation.

"Daddy. I'm so happy that they finally died and I became the leader of the Hilton Corporation," said the young brown-haired man.

"Daddy is also very happy about my son. Aldrickh Hilton's haters and I have succeeded in killing him and his family, by collaborating with Aldrickh Hilton's eternal enemy!" stressed the middle-aged man.

"Then what are you going to do with the company, brother?" asked a beautiful girl.

"Of course, it created chaos in the company, by not paying the salaries of its employees and co-workers. I'm very smart and clever, aren't I?" asked the man.

"Yes, my son is very smart and intelligent," replied the middle-aged man.

"Daddy. I want to own some of the Hilton family properties!"

"I want houses, mansions, villas, and cars."

"I want trains, planes, and private jets."

"I want the cruise ship and the cafe."

"I just want the restaurant and the bar."

"Daddy will give everything to you"Now let's rest first because I'm already sleepy," said the middle-aged man.

They were left with the shadow of a dream that could not possibly be realized because the real owner was still alive.


Alland clenched his fists, he was very angry and emotional seeing his car stained with marker and all his tires burst.

"God damn it!" Alland shouted.

Kelvin just laughed in his heart, seeing Alland's anger and he had to keep his mouth shut about the girl. Suddenly Alland's cell phone rang, and he saw a strange man's number calling him.

Alland: [What's wrong?]

[Come to my Mansion! I want to talk to you about something important, of course business!]

Who is the man who called Alland?

Can Alland find information about the death of his family?

ANISARIYANIcreators' thoughts
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