
Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

## DESTINY THE GAME, FANFIC## A dedicated Destiny player finishes the new Witch Queen dlc as a warlock. Ultimately he decides to make a new character, but play as a hunter this time.. Little does he know, he's pulled through the screen as he does. Now an NPC in the destiny world, he must survive the years until the game starts and the players come rushing in. How will he begin his journey, and what will become of him? # MC will be an npc within the destiny world, transmigrated a few years before the start of the year 1 game. (Before the game officially releases with new changes).# #Inspired by The Legendary Mechanic, Novel's Extra and Author's Pov.# Disclaimer: I do not own the front cover image, nor do I own any fraction of Destiny's characters or story lines, they all belong to Bungie.

Writers_Ablood · Video Games
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101 Chs

The Great Ahamkara Hunt (1)

[A few hours Earlier, Orbit]


{Legendary Guardian System}

~Store Unlocked~


Void stared at the screen, as the one thing he had been waiting for finally happened.

Immediately, without wasting a single second, Void clicked towards the system, and opened the store.

What could he hope to find there?

'Treasures? Weapons? Powerful Relics? I want them all!'

Greed flashed in his eyes as the store opened up. Instantly, in front of his eyes, thousands of items appeared in a grid, each with it's price on display. Void was unable to keep a track of anything, as all manners of weapons and armors were on display.

Weapons he recognized but couldn't buy. Armor sets that he recalled but were far too expensive. But everything was too cluttered in the grid. As Void immediately sorted the items by category. He found something...strange.



~Item Categories~

1. Weapons

2. Armor

-->3. Character Cards

4. Miscellaneous


"Character cards?" Void muttered to himself.

He didn't completely understand the category of items, so he clicked it.


{Character Cards}

"Allows the user to harness the ability of a character they've met. Cards have a limited number of uses depending on the rarity. Abilities can be earned through quest rewards or simply be bought"


Void hovered over the category as he read the explanation, immediately he knew he had hit the jackpot.

He couldn't help but let out a roaring laughter, "It's over, finally it's over. It's finally my time, I will take them all, every single ability. It will be mine.", Void seemingly lost his mind, unable to even comprehend the joy he was feeling right now.

Of course, once his laughing fit was over and he felt at top of the world, Void examined the abilities he could buy.



1. Shin Malphur

2. Zavala

3. Shaxx

4. Ikorra Ray

5. Cayde-6

6. Wei Ning

7. Sai Mota

8. Tevis



14. Levi



34. Banshee-44


A long list of guardians appeared before him, and as Void read the names, a shiver ran down his spine.

"Can I really?" He questioned, refusing to believe it. His finger lingered over the name.

He couldn't resist, as he immediately checked Shin Malphur.


{Shin Malphur's Abilities}

1. Golden Gun Mastery (*Locked. Host does not possess gunslinger subclass)

2. Blade Barrage Mastery (* Locked. Host does not possess gunslinger subclass)

3. Predators Gaze (Unlockable: 1,200,000 Đ)(A/n:The symbol shown is what will be used as currency)








* Only the Abilities experienced by the user and applicable to the hosts' body can be bought.


Void's eyes were instantly glued to the third ability, as it was the only one he could unlock. His mind raced back as he recalled the battle with Shin.

When the man first confronted him, the unbearable pressure that weighed down on him, forcing the air out of his lungs, rendering him immobile.

'So that was the predator's gaze...'

Void knew one thing deep down, that ability alone was enough to outclass an enemy below oneself. If Shin truly wanted, Void wouldn't have walked out of that fight alive.

"I need to get it." He immediately resolved himself to buy it.

There was, of course, only one small issue.



Current Balance: 0 Đ


Void's hands started shivering as he smacked his ships dashboard.

"BROKE? ME? You're Lying, WHERE IS MY MONEY." Feeling he had been stabbed through the heart, Void cried out.


System: Host's current value is calculated to be 0 Đ. The system's calculation cannot be wrong! Please earn some money!! ( o > o)


Void immediately saw red as he looked over the screen, "Can't be wrong? You f***ing BASTARD. All the missions I did, where is my glimmer. Where is MY MONEY."

He questioned the system, almost trying to grasp the holographic screen in his hands if he could.


System: No need to worry host! The answer to that question is simple, our analysis shows that all earnings before the store update do not count! As such, the host currently possess no earning, because they were not synced with the system! Please earn some glimmer through bounties!

(O - O)


"N-No....Not like this. Please, everything, everything I've done." Void felt his heart sinking.

"S-System, you're lying to me right. Come on, you can't do this to me." He begged, pleading to the emotionless neon screen.

Little did he know that the system knew no mercy.


System: Please host, don't beg. The system will ensure your growth. An easy way out is never the answer! Now, let's go earn some money!


Void felt his soul leave his body, what had he done to deserve this?

"Every story I read with a system was op. So why, why me? A F****ING SYSTEM is supposed to be a cheat DAMMIT. Why are you trying to make this fair." He felt like ripping his hair out.

But he knew he couldn't win against it. Naturally, Void wanted that skill card, he wasn't about to wait around.

"Obsidian enroute towards Skywatch, let's pickup some bounties." He ordered as Obsidian input the coordinates and the ship jumped down from orbit towards the atmosphere.



Void's jumpship tore through the skies as it hovered near the lunar command.

He transmatted out and made his way to the Nightstalker base, walking all the way towards the control room.

The control room housed numerous terminals connected to the Last City, which allowed the Nightstalkers to pick up a few bounties and even send items back and forth.

Like any squads' headquarters, the Nighstalkers had ensured they could easily obtain supplies and collect information.

Void entered the room, storming towards the terminal with no time to waste, as he briskly accepted tens of bounties, stacking up his portfolio. Naturally, there was a built-in limit to what a guardian could take on at once.

Hence, after collecting all possible missions, Void quickly summoned his sparrow and shot towards the exit.

Peculiarly, a familiar figure lingered near the exit bay, Void slammed the breaks as he slid his bike, dust welling up as he stopped next to Tevis.

Void nodded impatiently, "Captain."

Tevis saw Void's erratic behavior as he saw him rushing to get out, "Going somewhere?" He asked, calmly putting his hand on the sparrow's head.

"You know, the usual. Just earning some money." Void replied immediately.

"The usual, yes. Is that why I got reports that you were going crazy in the terminal trying to accept all the bounties?" Tevis looked at him accusingly.

Void gulped, stammering slightly, "Is that so? Maybe I was in a bit of a rush, sorry."

Tevis sighed, seeing his apprentice, " Just don't end up doing anything stupid to earn glimmer, it's not worth it. For a while don't take any dangerous missions, you should rest up."

It reminded Tevis of his old days, the nostalgia almost sent him into a trance, until Void snapped him out of it by revving the sparrow.

"What about you? Why are you standing at the exit bay, everything alright?" Void asked, seeing his captains' scrunched up face.

"Yeah, just something annoying that popped up. The Vanguard wants us at the consensus. I had a great evening planned with the squad, but I guess we'll just have to push it to another day." Tevis heaved a reluctant sigh.

"I will catch you later, it's urgent." Tevis didn't bother to explain any further, his figure transmatted away, leaving Void puzzled.

"The consensus?" Void tried to think of any reason, but as far as he knew, there were no major clues to any event.

However, since they had gathered, it surely wasn't just a formality.

Void thrust his engines as he shot towards the cosmodrome, " If the consensus really found something to fight, we don't have much time to get stronger. Obsidian, display all the bounties, nearest first."

"I've lined up everything, though I must say, the consensus hearing seems to be urgent. I can't find anything in the city's database." Obsidian began displaying all the markers on the radar.

"Urgent? That's not good news. Should be okay though, the captain's pretty strong don't you think?" Void wrung the throttle as his sparrow tore through the desert plains, shooting towards Devils' Lair.

"Indeed, Captain Tevis is ranked very high on the combat index of the city. The chances of him being in danger are lower than 8%" Obsidian chimed in.

As the two closed in on Devil's Lair, Void glanced at his target list as ten fallen came up.

"Obsidian, locate and mark the targets within the vicinity. We'll be here a while."

His lips curved into a dangerous smile as Void got off the sparrow and immediately entered stealth.

All of Void's bounties were assassinations. Naturally, the targets were fallen squads or captains in the Devil's Lair.

Void couldn't possibly fight them all at once, but assassinating them? It was a piece of cake considering his arsenal.

"Void, I am detecting emp's and signal locators within the area. The House of Devil's upped their security since last time." Obsidian cautioned, scanning the surroundings.

"Gotcha, turn off all comms channels then, we're going in dark." Void replied, "There's no way we're missing out just because of some trackers."


[The Consensus]

Kabr eyed the Nightstalker Captain, he appreciated the skill set the subclass represented, and the reason he agreed for a third to be a nightstalker was because his fireteam needed one.

However, Tevis's quick rejection shattered all his hopes. It was truly difficult to ask a Nightstalker for a joint mission. Except the Vanguard, they wouldn't listen to any other orders. They were all quite elusive and impossible to locate.

But as Wei interjected, Kabr's eyes flashed with interest.

"Captain, if it is possible, we would like to request for that hunter from your squad." Kabr chimed immediately.

Tevis sighed, seeing as everyone in the consensus looked towards them, he knew the issue was out of his hands.

"I am sorry Kabr, it's not that I am denying you, but our newest member is still a bit wet behind the ears. Besides, he's quite the solo player." Tevis replied.

Kabr sighed, lamenting his luck, but then Zavala spoke up.

"Is this hunter the one I am thinking of?" He asked

Shaxx continued, "Indeed, if it is the hunter I am thinking of, I believe he's quite capable on the battlefield, still a bit lacking in the power department."

"That is true, I don't suppose he's that experienced with his powers yet. Perhaps he isn't that suitable." Wei replied, considering Shaxx's opinion

Hope fluttered in Kabr's heart as he considered everyone's opinion, yes even if the new hunter wasn't that capable, he could still easily have him learn from himself.

What better way to get closer to a Nightstalker?

"E-Er, If it is as you all say, Pahanin and I do not mind letting that hunter participate in the hunt with us. We will ensure his safety and take care of him." He quickly added, afraid that the moment would pass by.

Pahanin quickly nodded, catching onto Kabr's drift.

Zavala found the two veteran guardians an amazing learning opportunity for Void. Although it was a rare opportunity, he wouldn't let Void pass up on learning from the best.

"Then it is settled, the Vanguard will contact the hunter to join your fireteam temporarily Tevis, if you please." He gestured.

Tevis nodded, taking out his transponder and calling Void on speaker.

Everyone waited, as seconds turned into minutes, which finally turned into a looming awkward silence.

Tevis coughed, as he tried to call a few times, but finally gave up.

Feeling all the eyes on him, he couldn't help but take a dry gulp.

"Gentlemen, it seems like I can't connect the call right now." He laughed helplessly.

'Where the hell are you Void....'


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave a review!!! Comment what you liked, you know the drill!

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