
A Rather Happy Harvest

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Angler's Treasure]

[Treasure Box]

[Note: This is the reward left behind by senior anglers to the newer generation. As for what the seniors left in the box, it all depends on their mood.]

"Another vague and lame description. I think the same guy designed all the treasure boxes in the game…"

[Acquired: Angler's Paradise Coin x 30, Small Talent Stone x 5, Little Seahorse.]

[Little Seahorse]

[Display Pet]

[Usage: Acquire a little seahorse as a pet.]

"Wow! A display pet? I want it, I want it!" Meowmeow Tang squealed happily.

"You've already got a companion and it's a huge a** cat, it's more than enough for you! It's mine!" Wind&Rum argued.

"I want it too…" Beitang Meng shrugged.

"Captain, don't you take this for yourself! Let's just roll the dice!"

As for Nocturne and ILikeDPS, they had no say in this because they were boys. If it was a cat instead of a seahorse, Nocturne might fight for it but it was not.

'Okay whatever, as long as you guys are happy. I'll go back fishing.' Nocturne then went back to fishing.

Even though he had gotten the treasure box, the fishing spot continued glowing, so he continued casting his line there.

The fish that took the bait this time was a bloated fish. Nocturne cut it open and found two Angler's Paradise Coins and one Small Talent Stone. The items were automatically placed into Nocturne's bag instead of being distributed among the party members. It seemed like the correct lifestyle skill gave him an advantage in the dungeon.

After the fishing spot's glow disappeared, Nocturne led the party to the next one.

The lake was surrounded by many fishing spots, Nocturne strongly believed that there should be something good in this dungeon.

In the next few fishing spots, Nocturne got a giant crab and a treasure box, plus some bloated fish.

The items they got from the boxes were random but some of them were interesting. There were skill books, gears crafting materials, display pets, toys, etc.

There was even an octopus monster that came out from the box, it almost scared Meowmeow Tang to tears.

After clearing all the fishing spots, Nocturne got himself some good stuff as well. He managed to get the Old Fisherman's set from fishing plus an interesting toy.

[Old Fisherman's Boots] (Refined)

[Character Bind]

[Cloth Shoes]

[4 Armor]

[+3 Stamina]

[Increase Fishing Mastery by 10]

[Increase 1% chance of fishing a rare species fish]

[Increase 1% chance of getting special items from fishing]

[Requirement: Fishing (100)]

[Condensed Ocean] (Consumable)

[Character Bind]


[Usage: Create a condensed ocean scenery. 6 hours duration. 24 hours cooldown time]

[Requirement: Level 10]

[Note: All the fish in the world is in this condensed ocean]

This toy seemed interesting but unfortunately, it was not a permanent item, which Nocturne found regrettable. 

After circling the lake for all the fishing spots, they returned to the campsite and started to progress in the dungeon.

Nocturne cast the line into the water again and he felt a tug after a while. He was familiar with the pull and the sensation though.

As he reeled his line in and pulled it out of the water, he heard a familiar 'Ora'; it was a murloc.

[Murloc Bandit] (Elite)

[Level: 15]

[HP: 5,000]

The other party members jumped in and killed it quickly. The murloc bandit dropped a total of five Angler's Paradise Coins and a Murloc Scale.

The four of them did not possess Culinary anyway, so the scale ended up in Nocturne's pocket.

A murloc was weak alone and the terrifying point about them would be their numbers. If they appeared in a large group, no party could endure all the attacks at once.

After fishing up a dozen Murloc Bandits, Nocturne finally got the big boss.

[Murloc Tidecaller] (Boss)

[Level: 17]

[HP: 30,000]

It was a big blue murloc wielding a trident and had a water veil around it.

Since it was a boss monster, Nocturne swapped into his combat gear and helped out.

The moment the Murloc Tidecaller was fished out of the water, it raised its trident at the party and started launching water balls at them.

Wind&Rum quickly dashed in front of the Murloc Tidecaller, forcing it to stop casting water balls.

As Wind&Rum got closer, the Murloc Tidecaller switched to its trident for a melee attack and the fight started.

When the boss' HP dropped to 75%, its trident shone blue and summoned several more murlocs from the water.

Fortunately, Nocturne and Wind&Rum responded quickly by pulling the smaller mobs away, otherwise the fight would go downhill fast.

That was the only trick that the Murloc Tidecaller pulled off, so after the party got familiar with the process, they were able to take it down in a short while.

[Acquired: Angler's Paradise Coin x 100, Spellbinder Orb, Shadow Stone, Formula: Enchanted Bracer - Lesser Strength, Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak, Recipe: Murloc Fin Soup]

The boss' drops were rather strange; a green gear, a gemstone and three documents.

Though Beitang Meng was rather happy with the loot because the formula and pattern were more important to her guild than gear.

Since Nocturne was a cook, he also got himself the recipe.

[Recipe: Murloc Fin Soup]

[Required Ingredients: Murloc Fin, Cool Fountain Water, Seasoning]

[Usage: Consume it to recover 240 HP in 18 seconds. Acquired 2 points increase in Strength Stamina and Intelligence. 60 minutes duration. Unavailable during combat]

[Level: 12]

[Requirement: Culinary (100)]

"A soup made from the fin off a murloc's back? It sounds a little bit harsh on the tongue but the effect is quite good."

Nocturne put his thoughts aside and continued fishing after the loot distribution.

Next, he got a giant lobster instead of a giant crab.

[Makrura Snapclaw] (Elite)

[Level: 16]

[HP: 6,000]

A makrura's Defense was a lot higher than a murloc, maybe because it was a Snapclaw species, but other than its higher defense, it was similar to a murloc.

This time around, they got 10 Angler's Paradise Coins and a Black Lobster Claw,which was a cooking ingredient.

At least the game retained the common sense of the normal world, getting a lobster claw from killing a lobster monster.

Similarly, after killing a dozen makruras, the boss came out.

[Makrura Elder] (Elder)

[Level: 18]

[HP: 4,000]

The boss was deadly to a tank, as it had armor break and a knockback effect in its attacks. Armor break was not much of a problem but the knockback really messed up the party's formation.

This Angler's Paradise was a spacious dungeon with no walls or obstacles.

The boss simply swung its giant claw at Wind&Rum and she was sent flying away like a baseball.

"Aaaaah!" Wind&Rum was not prepared to be knocked back so far. Her hair was messed up as she screamed while flying.

Nocturne quickly casted Provoke on the boss to hold its attention. However, when Wind&Rum came back, it was Nocturne's turn to be sent flying backwards by the boss' giant claw.

Nocturne did not make a sound though, he thought it would be embarrassing to scream, so he kept his mouth tight.

The game also has a drop damage system when a target falls from the air. The drop damage decreased a big chunk of Nocturne's HP.

When he got back, he saw Wind&Rum flying back again.

"Aaaaah! I'll be back!" Wind&Rum screamed again.

The fight was a rather amusing one, both Nocturne and Wind&Rum were sent flying backwards in rotation.

The others were worried at first but it was getting funny as the fight went on. If Wind&Rum was not super irritated and got angry, the others might have laughed out loud.

In the end, the party managed to take the boss down.

Wind&Rum sighed a breath of relief and said with grievance, "I think I'm going to eat lobster for dinner, no one is stopping me!"

Meowmeow Tang giggled when she heard that and Wind&Rum responded with an angry glare at her.

Next chapter