

First step on B city Airport I feel like I'm entering a new world. As peoples said this city is completely different because the economic status very high and everything such a high class. I would like to live here but I wont wasted my money that I got from 5 years working hard.

Boss said there's someone who will picked me up when im arrived. i wonder where is she or he?

"excuse me… r'u the one from XX Company?''

A tall girl who wearing red dress with messed bun hairstyle greeting me from behind.

''Yes I'm. r'u the one who will taking me to SS hotel?"

She's smiling and then nodded while grabing my suitcase and  lead me to a luxury black car.

Im just following her while adjusting my footsteps because she's such a hurry.

"anyway im amy, the coordinator for the meeting.. what is ur name?"

Asked her after we arrived on the car.

"I'm Lily. Thankyou for picked me up. Its my first time on B city im glad I didn't run all by mself"

Answer me politely.

"No problem, ur company is one of our good relation so don't mind about it. I'm just trying to help and don't be hesitate if you need anything or else, you can call me later"

"Thanks, im very grateful"

This girl looks like she's the same age like me maybe we can be good friend later. i'm gonna treat her when we done the meeting.

"how old r'u? when the first time i saw you, I tho im mistaken you as other people but when I see ur SNS ID  and looking at your pic then my doubt is gone" said her while trying to hold her laugh.

"I'm 27 y.o how about you?" asked me back.

"Seriously?  So w'r  on the same age? Not a joke right? I tho u're just around 20y.o" this time she cant hold it anymore and then laughing so hard.

"Just like people said, we cant judge a book from the cover eh. But you might be careful. This town is full of dangerous mans on the street. Don't go walk alone if you wanna go anywhere just asked me okay?"

"Okay noted miss"  reply me with a high tone while doing a respectful pose.


I got my room with number 301 on 10thfloor, while amy on 9th floor. I carried my suitcase alone because amy got important call so she need to go back to her company ASAP.

The hotel is really something. The building structure kinda aestetic and full of antique interior as expected from 5star hotel. I heard there's some instagramable caffe and restaurant too. But something that catching my eyes is their rooftop. Definitely worth it to check it out because they designed it look like ancient Greece. For me who have interested on Ancient stuffs that is something that I cant missed.

Alright! Gonna put my suitcase on my room then rest abit. Still 5pm so I still have my time to enjoy the night view on the rooftop later.


The lift door is opened.

I got freeze and my heart beat racing so fast.

Did my eyes broken? No No maybe it's my hallucination.

There's noway he's here.

A couple entering the lift and joined me. They didn't press anything maybe they're on the same floor ?

I didn't dare to look at them so I  just playing with my phone.

Come on! Hurry up ! fast fast! I want to rest on my room



The lift door finally open and I grab my suitcase while trying to walk faster in front of that couple.

My eyes busy searching for  the number room.

"Hey… wait.."

A man voice starlet me and stop spontaneously. He grabbed my shoulder.


I don't know why my body acting strange and wanted to hurry up entering my room.

" sorry… wrong person.." answer me and then running away.

DAMN! Why do i have to meet him in this time and in this place.

The one that I don't want to meet and brought back my pain

His name is RAY

The one that I used to be friend in my High school life.

The one that making my feelings dead.

The one that i recklessly loved.

Next chapter