
CHAPTER TWO: Cast away...

The carriage jerked to a stop indicating their arrival before the sound of the main gates of the Fang Estate opening filled her ear. Great! Out of the pan and into the fire. As the carriage stops for the second time she exits, not at all surprised that no one was outside waiting to greet her. Turning to her left, she makes her way to her uncle's study where she knew he'd be waiting for her. By the whispers and glares she was getting from the servants, Moon got a good idea of what awaited her. She could feel the animosity in the air the closer she got to the study. It made the air heavy and somewhat stale causing her to exhale deeply as she knocked on the door, waiting for his response. Nothing. Straightening her shoulders, she gets ready to be standing outside for a while.

'As I thought. Seems like the messenger got here before I did. Stupid Zitao. Making more trouble for me!' The servants shuffle about their work, slowing ever so often to stare and whisper as she continued to stand outside the door unmoving. Maybe... Maybe going to that place isn't so bad. Maybe, she thought as the sun left the evening sky sinking slowly into night as sapphire and orange rays collided, casting purple hues throughout the sky. The site above the still lake adjacent to the study somehow made the isolated area she stood in more peaceful than she cared to imagine. Lost in thought, she closes her eyes as memory of her mother Concubine Qin, floods her consciousness. Her smile and warm laugh hugging Moon as though they were standing next to each other making her heart tighten.

"I miss you..." She whispered to herself as she opened her eyes once more to look at the sky, the colours seemingly putting her in a trance. The hours seem to creep along as the sky cleared and the stars shone through the black canvas.

'Will I be standing out here all night again?' She sighed inwardly, ignoring her cramped legs and the pain in her back, her toes flexing in her boots in an attempt to ease the pain. Bringing up her sleeve to wipe the accumulated sweat across her forehead, she catches a whiff of something foreign before her mind is filled with the smug face of Wei Zitao. Ugh. Sighing, she swats the air annoyed as if trying to get rid of a fly.

'Why am I even thinking about that asshole?!' She huffs in exasperation, her nostrils flaring as her lips pout slightly, her cheeks expanding. Báichī Zitao. Shuffling sounds from beyond the study door and she instinctively straightens up again as the door opens.

"Greetings Master Fang."

"Hmph. Get in." Bowing slightly, she shuffles past him into the study a strong scent of perfume assaulting her nostrils.

'Seems like his mistress paid him a visit.' Scanning the study without lifting her head to high she spots the bookshelf against the back wall was marginally out of place.

'I see.' Clearing his throat, he moves to sit at his desk, knees folding neatly beneath the wooden surface, his ass gracing the pillows laid out for his pleasure. Without looking she could tell there wasn't a kneeling cushion so gritting her teeth she holds back her pained expression as her knees come into contact with the cold hard floor.


"The Lings have accepted the apology and your dinner request Master Fang. They suggest letting the girls meet before the end of Summer festival and I agreed on your behalf."

"Hmmm..." Without warning a scroll hits her across the head and she grits her teeth biting back the groan of pain walled in her throat. Ignoring the wetness she felt behind her ears as she raises her head to look at the scroll, her eyes widening at the words written on the gold embedded page.

"And how do you explain this?"


"You will accept." Her head snaps up and she meets his eyes, the emptiness making her choke back the words she was about to speak.


"Good. It seems they believe you're a man, so let's not disappoint them shall we?" His lips twisting into a smirk as he leered at her and she felt her blood go cold at the implication of his unspoken words. Death Sentence. That's what this was.

"Yes. Master Fang."

"As of today, you accept your calling and are no longer a member of this Fang Family. Do not ever return."

"I will do as I am told."

"You best not be here when I awake. You're expected at camp by the first light." His emotionless voice drifting through the room made her shiver but she didn't dare protest. Least she wanted a repeat of yesterday's beating. Biting her tongue, she gets up, walking out with her head held high. No goodbyes needed. There was never a welcome or hello when she entered in the first place.

"As if I was ever a member of this family to begin with." She mutters to herself as she turns the corner towards her room. Sighing in annoyance she sidesteps the wall before rounding the corner, coming face to face with Hana and Yi Han.

"Goodnight, Young Mistress Fang and Second Young Master Fang." She bows politely, glaring at Hana's extended leg before smiling up at them and walking off.

"I hear you'll be going to sit the military exam. Aren't you patriotic." Yi Hans' sour tone formed a cloud hovering over her head. This bastard.

"To sit the exam would mean I'd become a soldier of status. I am but a foot soldier and of no threat to you, Young Master Fang." The words left her mouth tasting bitter and she swallowed back her actual thoughts with great difficulty.

"Pfft. You don't really think you stand a chance, do you?!" Hana cackles and Moons hands grip the sides of her robes as she tries to contain her anger.

"Of course not. I know nothing of military strategies and such, after all I am of humble birth and upbringing." She said sarcastically, holding back her laughter as the siblings looked at each other in confusion.

"Poor thing. Coming all the way from that dreadful mountain only for kind Master Zitao to show you pity. Ha-ha, if only that pity wasn't also your death warrant. I hear he even touched you..." She steps towards me, her nose turned up in disgust, "soiling his beautiful hands. What a shame." She mocks, her lips forming a repulsive snarl. Women really are scary. Fighting back the smirk, threatening to show itself, Moon bites her bottom lip, looking to Yi Han as he clears his throat.

"Hmm... but you have privileges to take the exam do you not, pig. Haha..." he laughs bitterly and she could tell he was trying to egg her, "I suppose the entitled Young Master Wei saw something in our little sister... oh wait, or are you our brother now...?" Beside him, Hana burst into a fit of laughter, tears streaming down her face as snot shot from her nostril. Moon's nails began to dig into her palm as her fists tightened in rage but what surprised her about her rage wasn't that they were degrading her but Yi Hans condescending tone when he referred to Zitao. This spoilt brat didn't even have the right to hold a candle next to Wei Zitao yet he spoke as though he was above the man. Just how delusional were the children of this house? How absolutely naive they were to the world. Staring silently at them, she released her fist, her aloof expression returning.

'And I'm the pig?' She questions silently.

"If I pass the general exam tomorrow it will determine if I stay as a foot soldier or not. Well then, goodnight." They both burst into fits of laughter, cooing at her about running away as she turned to leave thinking they'd won.

"Brother returns in the morning, he's going to love this!" She hers Hana cackle as she steps out of ear shot and onto the path leading to her detached living quarters.

"Well isn't my life peachy." She says mockingly at herself as she enters her dark room, her mood lifting, smiling at the smell of rice.

"I can't promise I won't punch you if you jump out at me, Tùzi." Before a body slams into her, she scans the room as giggles sound and the warm light from the lamp illuminates the space.

"Welcome back Moon-er!"

"Hey kiddo, you'll get in trouble you know. Why are you still here at this hour?" She asks, ruffling the young girl's hair as she returns her hug.

"I thought you'd like dinner and maybe some snacks for tomorrow." She chuckles looking down at the young girl who's now staring up at her in concern.

"Thank you, little rabbit." Moon says smiling warmly at the little girl.

"Are you really leaving?" She pauses momentarily on her way to her wardrobe before smiling and grabbing her travel satchel on top of it. The dust had barely settled on it indicating just how short her stay in the cold residence really was.

"It would seem so little one."

"Eh?! But you just got here big sister." The young girl says pouting extremely, her doe eyes and the forming water works causing Moon to chuckle warmly.

"I did tell you I wouldn't be staying long."

"But... that was different! I didn't think you'd be going to war!" She sighs at the little girl as she moves through her draws gathering her belongings.

"Neither did I but I can't really turn down a direct edict from the General's office. Plus, we aren't in an outright war right now, just rebels near the borders."

"I know but... they think you're a man.... so... just tell them the truth... and... maybe..." Smiling up from her packing, Moon finds the young girls pouted gaze on her.

"You know that's not going to work. Even if I did say I was a woman it wouldn't do anything since women are allowed to join the army. This is about saving face. Calling out the ridiculous mistake of those nobles would've put me in more danger than I am right now and there's no way Master Fang would help. If I get caught, I'll just have to say hiding my gender was my own doing and what happens happens, lil rabbit." Moon says calmly with a shrug.

"But... if you go... who's going to call me Tùzi... who's going to call me rabbit..." She wails bouncing up and down and Moon couldn't help but laugh at the sight. This little girl really was rabbit like.

"Oh lil Rabbit... I'm so sorry to be leaving you here alone but you must be strong okay...."


"How about this, I'll write to you whenever I can and post it to Mr. Baker in town and you can collect them on your morning or evening errands. How's that sound?" Moon asks, bending over to her level, running her hand soothingly along her head.

"... I suppose..." Hugging her tightly she buried her face in the crook of Moon's neck as she bends down further to return her embrace.

"You can always come visit me. I'm sure they allow visitors at the camp, you'll just have to remember to call me big brother or just Moon, okay?" Nodding her response, her hug tightens and Moon continues to run her hand calmly along the back of her head.

"... can I braid your hair... once more…?"

"Of course you can. I'm sure if you do your special ponytail it'll last for a while. But first I need a bath... and my back..." Nodding knowingly the young girl leads to her the bath, carefully removing and redressing her wounds once she's cleaned. Smiling brightly the young girl ushers her to the dressing table sitting her before the mirror. Removing the ribbon from her hair, then unbraiding the style she'd fixed this morning before combing it out. Since her mother liked Moon's hair long, she'd always taken care of it and even now it retained it's healthy sheen, making Tuzi rather happy whenever she got to style her hair. Now reaching past her waist, it definitely made grooming hard and annoying to style by herself so Moon naturally preferred simple styles and ponytails since they were easy and didn't come on done when she went hunting with their neighbours in the mountains. Even after moving into this household her routine hadn't changed since she didn't have any help from the servants and only Tuzi was friendly towards her. After combing out her hair, Tùzi braids three strands on each side of her head before neatly joining them in a secure ponytail, pulling it tighter than she'd normally do so it would last longer.

"Thank y..." She smiles moving to get up but the young girl stops her before removing one of her ribbons, tying it around the ponytail base.

"So you don't forget me, Big Sister Moon." Fighting back the tears wanting to come out she gets up hugging the young girl once more.

"It's time for you to head back to the dorms now before the wicked witch realises you're still out." She says teasingly as she shoos the girl out of her room, lamp in hand.

"Farewell, Mooner."

"Farewell, Little Rabbit." Kissing the girl's forehead she shoos her towards the servant dorms, waving goodbye before she disappears.

"It's nice to have someone to say goodbye to... but it never gets easier does it." She mumbles to herself as she resumes packing. The few robes she'd brought when moving along with new ones she'd bought when she arrived here laid across the bed along with a few books and accessories her mother had given her. Seeking comfort from the fan tied to her waistband, her hands hug it to her chest, she sinks into the floor as exhaustion overtakes her being.

"I'm sorry mom. Looks like life isn't going to be as easy as you asked me to live it. From your daughter to the thrown away adopted son of the Fangs. Pfft, aren't I blessed by the gods." Sighing, she reaches for a pillow on the bed crushing it against her chest. She curls herself into a ball, finally letting her tears fall in an unwavering flow along her cheek and onto the floor.

"I guess this is goodbye to this cold room huh." Snickering coldly, she collects herself and finishes packing everything into her satchel, her finger running over the embroidered Moon in the bottom left corner, her face softening at the memory of when she received it.

< Flash Back - Two years ago >

"Here you go sweetie." Smiling warmly at me, mother places the bag in my hand.

"What…?" Her eyes widening at the cranes flying across the fabric.

"I saw you looking at the pattern a few days ago so I bought a length. I wanted to make you a shi..."

"Thank you mom. I love it." I say cutting her off as I embrace her, the scent of her hair washing over me. I know she probably spent her last bit of savings on that cloth and I couldn't help but feel guilty. Just how much are you willing to give up for me?! Fighting back the tears, I jump up trying on the bag, modelling it as she laughs softly at my clowning. Before long, her face scrunches up and a fit of coughing erupts from her mouth. Rushing to her side, I pour her a glass of water helping her drink it slowly before patting her back and helping her to her bed. Smiling up at me, her eyes drift closed and I stare at the beautiful woman before me, guilt tugging at my heart, my eyes glancing at the blood swirling in the cup..

"If only I hadn't been born you wouldn't have to live such a troubling life mother. Even dad and..." I mutter to myself nearly jumping out of my skin as I feel her hand grip my own.

"Don't ever speak like that you hear me? You're my daughter and I love you no matter what. I've always been frail... you my dear Moon... you're the only beacon this old lady's ever had in her dark and miserable life. I love you. Your mother and father also love you dearly. Please don't ever depreciate yourself or your life like that, do you hear me Moon?" Ashamed of my actions, I hang my head, nodding my response.

"... yes mother..." The tears fell and she smiled up at me cupping my cheeks in her palm, bringing my face to her lips and planting kisses all over. Giggling I nuzzle closer to her, moving to lie beside her.

"Promise me you'll continue to live on happily, my Moon."

"I Promise." She's dying. I could see it in her eyes. She knew it too.

< Present >

Folding the two robes her mother had made for along with the first one she'd bought herself after moving here Moon pushes them into the satchel along with her mother's favourite book and the small pouch of your jewellery - both of them. The soft jingling made her smile. Having two mothers was strange to her but she knew they were with her. Her father had given Moon her birth mother's favourite pair of earrings and Qin had bestowed her family's necklace and jade pin set that had been passed down through generations onto her; the pin, for the man she was to marry.

"I guess I'll be wearing the pin then." She chuckles to herself as she fastens the satchel shut after placing the snacks Tùzi had prepared safely inside. Looking around the room, she sighs at how quickly she was able to pack yet she wasn't surprised at all. This place was never really home. Collecting her other belongings, she takes them to the bin behind her room, throwing them in and lighting a fire over them, no point in keeping them. Returning to her room she eats her dinner before placing the empty bowl on the table along with one of her bracelets.

"Goodbye, Little Rabbit." Picking up her satchel she leaves the room without looking back, walking out the gate, heading for her new place of residence.

"Hmm... shall I go sightseeing first? The town is rather beautiful before daylight. And quiet..." Placing her hands behind her head, she grins up at the sky, "It's just us two Moons." Maybe this time it'll be better. She chuckles at the thought, the silence of night drifting around her.

Hi everyone, Fu-Chan here again ~

Here's the edited version and I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment your thoughts and opinion and let's get a long.

Forewarning: This is a short story so chapters may not exceed 20, so please don't be too disappointed or shocked when the final chapter is uploaded. To make up for this I will be writing the chapters themselves to be longer than normal chapters so I hope it's enough. :)

~ bye bye ~

Fu_Otakucreators' thoughts
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