A boy became a host of a power which could even kill the Gods but there is a secret about him even Gods could not comprehend.
Millenniums ago, Ancient Gods created this world.They created mortals and guided them on their journey to develop themselves.
This time was called 'Age of Beginning' but it soon changed,A being came from beyond and tried to destroy the world.The beings reason for doing this was unknown but Gods didn't care,All they cared about was protecting themselves and destroy the enemy from outside.
Gods went on a war against the being from outside,they manage to defeat the being but were not able to kill it and had no choice but to seal it in a separate dimension.The Gods lost most of their power in the war and were forced to go into deep sleep to recover their power,before going into deep sleep they made contract with mortals from different races whose potential manage to impress them and turned them into dieties and created another diety born from will of the planet itself.They named the diety,Gaia and ordered it watch over the new Gods during their absence.
The war between Gods and the being caused the Great flood which almost whiped out human race which were not strong enough to protect themselves.The new Gods ruled over different part of the world and this gave birth different pantheons and legends.
This was the Beginning of 'Age of Gods'.Gaia during this time created a system of giving mortals powers called 'Gifts' but there were some errors in the system caused by spirits who fought against the Gods and lost and were turned into 'Gifts' which were far stronger than other 'Gifts',each of them were unique and irreplicable.The weilder of these 'Gifts' were given power to kill Gods and Satans,the weilder of these 'Gifts' are known as 'God slayers'.