
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantasy
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chapter 78: Mug of Reflections: Echoes of Concern and Spar's Revelation

After Cassidy departed, Elaine and Timothy excused themselves from the study, leaving Finn and Lenard alone in the room. Finn's eyes held the turbulence of unspoken thoughts, while Lenard's gaze remained fixed on his mug of wine. A subtle smile graced Lenard's lips as he brought the mug to his mouth, sharing a poetic sentiment, "Wine cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, and makes weariness forget his toil."

Lenard extended the offer for Finn to partake, and despite the unusual size of the mug, Finn accepted. After a few swigs, he returned the mug to Lenard, who sported a slightly dazed expression. Sighing in mock despair, Lenard playfully pointed at Finn with a slight frown, "You were supposed to refuse that offer, you know? Nevertheless, tell me what's troubling you, Finn. Is it about the rebellion? Don't worry, old friend; you have me by your side. Even angels would have to show us a little face, don't you think?" Lenard inquired, his usual carefree demeanor masking a deeper understanding of Finn's concerns.

Gently shaking his head at Lenard's whimsical guess, Finn turned his attention to the poetic fool. Noticing that Lenard had not been intoxicated during their conversation, Finn straightened up and cleared the air of helplessness as he spoke, "It's not about the rebellion. What troubles my mind is the boy. Have you noticed the change in his behavioral pattern, or has he said something to you?" Finn's concern for Timothy echoed in his words.

Lenard's lazy expression gave way to a somber one. "Cannot say I have not. His emotions are currently all over the place. I feel that there is something he is hiding from us. But do not worry about him; that boy is strong. Together, we will figure out what is happening and help the boy... I assure you," Lenard reassured Finn, his eyes reflecting a solemn determination.

Taking a deep breath, Finn sighed, his gaze still fixed on Lenard. He nodded and then turned the conversation to Lenard's recent behavior. "Now tell me, what is wrong with you? Your drinking these past few days has been a lot more than usual. What is troubling you?" Finn inquired, genuinely concerned for his friend.

Lenard placed the mug down and met Finn's gaze with desperate eyes before speaking, "Zoe. It has been long since she married, but seeing her that day brought back all the feelings I thought I had successfully buried. Tell me, Finn, did I do the right thing? Letting her go, I mean." Lenard's tone carried a gentle vulnerability as he grappled with the echoes of his past decisions.

Finn inwardly chuckled at Lenard's dramatic display of emotions, grateful that his friend wasn't facing a dire situation. Despite the amusement, he kept his composure, responding honestly to Lenard's query. "No, you did not. Zoe has always been in love with you, Lenard, and you knew it. Even now, I suspect that if you were to tell her to leave her husband, she would do it without question. She is not happy in that marriage, and she will never be happy without you," Finn affirmed, recognizing the unspoken complexities of Lenard's past.

Lenard acknowledged the truth in Finn's words, lifting his mug for a few sips before casually making his way toward the door. "Oh, the royal wedding ceremony is in four nights. Prepare yourselves," Lenard announced as he reached the exit. Finn nodded in acknowledgment, rising from his seat and leaving the office, leaving the space empty. The looming event of the royal wedding added an air of anticipation to the days ahead, each step inching closer to a significant moment in the kingdom's history....


At the backyard of the library, Timothy and Lus engaged in a sparring session, their swords clashing in a dance of skill and technique. The other blades observed the duel, with Timothy gradually adapting to Lus's distinctive fighting style, guided by his unknown elemental affinity. Despite this adaptation, Lus maintained the upper hand, showcasing unparalleled fluidity and speed in his swordplay.

"Stop relying on your element, Timothy. Use your natural perception to fight me. That is the only way to grow," advised Lus, offering guidance amidst their ongoing spar. Timothy heeded the advice, ceasing to channel his elemental prowess. However, without the aid of his mysterious element, Lus once again surged ahead, overwhelming Timothy with swift movements and precise strikes. Fresh cuts adorned Timothy's body as he struggled to keep up.

Breathing strained and focus wavering, Timothy found himself on the defensive. Lus noticed his predicament and called out, "Stop thinking, empty your mind, and focus on my body and sword." Responding to the instruction, Timothy closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to clear his mind. "Empty the mind, empty the mind," he repeated internally.

Upon opening his eyes, Timothy faced a charging Lus. Anticipating a fist aimed at his face, Timothy calmly analyzed the situation. Recognizing a feint, he swiftly dodged the incoming attack and raised his sword to parry Lus's actual strike. The clash of swords echoed – a moment where Timothy showcased a glimpse of improved awareness and technique.

Lus nodded briefly in approval, initiating a renewed onslaught. The spar continued for hours, with Timothy progressively enhancing his skills. Before the intensity could escalate further, Elaine intervened, appearing before them and halting the spar. Timothy, breathing heavily, and Lus, seemingly unfazed, received the directive to freshen up for an upcoming meeting.

As Elaine left, Lus acknowledged Timothy with a nod before departing the backyard, followed by the other blades. Jake, however, lingered with an intensity in his gaze that didn't escape Timothy's scrutiny, though it quickly dissipated as Jake departed the grounds.