
Destiny's Awakening: A High School DxD Tale english version

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lokinhobr · Anime & Comics
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Capítulo 4

Battle Outcome

After an intense battle, Issei finally defeated the ex-exorcist, showcasing his superior strength and skills. As Xenovia and Irina approached to congratulate him on the victory, Irina couldn't help but notice the arrogance Issei had displayed during the fight.

Curious, Irina looked at Issei and asked, "Issei, what was that arrogant attitude you showed during the battle? Where did all that pride come from?".

Issei looked at Irina, revealing a confident smile, and replied, "It was my battle state, Irina. When I engage in combat, a flame inside me ignites, filling me with unwavering confidence and relentless determination. It's that pride in my abilities and strength that drives me to overcome any challenge that comes my way."

Xenovia nodded in understanding, knowing Issei had a deep connection with his battle state and that it was the source of his strength and courage. She looked at Issei and said, "We are lucky to have such a strong and determined ally like you, Issei. Your arrogance can be overwhelming, but it's what makes you a formidable warrior."

Issei smiled, thanking Xenovia and Irina for their words. He knew his arrogance could be seen as a weakness by some, but for him, it was a vital tool in his journey as a hero. With his friends by his side, Issei was prepared to face any challenge fate had in store for him.

After the battle, Irina approached Issei, curious as to why he hadn't joined the church like her and Xenovia. With a serious look, Irina asked, "Issei, why didn't you join us at the church? What is the reason for you being on a different side?".

Issei took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully before responding, "Irina, I am already part of a faction, but it's a secret. I have my reasons for being where I am, and while I can't reveal many details, know that my commitment is to protecting my friends and those I love."

Irina looked at Issei with understanding in her eyes, realizing he was acting according to his own code of honor and loyalty. She nodded, respecting Issei's decision and knowing he would always act for the good of those who were important to him.

With a sincere smile, Issei thanked Irina and Xenovia for their understanding, knowing that his loyalty and dedication did not go unnoticed by his friends. Together, they remained united, facing the challenges that were still to come.

Before bidding farewell, Irina, with a mischievous smile on her face, quickly gave Issei a kiss on the cheek. Surprised, Issei widened his eyes, unable to believe what had just happened. Before he could react, Irina giggled and ran off, pulling Xenovia along.

Issei stood there, stunned for a moment, his hand on the spot where Irina had kissed him. Then, a shy smile bloomed on his face as he watched the two girls running off together. He knew that, despite faction differences, the affection and friendship between them were genuine.

With a feeling of gratitude and joy in his heart, Issei prepared to face the challenges ahead, knowing he could rely on the support and friendship of Irina, Xenovia, and all his friends.

Irina and Xenovia walked together towards Issei's house. The late afternoon sun painted the sky with golden hues as they approached the front door. With determination in their eyes, the two girls knocked on the door, eager to meet their friend and share the mission updates.

As they waited, Irina looked at Xenovia with a knowing smile, recalling the challenges they faced together during the mission. Xenovia returned the look, showing confidence and solidarity, further strengthening their friendship.

After a few moments, the door opened, revealing Issei's surprised face. He looked at the two girls with curiosity, not expecting the visit at that moment. However, seeing the serious expression on their faces, Issei realized that something important was happening.

Irina and Xenovia entered the house, greeting Issei with a warm hug. They then began to share the details of the mission, the discoveries made, and the challenges faced. Issei listened attentively, impressed by the determination and courage of the two girls.

The conversation stretched into the late night, filled with laughter, memories, and plans for the future. The three friends further strengthened the bonds that united them, ready to face new adventures and challenges together.

And thus, night fell upon Issei's house, enveloping the friends in a spirit of camaraderie and friendship that would guide them on their upcoming journeys.