
Episode 1

Lauren's POV

I knew my life has taken a new cause. I knew and its clear. A week back, if someone told me i would become this helpless, i would have laughed in their face.

As i opened my once favourite book 'HOPE AT NEW DAWN' by Henry Morgan, a knot tied at my throat. I cant believe i haven't gotten rid of the book yet. In the book, Henry talked about Hope ,Belief and faith. Those words doesn't exist in my world anymore, i know that. This book is suppose to be extinct. Christ knows there isn't hope for me.

3 days ago

I looked around. "Mom" I called out loud. I called again but still no answer. I became scared and ran to her bedroom. I saw her lying helplessly on the bare tile.

"Oh my God!! Mom?! mom?!

Are you okay?"

Like anyone who is okay would just lie flat on the floor. I knew my mom had cardio-vascular disease but from what i heard my mom was on medication and she uses it regularly.

She fainted right there. I shouted for help and before i could think of what i was doing, i already dialled 911. My only hope was my mom. My dad left us when i was 7. He wanted a male child but as God would have it, my mom gave birth to me. He stayed for a while but after impregnating another woman, he left. I was an only child.

My mom never stopped caring and showing me love. She never made made me think i had no father. Everything i wanted was given me. I couldn't ask for more.

I ran after my mom. They were wheeling her away. I said a small prayer. I was already having panic attack.

Slow breath, Lauren. Slow breaths

Mom, please be okay, i said silently.

The nurses held me out as my mom was taken into wherever they took her. I sat down praying still. I called my best friend knowing i couldn't do it on my own. I had to. She came running almost immediately.

"Hey, are you okay?" Samantha asked sitting beside me. I pulled into a hug. I needed it.

"Oh Lauren. Its gonna be okay, i promise" She said pulling the strands of hair that covered my face. I was already crying.

"I saw her on the floor, Sam. So helpless and vulnerable" I said between sobs"

Samantha nodded re-assuring me all will be okay. Sometimes i wish i had the strength she wield. She is strong and not fragile unlike me. The doctor came out of the room my mom was in.

"Where is my mother?!"

I did not even realize i was shouting until Sam patted my back. The doctor removed the surgery glove he had on.

"You came a little late, I'm sorry but..."

That's it. That's all i needed to hear.

Don't forget to vote and comment especially the comment. I need y'all support. This is my first book and you guys comments determine whether i go on or not. I love y'all


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