
Make up classes

Amber went ran towards the entrance door and rushed to climb the stair with an inhuman speed . She soon arrived at the teacher's hall and looked at her mathe teacher .

' Luckily the teacher is here ! ' thought Amber and took the project out of her bag .

When she arrived at the teacher's desk , she handed over the project to her .

" Teacher , here's the project . " said Amber with a smile .

" Amber , my most hardworking yet worst student in the math subject , don't you realize that you're late by two minutes ?! " said the math teacher in an angry tone .

" I am very sorry teacher but it really wasn't my fault . Look at the entrance gate , it's blocked by students . " said Amber and looked at the window .

" Yeah , I am aware of the ruckus that was caused this morning . Still that doesn't change the fact that you were late and not only today but most days of the year . " said the teacher with an annoyed tone .

" I.... " said Amber but the teacher didn't let her speak .

" Enough ! This was the last possibility I gave you and you didn't cherish it ! Be prepared , you will be attending the summer make up classes . " said the math teacher with a determined expression .

" Yes teacher ! " said Amber who realized that it would be bad to provoke her any further .

' This teacher is like those old and vicious witches in fairy tales , it's my bad luck to be her student ! ' thought Amber dejected .

She had great and outstanding grades in each subject apart from math . The director was surprised by this fact and discussed with her teacher , then blamed her for Amber's lack of knowledge in math .

Amber went out of the teacher's office and decided to go home since she was too mad to concentrate on the lesson .

" I am in a very bad mood now ! My summer is now ruined ! All because of that rude jerk I met this morning ! He seemed to be a filthy rich spoiled brat . " said Amber to herself while thinking about how she smashed his front car glass .

" Amber ! " said a voice from behind .

She turned her head and saw that it was the school's council president , Louis . Amber wasn't very close with him but neither a stranger . Since she was part of the top students she had to participate on some meetings with the school's council .

" President . " said Amber with a non caring tone .

" Why aren't you going to class ?! There's only one week school left . " said the Louis .

" I am aware of that ! I just am too angry to concentrate on the lesson . " said Amber .

" What happened ? " asked Louis with a serious face .

" A wealthy rude jerk blocked the entrance this morning . While trying to get through that crowd that he created , I ended up being late . " said Amber with a dissatisfied tone .

" You better not speak like that . He's Nikolai Walton , the son of the richest millionaire of the moment . No one messes with them , especially his son , Nikolai . Although he is a well known playboy he's also the leader of the biggest gang in his school . Who offends him , is done for . I am telling you for your own good , don't act harshly in front of him and don't dare offend him . " said Louis with a serious tone .

' Louis is more serious than usual which means that that guy is no good news . I just smashed the front glass of his car but since I paid for the damage that shouldn't be an issue . Yeah ! ' thought Amber .

" Okay , thanks for reminding me ! Bye Louis ! I will not be attending the last week of school and we won't be able to see each other anymore so enjoy your summer vacations . I will come back when the extra lessons start . " said Amber with a forced smile .

" You too Amber ! I hope you have an easy time with teacher Kana . " said Louis .

" Thanks for the good word ! I hope that witch becomes a bit more tolerating . " said Amber with a dejected face and left to go home and cool her nerves .

' That girl...is never gonna change ! She will always remain a very stubborn person . ' thought Louis a bit worried that she might cause trouble for the school .

" Louis , how have you been ?! " asked a girl who appeared behind him .

" Fine thanks Dana and you ?! " said Louis and looked at her .

" I have been fine too . Hey by the way, want me to show you something shocking ?! " said Dana with a smirk .

" What is it ? " said Louis with a troubled expression .

" Oh come on ! Don't make that face and look here ! I promise it will be worth your time . " said Dana .

Dana took her phone near Louis and opened the video . Louis's expression changed immediately at a shocked one when he saw Amber smashing the front glass of Nikolai's car and threw a check at him .

' What has she done ?! ' thought Louis shocked when seeing the video .

" See ! Told ya it's fun ! " said Dana with a smirk .

" This is no joking matter , delete the video now ! " said Louis in an ordering tone .

" Why ?! Aren't you tired of having a pauper like her in our school ?! Since she's become close to us , we will suffer too . It's better to come up with an excuse and get her out of the group . " said Dana in a serious tone .

" It's not her fault for being poor . Don't talk like that about her ! Still saying that you wanna kick her out of the group ?! It seems like you still don't know ! " said Louis and looked at her .

" What don't I know ?! " asked Dana .

" Amber won't be attending next year . " said Louis .

" Why ?! Is she expelled ?! " said Dana who couldn't hide her smile .

" No , she already finished it ! " said Louis and started to walk ahead then Dana followed him .

" What do you mean ?! " asked Dana .

" Amber has gone through a harsh test in order to finish high school a year earlier . She even passed with 94 points . She's incredibly intelligent when it comes to study . " said Louis with a smirk .

" So..so what if she's good with her studies ?! She's still a pauper ! " said Dana who didn't like the smile that appeared on Louis's face when he called Amber's name .

" What about us then ?! No matter how rich we are we couldn't be as intelligent with our studies as her ! " said Louis with a smirk and then went ahead .

" You damn Amber ! Finally you're going to leave ! " said Dana with an annoyed yet happy tone .

Amber was already on her way home . It didn't take long for her to arrive . She was still angry that she couldn't manage to skip the extra math lessons . When she arrived home , she left her bag on the chair and went straight on the couch .

" Huh ?! Amber ?! What are you doing here ? " asked her mom when she saw her laying on the couch .

" Anyway , I have great news ! Your aunt has invited us all to spend vacations with her in Dubai . Apparently she won the lottery and the first prize was two whole weeks in one of the best resorts in Dubai . She has two invitations for two families so she invited us to go there . Plus you get to see you aunt again , she said that she really misses you . " said madam Adley full of happiness .

After hearing such a great news Amber started to cry .

" Amber ?! Oh , you must miss your aunt too ! She will be happy to know that you're shedding tears of joy . " said madam Adley excited about the vacation and the fact that she would see her dear sister again .

" Yes mom , I am very happy ! " said Amber with a forced smile .

' Mom , I am so happy yet my heart is in so much pain cause I can't come with you cause I have to do make up classes for math . I would have been free if it weren't for that rich guy . Curse you , you rude jerk ! Nikonai or Nikoalai whatever your name is ! I hope you break your neck and fall from the stair then get hospitalized for at least five years ! ' thought Amber then lied on the couch while crying .

' Dubai , vacations , the best resort , the most delicious food , the latest technology gadgets.....why am I unlucky ?! I have never hurt any single fly in my life . Why ?!!!! ' thought Amber even more desperate .

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