
31- Pure Yang Pill

After spending a few hours inside the cultivation chamber, he emerged, his senses now attuned to every nook and cranny of the surroundings. The merged treasure within him granted him intimate knowledge of everything present. Making his way to Long Xiu's location, he found her in the garden, engaged in her cultivation, seated cross-legged. Settling down opposite her, he couldn't help but admire his beautiful wife.

"When did you get here? Why are you staring at me like that?" Long Xiu inquired, opening her eyes a few minutes later.

"Is there anything wrong with enjoying the sight of my stunning and lovely wife?" Xu Fang responded, a smile playing on his lips, causing a gentle blush to grace her cheeks.

"Husband, I've successfully mastered the technique you shared with me. What's the next step?" Long Xiu informed him of her accomplishment in mastering the Yang Qi cultivation technique he had bestowed upon her.

"Perfect. Now, let's head over to the Alchemy Tower. I want to craft a pill to purify my Yang Qi," Xu Fang suggested, urging her to join him on the journey to the Alchemy Tower for the next phase of their cultivation.

"Husband, you can also make pills?" Long Xiu asked, her astonishment evident.

"You'll see for yourself when we get there," Xu Fang replied, and true to his words, when they arrived at the Alchemy Tower, he demonstrated his skill. Heading straight to the second level, they approached a pill furnace. Seated in front of it, Xu Fang channeled his Qi, conjuring a light blue fire that he directed toward the furnace to initiate the heating process.

Long Xiu observed the entire procedure with wide-eyed wonder. After a few moments, Xu Fang gestured with his hand, producing five different types of ingredients. With precision, he added them one by one, turning them into essences, refining each essence, and then skillfully blending them to form a pill.

As the pill took shape, he heightened the heat, entering the final stage of refining to enhance its quality and purity. The entire process spanned thirty minutes, resulting in the creation of a Tier-2 Pill, the 'Pure Yang Pill.'

"Boom!" Boom!" "Boom!"

As small blasts occurred in the pill furnace, he lifted the lid of the furnace, and a fragrant medicinal aroma filled the room.

"Husband, are you done already?" Long Xiu, approaching with a shocked expression, couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, take this and check the results. It's only a Tier-2 pill, and while its effects may not match the Pure Yang Lotus, it has served me well until I come across that one and am prepared to absorb it," Xu Fang instructed, handing her the newly crafted 'Pure Yang Pill' for examination.

He also gave her a small needle to assess the pill's quality. As she inspected it, her eyes widened, and she shared the astonishing results with him.

"Its quality is already at 96%. Imagine what it would be like if you had Heavenly Fire to create this pill. It would be flawless, something only legends accomplished in ancient times," Long Xiu remarked, acknowledging the exceptional nature of his alchemical skills.

"Don't worry, wife. In the future, I will find Heavenly Fire too," Xu Fang assured her, hinting at his determination to further enhance his abilities.

"You know, Sister Shen Yin has Heavenly Fire, but her pill quality only reaches a maximum of 92%," Long Xiu disclosed, comparing his achievement to that of his stepmother, who possessed the coveted Heavenly Fire but fell short in pill quality.

"Keep this between us. Don't tell anyone," Xu Fang cautioned her, emphasizing the need for discretion.

"Let's return to the real world," Xu Fang said with a smile.

"But you didn't want to do that?" Long Xiu asked, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

"My beautiful wife, it's our first time, so let's make it special. After dinner, go to your room, lock the door, close your eyes, and envision entering the treasure. You'll find yourself inside, and no one will suspect a thing. Once inside, head directly to the Dual Cultivation Chamber. I'll meet you there," Xu Fang instructed, and she simply nodded in agreement.

After securing the newly crafted pill in a bottle and stashing it in his storage, he took her hand, and they both closed their eyes, disappearing from the Alchemy Tower and reappearing in his room.


"You can go back to your room and get ready for dinner," Xu Fang told her as he pulled her into his embrace.

"Husband, if you don't let go, how can I get ready for dinner?" Long Xiu playfully protested.

"I didn't want to," Xu Fang admitted, expressing his desire to linger in that moment.

Long Xiu remained silent, and a few minutes later, he reluctantly released her, allowing her to return to her room. After a refreshing bath and preparing for dinner with his family, he found himself back in his room, ready to enter the treasure.

'I hope my Yin and Yang Path-related techniques today didn't embarrass me in front of Xiu Er.

My physique has notably improved with the assistance of these techniques. All that's left is to consume a pill to purify my Yang Qi,' Xu Fang pondered in his mind. He closed his eyes, and when Xu Fang reopened them moments later, he found himself in the garden within the treasure.

Having spent eight months with this extraordinary treasure, he felt that it was now an appropriate time to embark on Dual Cultivation. Despite the world's average time speed of nearly six years, he resided within it for a minimum of 32 to 40 hours per day.

Making his way toward the Dual Cultivation Chamber, he entered a spacious room adorned in luxurious white. The expansive bed within could comfortably accommodate 20 adults. Every element in the chamber, from the bed sheets to the walls and floor, adhered to a pristine white color.

The Dual Cultivation Chamber promised enhanced benefits for both participants, boasting a 15% increase in cultivation gains. This percentage would further rise as the building's level progressed. The stage was set for a profound cultivation experience within the chamber's tranquil confines.


Xu Fang settled onto the bed, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in cultivation, patiently anticipating Long Xiu's arrival. A notification popped up on his device, but he chose to defer checking it. As the minutes passed, Long Xiu gracefully entered the Dual Cultivation Chamber, finding Xu Fang already awaiting her.

Opening his eyes, Xu Fang rose from the bed and approached Long Xiu, who was adorned in a stunning red bridal gown. Her long, black hair was intricately styled, with buns elegantly positioned at the back of her head. The dress accentuated her long legs and body, adding to the allure of her appearance.

"Beautiful..." Xu Fang uttered it in awe, captivated by Long Xiu's presence.

Gently holding her face with his hands, Xu Fang pressed a loving kiss to her forehead, a smile playing on his lips.

"Wife, why wear this dress?" inquired.

"You mentioned wanting our first time to be special," she responded, unveiling the reason behind her bridal attire.

"You look incredibly beautiful and alluring. I want you now, but first, I need to consume the pill I prepared earlier," Xu Fang expressed, eager to make the most of their time together.

She nodded, and together, they settled onto the bed. Xu Fang gracefully summoned a pill bottle into his hand with a wave. Retrieving a pill, he placed it in his mouth and commenced consumption.

Moments later, a visible intensity overcame him as purifying his Yang Qi posed a formidable challenge. Gritting his teeth in response to the rising heat, sweat emerged on his face. Despite wielding control over the Fire element, the temperature he endured was ten to twenty times that of absorbing sunlight for the first time. Long Xiu observed him with a concerned expression as he persevered through the process.

After over thirty minutes, Xu Fang opened his eyes, catching Long Xiu's worried gaze. Chuckling, he addressed her with a smile.

"Don't worry, Wife. I'm perfectly fine and ready to make you mine."

"Husband, I'm also ready. Please make me yours," Long Xiu expressed her readiness to become his wife.

Their eyes locked, and Xu Fang's gaze descended to Long Xiu's red lips. Unable to resist, he moved closer, and their lips met. Closing his eyes, he indulged in the sensation of her soft lips against his own.

Long Xiu yielded to his kiss, closing her eyes in response. As their lips gently connected, a tremor ran through her body. After a brief moment, Xu Fang deepened the kiss by introducing his tongue. Long Xiu reciprocated, and soon, their tongues danced in a passionate embrace. The intensity of the kiss overwhelmed Long Xiu, causing her to lose herself in the moment.

As their passionate kiss continued, Xu Fang gradually guided Long Xiu to the bed. Gently laying her down, he positioned himself on top of her. When they finally broke the kiss, a bridge of saliva connected their lips, evidence of the intensity of their embrace.

As they locked eyes, both breathing heavily, Long Xiu nodded in agreement, signaling her readiness to proceed. The air was charged with anticipation as they embarked on this intimate journey together.

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