
27- Liu Wu, Princess of the Stateadel Empire

Emperor Liu Kang walked away, and within a few minutes, he found himself in front of a door. He knocked, and a beautiful young girl named Liu Wu, the precious daughter of Emperor Liu Kang, appeared behind the door, greeting him with a smile.

At the age of 17, Liu Wu emanates a youthful charm yet carries herself with the elegance befitting a princess. Her vibrant purple eyes sparkle with unwavering determination, complemented by the cascade of flowing brown hair gracing her slender back. Liu Wu's lithe figure, characterized by a graceful subtlety, moves with an elegance that highlights not only her regal bearing but also the allure of her well-proportioned physique with C cup-size breasts and long and beautiful legs, boasting a statuesque height of approximately 175cm. Adorned in royal attire of a matching purple hue, she wears it with poise, accentuating the harmony with her captivating eyes. To complete her ensemble, a petite princess crown adorns her head, a subtle symbol of her noble lineage.

"Wu Er, there's something on my mind," Liu Kang expressed to his daughter, a warm smile playing on his lips.

"Father, please, step inside," Liu Wu responded warmly, guiding him into the room. The opulence of the surroundings became evident as they approached a sumptuous bed.

"Wu Er, have you heard the news about Xu Fang from the Ledal Empire?" Liu Kang asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, I have. It's all anyone talks about when I'm out in the city," Liu Wu replied, her tone carrying a serious note.

"Wu Er, I don't want to conceal my intentions. Let me get straight to the point. What if I were to send a marriage proposal to Xu Fang on your behalf? Do you have any problems?" Liu Kang inquired, his tone maintaining its serious demeanor.

"Father? I'm still young and want to enjoy my life freely. I haven't even thought about marriage, and besides, Xu Fang is three years younger than me," Liu Wu responded with a hint of surprise in her voice. She blushed slightly at the mention of the word 'marriage.'

"Wu Er, I understand. You don't have to worry about the age difference; it won't affect you," Liu Kang reassured his daughter with a gentle smile.

"But Father, I haven't even met him or seen him. How can I be prepared to marry someone I've never encountered in my whole life?" Liu Wu replied with a serious expression, voicing her concerns.

"Wu Er, when I bring up the idea of sending a marriage proposal, it's more of a future consideration. You won't be walking down the aisle tomorrow, and there will be ample time for you to get acquainted with him," Liu Kang explained with a comforting smile.

"Father, let's not rush things. I'm planning to attend Manifest Academy next year, and in four years, he's set to enroll as well. By then, I'll be in a better position to tell you if I feel a connection with him or not," Liu Wu proposed with optimism in her smile.

"Sigh... alright, but keep in mind that if we delay too much, someone else might beat us to it. Ever since today, he's become quite the talk of the town, and everyone is trying to win him over. As for Manifest Academy, I'm pretty sure they're considering it after the news. They might even send an invitation to Xu Fang," Liu Kang cautioned his daughter with a serious expression.

"Father, are you saying..." Liu Wu voiced her surprise at Liu Kang's revelation.

"Exactly. If they approve, the decision of when to join the academy is entirely up to him. If he wants to start classes tomorrow, Manifest Academy will happily welcome him," Liu Kang clarified, nodding in agreement.

'What should I do? Should I agree now, or leave it for later?' Liu Wu contemplated.

"Father, I'll leave it for the future. But I promise you, until I meet him in person, I won't entertain thoughts about anyone else, especially at Manifest Academy. Once I get to know him and make a decision, I'll inform you. However, if I choose not to marry, please don't pressure me to pick someone else. I value my freedom and prefer to live without the constraints of marriage," Liu Wu conveyed to her father with a resolute expression.

"Alright, as you wish. See you later." Liu Kang responded with a smile, then exited Liu Wu's room.

'Xu Fang, I hope that when I meet you, you do something that makes me not like you,' Liu Wu thought to herself.

Liu Wu had always been firm in her reluctance to tie the knot, and her family respected her choices. Being the only daughter of Liu Kang, she held a special place in the hearts of her father, mother, and three elder brothers. Their love for her was profound, and they took great care to ensure not a single tear fell from her eyes. Consequently, the topic of marriage had been one they had consciously avoided discussing with her.

However, the unusual circumstances surrounding Xu Fang's triple Element approval prompted Liu Kang to bring up the subject with Liu Wu, initiating a conversation about her future and the potential for marriage. This unexpected twist led to a sincere discussion between father and daughter regarding the possible union and how it might impact Liu Wu's life.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, a warm, golden glow embraced the expansive landscape of the Manifest planet. Nestled in the heart of this vast world, Manifest Academy stood tall as a symbol, its spires reaching into the sky like radiant beacons of knowledge.

The academy's grounds unfolded with flourishing gardens, ancient training arenas, and statues celebrating legendary figures from the planet's history. At its core, the Grand Hall rose majestically, its pillars and archways telling stories of the academy's rich history and deep wisdom.

As the evening sky transformed into hues of amber, the grand meeting hall within the academy's central structure exuded a dignified solemnity. The hall, adorned with intricate pillars and otherworldly tapestries, hosted a pivotal gathering. A gleaming table extended across the room, encircled by twenty finely crafted chairs.

Seated in these chairs were the revered Elders of Manifest Academy, individuals of wisdom and experience drawn from various corners of the cultivating world. Gathered for a crucial discussion, the Elders, their robes adorned with symbols of accomplishments, wore expressions conveying both seriousness and purpose.

At the head of the gleaming table, Elder Zi, the acting dean of Manifest Academy, held a position that commanded respect. Her presence exuded authority as she prepared to address the weighty matters on the agenda.

Elder Zi, also known as Zi Yan, possessed a charming face that seemed frozen in her mid-twenties. In this meeting hall, her aura projected a powerful, elegant, yet composed demeanor. Her blue eyes, glinting with an unyielding determination, surveyed the assembly with profound insight. Flowing white hair adorned her slender back, adding to the regal air surrounding her. Zi Yan's striking figure, defined by a well-proportioned physique with E-cup-size breasts, long, beautiful legs, and a slim waist, accentuated her statuesque height of approximately 181cm. Clad in attire that complemented her blue eyes and white hair, she held the position of acting Dean and was also the disciple of the Dean of Manifest Academy.

"Esteemed Elders, we convene today to deliberate on Xu Fang from the Ledal Empire. As you are all aware, news of Xu Fang's triple-element approval has spread rapidly within hours. Upon conveying this information to Master, she instructed me to call for an urgent meeting to gather your suggestions." Elder Zi initiated the discussion, conveying a message from her master, the dean of Manifest Academy.

"Elder Zi, could you please share the suggestions provided by the Dean? We will adhere to her guidance," one of the Elders respectfully inquired.

"Elder Lin, I will share the master's suggestion last, but before that, I am eager to hear your thoughts on this matter." Elder Zi responded to Elder Lin with a serious tone.

"Very well, allow me to begin. In my suggestion, we should send a congratulatory letter to the Xu family, extending an invitation for Xu Fang to join the Academy before he turns 18," Elder Lin proposed with a respectful tone.

"Elder Lin's suggestion holds wisdom, and I echo the same sentiment," added Elder Kang, expressing his agreement with a nod and a tone of respect.

"I concur. If we invest our efforts in training him diligently, Xu Fang could become a formidable force against the Evil Cultivators in the future, especially with the Light Element at his disposal," contributed Elder Song, nodding in agreement with the proposal. The Elders seemed aligned in their support for this course of action.

"That indeed presents an ideal path to secure a peaceful future for the coming generations, especially if we succeed in eradicating the threat posed by Evil Cultivators and organizations," Elder Liu chimed in, expressing hope for potential positive outcomes.

"Does everyone here concur with this suggestion?" Elder Zi inquired of the assembled Elders with a serious tone.

"We are in unanimous agreement," the Elders responded collectively, exchanging approving glances and nodding their heads, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of purpose.

"It brings me great satisfaction to know that our esteemed Master and each one of you share the same vision for a harmonious future," Elder Zi remarked, nodding with contentment at the collective agreement. The Elders united in their decision, and prepared to implement the suggested course of action.

"Then let us proceed accordingly. I will draft the congratulatory letter and include the details of our invitation and special guidance for Xu Fang. We aim to welcome an exceptional cultivator and nurture him into a beacon of hope for the future," Elder Zi concluded with a determined expression. The Elders affirmed their commitment to this shared vision, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Xu Fang within the halls of Manifest Academy.

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