3 Suprise for Alexa

Hoekk..." Alexa couldn't help the nausea that hit her.

Alexa's movement attracted the attention of traditional elders. The traditional elder, later called Suro.

"Who's the girl with you, Suro?

"I am interested in marrying her, being my twentieth wife! He-he…" said the classical elder while baring his teeth which were stained with fresh blood.

"But he's just the spirit of a mortal child who lost Grandpa." replied Suro.

"He-he, it's okay, I will pick him up. And put his body together!"

"Are you assured you need to marry a mortal?"

"Very convincing, Granddaughter. She's the most charming woman I've ever met. He-he…"

"This is it, pretty girl!"

Alexa's heart was broken when she found out that it was she who was summoned by the old elders. He felt it would be better not to follow the elder's calling. However, he remembered Suro's advice.

As if there was a supernatural power, which pulled Alexa to walk to meet the old elders.

"Suro, help me!"

"Sorry, Sis Alexa. You must first adhere to the wishes of the old elders. If you don't obey, your torso will be destroyed!"

While in the human realm,

The medical equipment attached to Alexa's soul has been removed. Alexa's soul has been loaded into the ambulance. Who was ready to go him to the funeral home?

"Alexa, my daughter, huhuhu…" Alexa's mother shouted.

"Patience ma'am, save our child." cheer up Alex

It didn't accept long for Alexa's torso to arrive at the cremation home. After being bathed, dressed, and lying in a coffin, there came a rare boy whose appearance differed from ordinary human children.

A little girl with fangs, with a face as pale as a corpse.

"Uncle, aunt, please don't cremate Sis Alexa's body. She is still alive. Her spirit is now lost in another world. Please!"
