
Desperate Code

Clark was pleased with the child's reaction and looked at the crystal ball in his hand. Come, let me see your talent. I promised your father to teach you, but the prerequisite is that you must have magical talent, otherwise... Duwei lifted his head. "What should I do? "Put your hand on the crystal ball and grip it tightly. Then, try to think of something in your heart, whether it's joy or anger. In short, stir up your emotions in every possible way," Clark replied in a cold tone. "Let me see your talent.

DaoistuNtHJ7 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 20 Unique Path

Outside the dungeon of the castle, Duwei met his first recruited female knight, Jolin. Since arriving at the castle, Jolin had taken the initiative to guard the imprisoned magician.

Jolin's decision stemmed from the fact that the magician had once been their comrade. Though loyal to Duwei, Jolin still felt obligated to their old bonds. Despite the magician being initially attracted by Jolin's beauty and their professional relationship lasting only a few brief days, Jolin dared not defy Duwei's orders by secretly releasing the magician. Instead, she took it upon herself to oversee him, providing what care she could manage, a gesture of loyalty and compassion.

Since their arrival, under Jolin's watchful eye, the magician had at least been well-fed. Though he was not permitted to sleep or meditate, Jolin's two attendants, the burly bull warrior and the archer, took turns guarding him, preventing any chance of him recovering his magical powers.

Duwei felt uncomfortable upon entering the dungeon, disturbed by its damp and eerie atmosphere. However, seeing Jolin dressed as a knight brightened his mood. She, with her alluring face, had made some changes in her appearance, cutting her hair shorter and tying a ribbon around her forehead, which reduced her softness but added a touch of handsomeness.

Especially in her knight's attire, she appeared much more dignified, though she no longer wore the short skirt, and her shapely legs were not exposed. Yet, with a slender sword at her side and the lightweight knight's breastplate, she exuded a certain knightly air.

"Respected master," Jolin greeted as Duwei entered the dungeon, her expression cold. He was not in a good mood and glanced at Jolin. "Have you been here all night?"

Jolin's face showed a hint of embarrassment. "Master, this person inside used to be my comrade. I thought..."

"Begging for mercy?" Duwei shook his head. "There's no need. I don't intend to trouble him. As long as he obediently answers a few questions, I'll release him immediately."

With that, Duwei walked past Jolin, leaving her with a final instruction: "I'll speak with him alone. The rest of you wait outside. No one is to enter without my permission."

The room where the magician was detained was the largest in the castle's dungeon. When Duwei entered, the magician was already pale, his eyes barely able to stay open.

The magician, despite his strong mental fortitude, had expended a considerable amount of energy during a previous journey when he had fought with others in a tavern and used magic. Since being captured, he had not had the opportunity to meditate and replenish his spent energy. Moreover, for the past two days, he had been deprived of sleep. At this moment, he was barely holding on.

Locked in the dungeon overnight, every time he closed his eyes, he was doused with a bucket of cold water. Although Jolin was somewhat polite to him, her two subordinates showed him no mercy.

In the small adventuring party, the burly bull warrior and the archer had always disliked the magician because he had been drawn to Jolin's beauty. Their relationship had been strained from the start.

Now, as he saw the young nobleman enter the dungeon room, the magician felt like he was on the brink of collapse. He wasn't chained; as a magician devoid of magic, he was weaker than an ordinary person. However, the dungeon's dampness and the repeated dousings had left him shivering, lips turning white. When Duwei entered, the magician was sitting on a stone bed, hugging his knees. The bull warrior beside him shouted, "Hey, don't you dare close your eyes! Or I'll douse you again! I've been fetching water all night!"

He stopped as he saw Duwei enter, immediately closing his mouth. Duwei gestured for him to leave, then approached the magician. "How are you, esteemed mage? Everything alright here?"

Alright? Did I look like everything was "alright"? The magician thought to himself, but he put on a pleading expression. "Sir, why must you torment me like this? As a noble of the Roland family, if news spreads of your mistreatment of a magician, your family may find it difficult to make friends with magicians in the future!"

Trying to threaten me?

Duwei sneered. "Oh, really? And what if news spreads that a mere level one mage has mastered Instantaneous Casting? What would be the consequences then?"

The magician paled, a hint of fear in his eyes.


It was simple! If other magicians learned of this, he would become the prey of all the magicians on the continent! Every magician yearned to learn Instantaneous Casting, a top-tier skill! And when a mere level one mage managed to master it... the outcome was obvious, wasn't it?

It was like a three-year-old child carrying billions of dollars without any security measures in place!

"Speak," Duwei smiled. "Actually, I know your so-called Instantaneous Casting isn't genuine. You must have used some underhanded method to achieve it, right? I'm not a magician, and even if you tell me, it won't harm you. I'm just curious."

The magician lowered his head, struggling internally.

"What's there to hesitate about?" Duwei sighed. "You're just a level one mage. Though magicians are rare and respected in this world, that's reserved for those of intermediate rank or higher. As the lowest level mage, even if I were to kill you here or lock you up for life, no one would care. Even the Mage Guild wouldn't risk offending a powerful noble for the sake of a lowly level one mage, right?"

"You..." The magician's gaze finally softened, his mental defenses starting to crumble. He bit his lip and said with difficulty, "If I tell you, you must swear not to tell anyone. Because... it concerns my identity as a magician!"

"Okay, I swear." Duwei immediately raised his hand and made an oath, "I, Duwei Roland, solemnly swear here. Everything you say to me today, I will keep it in my heart and won't divulge it to anyone else. Otherwise, may the Goddess of Light punish me!"

The magician's expression became complicated, a hint of guilt flashing in his eyes. Then, his lips moved hesitantly. "I... actually, I'm just a magic apprentice."

"What?" Duwei was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"I..." The magician seemed to struggle to speak, "I mean, I'm just a magic apprentice. My true magical ability is only at the level of a magic apprentice. My qualification as a level one mage was obtained through some means of deception."

"Deception?" Duwei's interest was piqued!

Deceived into becoming a mage?

According to what Duwei knew, passing the examinations of the Mage Guild wasn't something easily tricked! If mage qualifications could be obtained so easily, wouldn't that be a joke?

"I started learning magic from a young age. My master was a low-level mage. He believed I had talent and took me as his apprentice. I obtained the qualification of a magic apprentice when I was thirteen... It's not difficult." There was bitterness in the magician's tone. "There are only a few hundred true mages on the continent, but there are thousands who hold the qualification of a magic apprentice. Unfortunately, the path to becoming a true mage is incredibly arduous. Most magic apprentices, even if they strive their entire lives, can't pass the first-level examination. They can only remain at the level of magic apprentices. And I... am one of those unfortunate souls."

"Every mage takes on several apprentices. However, mages also understand that not all of these apprentices will become mages themselves, and it's very likely that they won't even produce a single mage disciple in their lifetime. But every mage on the continent still takes on many apprentices. Because... people with the status of a mage are revered and respected. How can someone of such status be without followers? So, every mage has varying numbers of magic apprentices by their side. Most of these apprentices dream of magic, but in reality, only a few can realize that dream. What's most despicable is that many mages, knowing that these magic apprentices have no chance of becoming mages, don't tell them... because mages need obedient apprentices, people to help them with magical experiments, assist them, even act as servants... and they don't even have to spend a single coin on them!"

"That's exactly how it happened to me. When I was thirteen, I met my master. He told me I had talent and then took me away from home, saying he would teach me to become an outstanding mage. Filled with boundless aspirations, I followed him. But... later, I realized it was an impossible dream. My master had over a dozen disciples, each of whom passed the apprentice mage examination. He just used us as free servants, free assistants.

He still deceived us with false lies, but he knew very well that many of us would never become mages in our lifetimes. He knew! But he never said anything!

I spent ten years as a magic apprentice, only to finally realize that I didn't have the talent for it. I did have slightly stronger mental power than the average person from a young age, and I could sense a bit of natural energy... but that was the limit. My talent was limited.

Later, I had no choice but to... study potion-making."


Duwei's eyes lit up!

This guy's experience was quite similar to his own!

Except, Duwei couldn't even pass the examination to become the lowest level magic apprentice... Duwei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In fact, even Duwei himself didn't know that the situation wasn't as he imagined.

Mages were a strange group. Most mages were solitary and proud, viewing themselves as beings above all others. They could command the winds and summon the rains; they could harness the power of gods. The so-called common people were nothing more than ants in the eyes of most mages.

Many of the apprentices taken in by mages had magical talents even inferior to Duwei's! But mages needed followers. Though mages were wealthy, they couldn't simply hire servants like ordinary nobles—what a joke!

As sacred mages, as mysterious mages, their servants naturally had to possess the status of magic apprentices! How could they use ordinary commoners? That would be demeaning!

However, people with magical talents were few and far between. So, most mages, in order to have magic apprentices around them, were willing to lower their standards to recruit them! Those with insufficient talent, even if they were only slightly better than ordinary people, were enticed by the promise of "being taught to become a mage" and taken in by mages.

Afterward... those who actually lacked the talent to become mages would spend their entire lives as cheap labor for their masters!

However, the last time in Yanjing, the examination Duwei went through was conducted according to strict standards! Because... that mage Clark wouldn't dare to deceive the Empire's second-ranking figure, the eldest son of the Roland family!

Exactly because of Duwei's status, Mage Clark wouldn't dare to deceive him and make him cheap labor.

Otherwise, if Duwei were an ordinary person... then that day, Clark would have taken him in long ago due to his extraordinary mental strength!

Even if Clark knew that Duwei didn't have magical talent, he would definitely accept him as an apprentice! Because having an outstanding magic apprentice by his side would make it much easier for him to conduct magical experiments in the future.

In fact, many mages on the continent did just that. If Duwei weren't the son of a count, he would probably have been deceived, dreaming of becoming a mage, serving as cheap labor for mages, or even wasting his life and prospects.

"It was in a very random situation that I learned a fact: my teacher actually knew long ago that I could never become a mage." The captive's voice carried a hint of bitterness. "Even when he took me away from home, he was very clear about this! He just saw my magical talent as decent and thought having a free servant like me around would be convenient for conducting magical experiments in the future. There were many disciples under my teacher who were just like me; some had strong magic, some had good sensitivity. But they all had major flaws and were left by a fabricated dream, wasting their lives by staying by the teacher's side!"

"...And then?" Duwei sighed.

"Just as I said earlier... when I learned the truth, I was angry at first, but later... I decided to change my fate. Since I couldn't learn real magic, I decided to study potion-making." The mage captive sighed. "Because potion-making is also recognized as a form of magic by the Mage Guild. Although... most people find this view ridiculous, and most people don't consider potion-makers to be real mages."

"...And then?" Duwei felt his heart rate starting to accelerate!

Could it be... this guy...

Like himself, he didn't have magical talent! But now he's become a mage! And he was really using magic in the tavern!  

Since he, someone without talent, actually managed to learn magic through some means... then, as long as he could tell how he did it... then maybe, just maybe, he could too!

If he could find a way to learn magic, then...

The astrology left by Saimel in the secret chamber of the castle, the stellar magic that Saimel had researched all his life, wouldn't he be able to learn them?!

"Does mastering potion-making make you a mage?" Duwei looked at the captive. "But from what I know, the qualification exam for the Mage Guild, the examination for potion-makers is completely different from other mages."

On the continent, true mages are divided into ten ranks. Each level of examination becomes much more difficult! So, the higher the level of mage, the stronger their power naturally is.

However, the examination for potion-makers, called "also a form of magic," is much simpler.

In fact, it's so simple that it feels perfunctory!

The examination for potion-makers doesn't have different levels!

Just one level!

As long as you pass the examination, you're a potion-maker! Then the Mage Guild will award you a badge, which symbolizes official recognition as a mage.

Although most people don't acknowledge this kind of recognition.

Even the badges issued by the Mage Guild itself are treated differently!

For potion-makers, they're given a simple copper circular badge, with no intricate craftsmanship... and no magical anti-counterfeiting spells.

Perhaps, even the Mage Guild itself knows that few would be interested in impersonating this profession that few people hold in high regard.

A potion-maker, commonly known as a poisoner, actually has a social status lower than that of an ordinary physician.

And true mages, even at the first level, have a badge made of silver! A first-level mage badge is called a Silver Leaf Badge.

Duwei certainly hasn't forgotten that the day of the fierce battle in the tavern, he seized a genuine Silver Leaf Badge from this mage captive!

So, he didn't pass the examination for potion-makers! He passed the examination for true mages!!

How did he do it?

Learning magic seemed like a shattered dream, but now hope surged anew in Duwei's heart!

"My talent lies in having excellent magical power and a slightly stronger innate mental strength than ordinary people. If it were an ordinary person, it would just manifest as having more vigorous energy and being less prone to fatigue, and so on... But I lack sensitivity. No matter how I meditate, how hard I try, at first, I couldn't sense even the slightest fluctuation of natural energy," the captive explained slowly. "Later, after studying potion-making for ten years, I suddenly had a question... What exactly is the so-called 'natural energy'? My teacher told me, it's everything! It's everything in this world! It's the wind, the fire, the water, even the tiniest bit of it. But this explanation was still too vague. A thought occurred to me... If I could understand what exactly 'natural energy' is, then maybe I still have hope."

Duwei listened quietly, while at the same time, he carefully pondered the captive's words.

"For example, fire-based magic. A mage can use incantations to tap into the fire element in the natural world, and then conjure flames with magic! And in potion-making, there are also a dozen or so methods to create flames using potions! For example, the simplest one..." At this point, the mage captive glanced at Duwei. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Please continue, I can understand," Duwei said with a faint smile. "I've also read some books on potion-making."

"Alright," the mage continued. "In potion-making, there are dozens of methods that can achieve the same basic principle as fire-based magic... creating fire! For example, the most basic method involves grinding a certain type of phosphorus grass into powder, which can then ignite on its own! So I started to think... if phosphorus grass can create fire, and mages' fire-based magic can also create fire, then does phosphorus grass contain magical elements from the natural energy? Or perhaps, is there something in phosphorus grass that represents the element of fire in magic?"

Duwei's mind stirred, as if he also thought of something, but couldn't grasp it immediately.

The mage captive continued, "I discovered something subtle. All magic spells! I mean all of them! Although the power of incantations varies, taking fire-based magic as an example, from the simplest fireball spell to the legendary 'Inferno,' capable of devastating cities, although there's a countless difference in power, the principles are the same! They all involve burning with flames! But... here's the subtle part... everything that each magic school can achieve, potion-making can achieve as well! For example, fire-based magic. Although potion-making can't produce the massive and formidable power of spells like 'Inferno,' the principle of igniting is the same! The same goes for wind-based magic, water-based magic, and so on... Potion-making can achieve everything that each magic school can achieve! Although it can only achieve the simplest basic principles, it can still achieve them! Why is that? Perhaps... I've been thinking, perhaps, the precious raw materials used in potion-making actually contain the 'magical elements' of each magic school! Isn't that so?"

A proud expression appeared on the captive's face. "Since I couldn't extract magical elements from nature through meditation... then, I used the potion-maker's method to extract magical elements from potions!"