

The door closed,

"Happy birthday!" A voice yelled, Summer gasped softly. Summer North— 21-year-old, 5'3 Summer is often referred to as Autumn. She's a porcelain skin tone is white, flawless, and evenly toned. However, her silky skin tends to flourish, and her silky short auburn hair is most commonly described as reddish-brown or dark ginger touched the tip of her shoulders. This made her so beautiful attracting her nickname Autumn, her eyes were deep blue, just the perfect touch, and Summer was blessed with freckles.

She walked into her apartment covered in a white coat and black leather boots. Her hair was covered in a feathered cap, and she had light makeup on but her lips were covered in thick red lipstick. It was the coldest time of the year, Winter.

"Dad!" She groaned, walking past him and her best friend— Jasmine Mendez, who had a small signboard in her hand which read, "Happy birthday love!" In different colours. Jasmine Mendez, best friend. She's about 5'1 and she's a caramel skin tone, she had her caramel balayage hair tied up in a low bun, Her honey-brown eyes shined and her nude lips smiled at Summer.

"Well, tomorrow is your day, and you're home early!" Mr Nathan North— 55, 6'2 had the same skin tone as Summer and his blonde. He turned as his gaze followed her to the kitchen, where she grabbed a cup of water.

"You should celebrate your day, it's a beautiful day," Jasmine said, Nathan nudged her, shaking his head. Summer looked at them and rolled her eyes.

"A beautiful day indeed" she dropped the cup and headed upstairs, "I would be in my room!" She yelled.

Soon after the door closed, Jasmine looked at Nathan, who had his brows raised at her.

"I'm sorry, Sir, I would make it up to you!" She apologized, and he sighed sinking into the couch and holding his head.

"I am not mad, well, please make sure she's fine" He managed a smile.

"You can count on me" she assured, returning a smile.

Jasmine rushed the stairs, heading to Summer's room as soon as she reached she opened the door gently, peeping through it. Summer turned to the sound of the creaking door.

"Can I come in?" Jasmine asked.

"I am not mad" she defended, Jasmine immediately walked in, and she smiled at her, Summer was beautiful, and her smooth skin was something, Jasmine had always admired.

"I'm sorry, anyways," she sat at the edge of the bed, Summer looked back at her and smiled. "Don't smile at me, you are always too harsh at your father" she said, glaring at her.

The door closed, and they looked towards her, it wasn't hers, but the door downstairs. Jasmine looked at her, Summer rolled her eyes yet again.

"Well, his wife is home," she said, Jasmine sank into the soft mattress, sighing.

"I won't be home tomorrow, anyway," She said, Jasmine looked at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked, curiously.

"I have work and I would be leaving town" she lay beside Jasmine and they both stared at the ceiling.

"What about Scott?" Jasmine softly sighed.

"I don't care... I am sick of his ways" she said, Jasmine looked at her, but she didn't stare back.

"Too bad, you guys looked so good together," Jasmine said.

"Not everyone is meant to be together, I think this new work in the city is for the best," She turned to her and their eyes met, Jasmine smiled.

"You're only running"

"Exactly, sometimes you've to run" She replied, a wide smile graced Jasmine's nude lips, and a small laugh escaped Summer's lips.

A knock at the door interrupted, Jasmine quickly yelled, "Yes!"

The door opened and Mrs Valerie walked in, she had a faint smile on her lips, and Jasmine waved to her.

"Hi, Mrs North?" Her wide eyes stared into hers, Mrs Valerie North— Summer's stepmother, she's 5'4 and dark-skinned, Mrs Valerie had beautiful long curled dark hair.

"Hi, Jasmine" she replied, her gaze fell to Summer who glanced at the ceiling without a word. "Hey, Summer?" She softly called, and summer ignored her.

"Is something wrong, Mrs North?" Jasmine asked, She managed a smile and nodded.

"Nothing really, you should have dinner before you leave," she said. Jasmine nodded.

"Sure, I would" She replied.

"Alright, see you in a bit," Mrs North said, closing the door after her.

"You're so harsh!" Jasmine said, Summer got up from the bed and headed out. "Where are you going?" She yelled, following her.

"Dinner," she said, Jasmine grabbed her cell phone from the table, closing the door after her.

Mrs North dropped a bowl of rice at the centre of the table with a smile on her lips, "I'm glad you came to join us" she said nervously.

Summer blinked, and managed a smile, Jasmine shook her head.

"We should do this more often," Nathan said, Summer looked at him, and inhaled.

"I-" she started, Jasmine nudged her, if she was going to break the news, couldn't be now at least, this was the first time she was joining them for dinner in the past fifteen years. "I am leaving town" She spat.

Jasmine's face fell, and Mrs Valerie dropped her spoon, there was a bit of awkward silence, Jasmine looked at Mr and Mrs North, speechlessly but she didn't stop and continued.

"My manager asked me to move to the new branch opened in ...." She tightened her lips, with her head lowered.

"When are you leaving?" Nathan found the courage to ask, Summer looked at him, sadness filled his blue eyes.

"Tomorrow," she said, he breathed, looking at Valerie her gaze met him and she swallowed deeply, a smile tugged her lips, but her sad eyes were unhidden.

"Why don't we talk about that later?" She asked, trying to lift the mood.

"When did you plan this?" Nathan asked, Summer looked at her father and for the first time in ten years his eyes were the saddest.

She could either worsen it by saying the truth or lying. "Yesterday, it was so soon" she lied.

Nathan nodded, and took the bowl of rice, pouring some into her plate, Jasmine and Valerie stared speechlessly.

"You should eat up," he said, Summer nodded.

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