
chapter Fifteen

"Well little man, we're all here"Malik said and slouched in his seat. Audrey sat between Alex and his sister on the dining table as usual, while everyone waited to hear what he had to say.

"I could just say the important parts, but the whole story might be more useful to you guys"he said and looked at them. "Then tell us everything Audrey",




I looked around for where the voice came from, it wasn't Eve's that's for sure. I stood still and could suddenly make out the sound of feet running in my direction...but I didn't get out if the way in time.



"Get off me, now"


He got off me and I got a closer look at him. "Bruce?", "Hi Audrey, uhm, sorry I crashed into you...I was looking for you everywhere"he said with his eyes glued to the floor. "Well you found me"I told him as I got up. "Uhm yeah, the guys and I were saying we should meet up after lunch, we have free period and Eve would kill us if we made you sit with us today, she hasn't been looking happy lately"Bruce said thoughtfully. "Trust me, it's not because of me she's been upset".

We walked to class together, the other three were hanging around my seat... The one that's always behind Eve.

"Good mornin Price"said Terry who was sitting on my desk. "Morning guys... uhmm... Eve's not here?"I asked and looked around the class. "Yeah, no one's seen her yet, we thought she might show up with you"said Conner, "Well this is strange, the cutie always shows up early"Kevin added. I looked at her empty seat... "I think she'll be here soon, if my guess is right, this has something to do with her sister"I told them and took my seat.

"Alright.... Enough about Eve, how's that pretty sister of yours?, Gosh she's so pretty"Terry mused and sighed dramatically. "Yeah, I hope her fever's down now"Bruce said looking just as awestruck or even lovesick, as the others. "You're all hopeless"I said.

After the day I met them, Donna insisted she walked me to the bus, so I forced my driver to park in front of our apartment complex. They saw her from the window and instantly started drooling, I know she gets all cute and cuddly when she's sick and looks puppy cute, but that doesn't mean I'd allow a bunch of lovestruck 10year olds anywhere near her.

We talked a bit before class started. Eve didn't show up. This actually kinda had me a little worried, also because she'd get all pissy if I didn't worry.

One period to lunch time, the door swung open, drawing everyone's attention.

Eve walked in wear a shiny blue dress and white shoes, her hair was held up to the side with a white and blue ribbon. She looked slighted caked too. She held her backpack shyly and walked in.

"M-Mrs H-Heart, I-i'm sorry I'm late. They wouldn't let me leave"she started nearly bursting into tears. She looked outside if anyone was coming, then rushed to our teacher. "Mrs. Heart please, when they get here, tell them we have a test worth uhmmm, 80% of our grade so I have to be here right now, pleeeeease, don't let those meanies take me back, please!, You could give me an entire week worth, I'll do it right now!"she begged.

Now this had me interested.

"Who are these meanies Eve?"asked Mrs. Heart, "My sister and her stupid boyfriend, but mostly the stupid boyfriend, they've been making me go everywhere with them and all I want to do is strangle the man, I hate him and he's pretending to be so sweet and fluffy but I don't trust him! He's evil Mrs. Heart, pure evil!, And I don't want to have anything to do with that monster! Please!"

"I'm assuming Eve's telling you about me now, isn't she?".

We all whipped our heads to the door, where a much bigger Eve was hanging on the arm of a very familiar man. Blonde hair, slender body, brown eyes, long chin...where have I seen this before...

"P-Patrick Rusoe?!"Mrs. Heart exclaimed.

Oh yeah, business boy, the one the gang is supposed to go after next but.... wait... he's the boyfriend she'd been talking about?!

I stared at Eve's older sister, or as  Maurie might call her, Patrick's new plaything. "Evie!" Her sister yelled but Patrick rubbed her hand and kissed it. "No need to admonish her Cara-" because you know it's all true sister killer... " She just doesn't like me yet, she'll warm up to me eventually" he told her.  "Please, that'll only happen in your worst nightmare... or your funeral"Eve said matter of factly.

"Eve you're being rude!"Mrs. Heart scolded. Eve seemed to have flipped a switch on her lovely personality.... "Listen Mrs. Heart, you had better not even think of accepting whatever stupid bribe that jerk tries to give you for my absence in class today, cause I'll sue you for every dime of it and more"Eve said with venom and promise laced in her words. Patrick sighed "Come on Evie, let's meet in the middle somehow, I want us to be friends"he said and knelt on one knee in front of her. "If not for my sake, then for Cara's, please Evie?".


I blinked, Patrick's eyes went wide. Eve slapped him hard on his left cheek, who ever knew she had a fire in her. Patrick ground his teeth and looked back up at her. She stared into his eyes head on, "Evie how dare you!"Cara yelled and made a move to walk towards Eve but, Patrick raised a hand to stop her.

"You know what the old book says Evie, if one strikes you on one cheek, turn the other so they could-"


"Strike...you... again"he grumbled. Eve glared at him, "Don't you ever tell me what to do for my sister, everything I'm doing is for her, even if I have to be a cold hearted bitch to prove it. And I never said you could call me Evie, only my family calls me that, and you're not and will never be part it, so it's Miss Watson to you"she said hatefully.

"I see I can't make any progress with you today Miss Watson, but you will be showing up tomorrow Evening with the friend you're choosing, and I'd like to know the lovely gentleman you'd be choosing to keep you sane and off edge" Patrick said.  Suddenly, I felt alot of eyes on me as I watched Eve's expression change from angry to embarrassed. She blushed, the way she always did with....me.


"Uhm, it's Audrey Price"she said, ofcourse it's me, doesn't she just love sticking my nose in her business?.  "Okay...and where is this Audrey Price?"he asked, I stood up and stared at him. "Well he seems like a gentle fellow"he said with a smile. My entire class burst into laughter, Even Eve was giggling which got he and Cara to look at me funny.

"What's all this about?, Why involve me in a perfectly good show?"I asked him seriously. "Don't you think it's respectful to properly introduce yourself kid?"Patrick said in annoyance, I smirked. "You really think she'd invite me if I were anything near nice or respectful? Out with it buster, you're interupting our class anyway"I told him and crossed my arms. Cara facepalmed and Eve smiled happily, I knew this had to be what she wanted.

"Well, you're going to be Evie's-", "She said to call her Miss Watson"I interupted,"-right... you're going to be Miss Watson's plus one to the opening event tomorrow night at my new restaurant, this is your invitation, the address and everything is in it"he said. I walked over to him as he reached into his jacket to retrieve the envelope, once it was out, I snatched it from his hands and opened it. "Alright blondie, I've heard you now get out, Eve has class now, and except your enrolled here, you're not invited"I said and pulled Eve away from him. "Slow down kid, Ev- Miss Watson and I haven't finished our discussion yet, we still have places I want to take her"he said and grabbed hold of Eve's free and hand. Like a good girl, she bit him. "She's not interested blondie, so step away from the girl and get your skinny butt out of my class"I said while Eve wrapped her arms around me, normally I don't approve of the invasion of my personal space but I let it slide this time.

"In that case, I want to talk with you, outside, alone"Patrick said with a raised brow and stepped away from Eve. "Don't do it! He's an evil lying idiot Audrey!"Eve cried and looked up at me with puppy eyes... I smirked at her, "all the more reason you should trust me"I said and turned to him, "After you blondie"I said, he groaned and walk out the door without glancing at Cara. "It's nice to meet you Miss Watson, Eve's told us a lot about you, good things anyway... with the exception of that. I should inform you however, if your second name isn't Danielle Gavin, then you're not the new love interest he took on his private jet to Brazil for a romantic getaway, that was about three days ago I think. And if you do get to go there, know you're like the 46th or so. Trust me, I know a great journalist. Now, if you'd excuse me Miss, I don't want to keep the sleeze waiting"I said and walked past her.

I walked out and saw Patrick on the phone "Yes, I want the invite sent to polka, they'll have to show up...what?...I don't care who gets in the crossfire, it'll just be collateral damage....I don't care how it works, I want them coming anyway....you will do as I say or Cage will deal with you personally!"he whisper-yelled.

"You're going to report a guy to your daddy? some boss you are".

He slowly turned to face me, I smirked at him "how much of that did you hear kid"he said sounding vicious, I waved him off still smirking "Just enough to know how big a wuss you are. This Cage person must be your knight in shining armor, that's pathetic. Anyway, you had something you wanted to talk to me about?"I asked and leaned against the wall beside him. He scowled at me, then soon enough calmed himself.

"I want you to convince Eve I'm not such a bad person, I'll pay you anything for it"he said and took out 20bucks and shoved it in my pocket. I looked at him curiously "You must really think all kids are as stupid as you. If you even wanted me to so much as mention your name to her, you'd start with 5 times that amount"I said and took out the money, it was all old and crumpled. I threw it back at his shocked face.

" If you're going to bribe me, I suggest you do it with clean fresh wads, like a proper business transaction" I said and folded my arms. "Who are you?"he asked, I ignored it, "However for 30 mint bucks and some information, I'm willing to offer a portion my assistance"I bargained. "And why should I just trust you?"Patrick asked sounding very much impatient. "Well, I'm supposedly an innocent kid and you're obviously aware I'm the only one Eve's going to listen to anyway"I replied.

Grudgingly, he took out his wallet and took out the minty fresh wad of cash as requested, "Well, what do you want to know"he asked. " I know you don't give a damn about Miss Cara Watson, so what's the deal here? The truth Mr. Rusoe"I asked seriously.

"You're unnecessarily perceptive-", or you're just dumb, "but fine, since you actually acknowledge my name, I'll tell you, but in exchange you must help me with Miss Evelyn Watson", "that's the arrangement".

"The Watson's own a vast vineyard in the country side,where they also have a winery. It's been quite popular at the clubs and 5star restaurants around the country, it's even started branching out. But, in order to ensure it remains a Watson heirloom, the old man made sure all members of the Watson house would have to sign a contract for partnering or buying off the land and label. Clearly I want the company, my choices were either to marry Cara or get the signatures. As you may have already noticed, the Watson's are all airheaded. I've managed to secure all of their signatures with promises of profit gain. Well all except Evie's-".

"She said to call her M-"

"Miss Watson I know, she's the only one holding out on me, and if she doesn't sign it, all the signatures are pointless. So this is where I need you. I will pay you a thousand of dollars immediately she signs it. I need you to make her warm up to me. Starting by making her willingly come to the event"he finished. I grinned.

"It's was nice doing business with you sir. And regarding my assistance, let's start with this. Don't underestimate me just cause I'm a kid, you should be alot more observant of your surroundings"I said and walked back into my class through the open door.

Eve stared at me with the biggest smile ever. "And that's why you don't mess with the boss" Kevin said with a wide grin on his face. Eve hugged me and turned us to face her sister, "believe me now my sweet sweet sister"she cooed.

Patrick walked in but Cara ran out immediately. He groaned, "Audrey!", "That's Mr. Price to you"I said smirking at him. "Honestly kid, I'll make you pay for this!"he growled, "It's a shame you believe that, now shoo, you've overstayed your welcome, besides, shouldn't be going after a certain blondie, blondie?"I said, he mumbled some incoherent curses and ran off.  "See you at the party!!!" Eve yelled after him, "Excited for the party now?"I asked. "Yes! Thank you Audrey!"she yelled and hugged me, "No need for that missy, just holding up my end of the bargain, now.-"

The bell rang.

"Who's hungry?"I asked and waved wad of cash, with a sly grin on my face.

Mrs. Heart however just sat in her seat dumbfounded, probably going over what just happened in her head, I should buy her an apple sometime, that's what you give teacher's right? Or was that witches?

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