1 Desire:Greed

At the beginning of the hyper verse with many layers beings of great power created and others destroyed.

Realizing their opposing ideals they started preparing for war. They created beings as proxy's to fight for this small dimension, reality or universe whatever you want to call it.

The being of light created many wonderful creations such as humans,beasts,elves:etc.

While the being of darkness created only two races the dragons and the demons.

As these races fought for control they realized what the great beings had not the universe would collapse. They were so blinded by their desire for control that they had blinded themselves to the destruction they had caused.

So in a attempt to stop the war a group of the strongest beast,humans,elves,demon hybrids, and dragons came together and led their races to fight the beings of light and darkness.

Utilizing the strength and smarts of their races they made ground against the beings and finally after 1,000 years of non-stop war they managed to seal away the Great Beings.

At the cost of 99.9% of all life as the last being stood there surrounded by quadrillions of dead bodies some of which even while being dead still warped reality around them. The being finally realized it was all in vain a game of the beings above these mere gods that don't even reach the boundary of low elder gods.

At the final moment before her vision faded to black she muttered one last sentence [ Thank you for the help I will give you a name how about Lucifer buy rebirth].
